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Posts posted by greenwizard

  1. I know. Some people just love to be right. And those same people will continue to hound and harass you long after you just wanted to drop it.

    The old saying 'It takes more strength to walk away then to fight' is absolutely true. I decided I had enough and I walked away. This person isn't puting down her guns though even after I have made it very clear I don't want to get into it anymore. You would think after I blocked her on my yim she would've gotten the hint. But no.... I'm being accused of running away. So be it.

    As I said, I forgive her. She knows not what she does. I'm usually a bit more careful about who I open up to. Apparently my instincts were off on this one. I guess no one is perfect. I guess I was desperate for friendship. But friendship with the condition of being tested and passing their little test is no friendship. A true friend likes you for who you are, regardless of how crazy you seem to them. I've got some friends that think I'm a real nut job. But they still hang out with me. They don't tell me I'm wrong.

    Oh well... I'm secure in the fact that I'm being the bigger person in the long run. I bitched, but that was because I was angry and needed an outlet. I've found that when I don't release at least a little of the pressure in a benign way I tend do something I regret later.

  2. Ok... first off, everyone should show other people at least a certain amount of respect unless they do something to deserve it. And poking an angry bear isn't smart.

    But anyway, I've been through the stages of rage. I've forgiven the person that pissed me off. I can't fault a person for doing something when they don't know any better. I'm not perfect so I have no right to judge. So know I'm going to go celebrate slowly becoming a better person.

  3. Wasn't talking about you.... I'm not naming names for a reason. I want it over and done with. Now I just called a fucking liar! The only thing I did wrong was decide I could trust someone out of desperation and lonliness. But you know what... I'll just be lonely. It's better than this shit. Let me make this very clear for the one I am talking about. I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK IF YOU BELIEVE ME OR NOT!!!!!!!! I just wanted a mature discussion. I am pissed off and I am bitching to get it out of my system so I don't do something I will regret. I have no reason to lie about my beliefs because I never once asked for attention or praise. I told one person because I am lonely... Believe me or not... I really never cared. I just don't care for being insulted. And yes, being lectured about why I am wrong when I never asked said person to believe me is VERY disrespectful. Calling me a liar is just downright fucking rude. I said my peace and I just wanted left alone but no...

    This rant was brought to you by me wanting to kill something....

  4. I have something to get off my chest because I am completely fucking fuming. If you're going to ask me a question or get into a debate with me, don't fucking disrespect me! I don't disrespect anyone unless they are an asshole to me first.

    If I tell you my theory on something, don't laugh at me. Don't prroceed to tell me I'm wrong in one long post using science and history books that were written by people who weren't even there. My religious beliefs are sacred to me. I don't impose them on anyone. If someone is curious, I will talk about them, but don't call me crazy. I won't call you crazy. If you think I make sense and want to share my beliefs, fine. If you don't, that's fine too. But don't go and pick me apart.

    Seriously, only come to me to talk if you really are opened minded, and not just looking for someone to put down to boost your superiority complex. When will people learn it's a bad idea to piss me off....?

  5. I don't even remember where I heard this, but some specialist asomewhere did some sex study. He decided that three minutes was the perfect amount of time for sex to last.

    First off, three minutes doesn't sound like a very long time. I can't imagine anyone being happy with that, especially not a woman. And secondly, how can one amount of time be perfect for everyone? Each individual has their own preferences. I myself think the perfect amount of time is twenty minutes (not counting foreplay mind you).

  6. I have small stupid compulsions that drive me crazy at times, but don't affect my life all that much. For one, I am a list maker. A lot of people use lists as a productive tool. I just do it. I got a baby name book and made lists of names I liked over and over. I had a certain way I did it too. It had to be done that way. Then I started going through catalogues to make lists of what I wanted to buy and writing down the price. I'd pretend like I was actually going to buy them, then I would add it all up.

    The way this affected me the most was in math class when we did word problems. The teacher wanted us to write an equation and solve the problem. Me... oh no... my brain doesn't work that way. I had to draw little diagrams and lists and do it the hard way. It could take me up to 20 mins per word problem! And even though I'd get the right answer, the teacher would mark it wrong because I didn't solve it the way he or she wanted. It frustrated me to no end.

    I also like to organize. I like incense, and I'll order like 15 packs at a time from my favorite site. I will arrange them in alphabetical order, and use them in that order. I want to scream when my boyfriend will just randomly pick up a pack and take a stick. I eventually had to learn to let it go. But I can't let it go if he messes up the order. He'll mix them up and pin me to the bed so I can't go fix it. He actually had me in tears one night.

    Oh, and I made a list for that too. I wrote down all the scents I want to get and I arranged them in a special way and I will but them in that order.

    I don't pull hair, but I knew someone who did. A girl that was in my class would pull her hair when the other kids teased her. She started in the first grade. They'd tease her just to get her to pull her hair. She stopped around the 4th or 5th grade, so I guess her parents took her to someone that helped her.

    She still had other symptoms such as she ate the same thing for lunch every day in the same order. She didn't like to try anything new either.

  7. I agree that parties are bad. When the country was first founded, George Washington warned against forming parties. People did it anyway. And ever since then it has been the Democrats vs. the Republicans. Both sides are so busy fighting with each other and trying to make themselves the party in control that they loose sight of what is best for the country.

    As far as politicians being bad people... Yeah, they are all sneaky, underhanded liars. Anyone see the movie Evan Almighty? It actually paints a fairly accurate picture. A man wanting to make a difference gets elected. Said man gets noticed by a fellow politician in a fairly high place of power. Feeling flattered and wanting to keep afloat he clings to this powerful man. Though then he finds out that in order to stay in this other man's good graces, he has to help him get something passed that would screw the country.

    Now in reality God doesn't intervine with a flood, but the rest of it hits the nail on the head. In order to get anything done you have to make deals with others. Everyone is a self centered asshole that only cares about their own agenda.

  8. I was raised around guns. I was taught gun safety at an early age. One of my uncles used to take me bird hunting with him and he even taught me how to load a gun. Not being stupid.... I listened to him and didn't go running out in front of him with a loaded rifle. I saw first hand what a bullet could do to a pheasant, and I wasn't inclined to believe that I was somehow invincable and the bullet wouldn't do the same to me.

    I'm not a big fan of guns, but I agree with PorkChop. Making guns illegal only ensures that law abiding citizens won't have them. Criminals will just get them illegally. Seriously, what do they care if they break one more law???

    I can see it now.... Someone doesn't know what to do because he wants to murder six people, but he can't buy a gun because it's illegal and he doesn't want to break the law...

  9. My name comes from the first video game I was ever addicted to; Gauntlet Legends. I used to sit and play that game for 10 hrs a day. For those not familiar... you choose a class and then a color for your character. What was the first character I ever made... Um... a green wizard. Every time I turned it on a loud voice would boom out, "Welcome green wizard!"

  10. Generally, when doing a sex change, they will take the vagina and turn it inside out (or the opposite from man to woman). You can tell I watch too many daytime talkshows... I also saw a thing about it on my other TV addiction, the Discovery channel. Anyway, I saw this couple on one of these talkshows. He/she never had any surgery. He was just taking hormones, which he said made him grow a tiny penis. (Never heard of that happening before but ok).

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