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Posts posted by greenwizard

  1. #5

    Severus Snape is Harry's mother. Snape knows this secret, but only he, James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus knew, and were all sworn to secrecy. Snape gave up Harry because since he was working as a spy, for one that info getting out would've gotten him killed, and two, Harry was better off with James and Lily.

    After Voldemort was defeated Snape was heartbroken that Dumbledore hid Harry somewhere and always thought about him. When Harry comes to Hogwarts Snape has mixed feelings. Part of him wants to tell Harry, but because strange things are happening he doesn't feel that it's safe. He continues to hound Harry and stuff to keep his distance so know one will suspect anything, but it really hurts him to have to do it.

    When Harry is trying to learn Occlumency, instead of seeing Snape being tortured, he sees the memory of the night Harry was born. Of course this changes everything. Harry also gets to know Draco a little better and romance blossoms.

  2. I've been in the mood for a good Snarry rp. I'll play either, but prefer to

    play Harry. I like lots of twists and angst. I prefer to do it over im, but I

    could be convinced to do email too.

    Idea #1 The Order comes across some information that Harry might not be as safe

    as they thought he was. Dumbledore decides to send his most trusted man, Snape,

    to retrieve Harry and bring him back to Hogwarts to spend the summer guarding

    him. Naturally things don't go so well between them. One night Snape has a few

    too many drinks thinking about all the abuse and teasing from James, and he

    rapes Harry.

    Harry of course is horrified and refuses to go anywhere near him again. But

    then they learn Harry is pregnant with Snape's baby.

    Idea #2 Harry is badly injured when he attempts to escape from Malfoy Manor.

    He passes out and wakes up in a cabin in the woods. He learns Snape was his

    rescuer. I'd like to have mpreg in this one too, but it's not a must.

    I'm open to other ideas too. I have very few limits so bring it on. I would

    very much like to make this long term too. I like mpreg, and I like characters to remain as cannon as possible under the circumstances.

  3. I'm a little bit on the fence about abortion. I don't think a woman should be allowed to be an irresponsible slut and not face the consequences. However, that is only my opinion. I don't see any reason why I should have any say in what a woman does with her body.

    Also, in the case of this girl, abortion was definitely the right thing. The rape in itself was traumatic enough, and then there's the fact that it was so dangerous. One would've been bad enough, but twins almost certainly would've killed her. While I don't like the idea of abortion I do agree that if a woman's life would be in danger, or say the baby has a disease or is deformed or something, then the mother has every right to choose. I don't find it very Christian like to tell a 9 year old girl that the lives of her rapist's unborn children are more important than hers.

    I've also had quite a bit of experience with hardcore Christians. Listening to one makes my head hurt.

  4. Lots of good advice in this thread. The only thing I can add is find a good beta. They're hard to find I know, but I seem to have hit the jackpot :) You need one that will tell you if something doesn't work.

    And of course, don't write sex for the sake of sex. I recently read one HP story where Harry was in the Hospital Wing and he and Draco went at it soon after he woke up. I mean the rest of the story was good, but that just didn't fit. I think someone else mentioned that.

  5. Two weeks isn't that long. Now I have a few fics bookmarked because I really liked them, but it's been months since they've been updated. It's probably a personal preference, but I'd wait a month before I gave up on a story, depending on how much I liked it.

  6. I usually have at least a general idea where I'm going with a story. I do sometimes get new ideas in the middle of it. Like I just did a chapter and wasn't planning on having two of the characters kiss yet, but it ended up happening. When I write my fingers develop a mind of their own.

  7. I think people today have a sense of self entitlement. People do suck... There's a thread on here somewhere about dealing with people while working in sales. That about sums it up. People want what they want when they want it. Living in an age of instant gratification doesn't help the issue either.

    I myself have gone 4 or 5 months without updating a few times because of hard times. Some days it just seems like the world hates you. And try living with a mental illness. It fucks with your moods like you wouldn't believe.

    Fortunately I haven't had the displeasure of dealing with demanding readers. Usually they just get happy when I do update. Though I do have a Snarry fic I haven't updated in forever because the inspiration just isn't there, and people keep asking me to update. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't just slap words down onto a page. I put quite a lot of energy into my writig, then I send it to a beta, who is also a person with a life.

  8. Speaking of abusive reviews, one thing everyone should keep in mind is if someone leaves you flame "reviews" for one of your stories on our archive then please report it, because they're not tolerated here and will be dealt with. Make sure you don't delete the flame first, though; leave it there for the mod's to see and archive. :lurk:

    Would have, but the little piss ant wasn't logged in. I didn't know whether or not something could still be done.

  9. I used to review... But then a pissy fangirl decided she didn't like what I wrote and decided I was flaming the author. Not only did she attack me on the review board for that story, but she went to one of MY stories to copy and paste her attack to make sure I saw it. That pissed me off to the point of never wanting to review again. I've had people attack my stories, jump down my throat because it wasn't cannon and so on and so forth. It stung a little, but if it was just trash I deleted it and went on with my day. This bitch left a message on my review board that had nothing to do with my story, she just had to attack me.

    But enough ranting... It seems like all people want is to hear that their story is the best thing since sliced bread, and if you have anything negative to say then you're flaming. It seems that if you are an author and you give an honest opinion on another's story you risk opening yourself up to trolling and flaming if someone doesn't like what you say. It's sad really.

  10. What I see most of the time is lots of arguing. The more users the worse it gets. True, most people are drawn to any given forum or group by a specific thing, but that's where the similarities stop. More often than not someone will state an opinion that rattles someone else's feathers and they'll get their clique to verbally bash said offender. It turns into classic mob mentality.

  11. the internet has given millions of people a voice that they never would have had in times past. because of that, people think their opinions matter to other people. in the real world, few people associate heavily with those of vastly different opinions and hang out with mostly like minded people. this happens on the internet too, forums are started and if there is no official line of thinking stated, one soon develops.

    the difference is in person, most people are conditioned to either respect the opinion of another or leave the situation semi-gracefully. on the internet, everyone develops a severe case of asperger's syndrome and any contrary view is taken as a direct attack then shouted down.

    If there's always an official line of thinking in a forum then how do you explain this one? While we are all either writers or readers of fan fiction, this place is a mix of different people with differing opinions. The only opinion that seems to be shared here is that we all have the right to write what floats our boat, and that isn't even shared by everyone

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