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Everything posted by greenwizard

  1. I don't have heat... I took so long to order some because I don't have any money. We ran out totally yesterday, and we had to bite the bullet. I ordered 100 gal from the only place around here that sells such a small ammount. But here's the kicker.... Because it's such a small amount they won't make a trip out. They'll deliver when they're in the area for someone else. So I have to wait until someone else in the neighborhood orders some... I am very cold. We have every blanket in the house out as well as an electric space heater. I have decide between keeping the livingroom warm overnight so the fish and rat don't freeze, or keeping my bedroom warm. I think I forgot what being warm feels like. Depressed is an understatement to what I'm feeling now. I'm trying to think of reasons why I shouldn't just turn the heater off and freeze to death. I'm not coming up with any.
  2. I think no matter what, reviews that are just plain negative sting a little. I got a reviewer who first posted that she was enjoying the story. Then later on she posted that it was starting to suck, and she was only reading it still to see what happens..... Ok, telling me my writing sucks hurt a little. And she didn't even tell me where I was starting to go wrong. But it did leave me to come to the conclusion that the quality of my writting was indeed going downhill. I was trying to update too fast to please the readers that liked it, and therefore I was forcing stuff to come out. So I took a little break and moved on. When I leave a review I try to be helpful. I'll say something like 'I really enjoyed your story', or 'Your story lines are interesting and you show a lot of promise as a writer'. But after that I'll point out what they need to improve on. The only flat out negative review I've ever left was on a story where I really liked the plot, but the spelling and grammar was so bad I couldn't read it.
  3. Now that we've bitched about Comcast (and trust me that bitch could go on forever), let's move on to Verizon. You see, I have a cordless phone and wireless internet. The two occasionally conflicted, but the most that happened was my internet went down until I got off the phone. It was a little annoying, and could usually be prevented by going into another room while I was on the phone. A few days ago my phone just went haywire. Not only did my net go off everytime the phone rang, but when I picked it up all I could hear was static. I couldn't call out either. Now here is where customer service comes in.... I called Verizon's tech support number to see if it was anything to do with their service. Instead of connecting me to an actual person the automated system asked me a bunch of questions and did an automated line test. It decided the line itself was ok. Did it connect me to a real live person then to figure out what my problem was....? Oh hell no. It said a tech may need to come to my home. It also said that there would be a $91 fee for the tech to show up on my property Oh and that was just the start of it. They would charge yet another $91 fee for every 30 mins the tech was there!!!! What the fuck is that?! If I'm having trouble with a phone line that I'm paying for shouldn't they like fix it? I'm starting to think that Comcast isn't so bad cuz they only charge a $35 fee for a trouble call. So I went and bought a cheap phone with a cord. Problem solved. But I'm starting to wish that there was another local phone company so I could switch.
  4. Hmm... interesting thought. I never got into Star Wars, so I wouldn't know. I'm not going to say it isn't possible. I do remember someone claiming they were the original writer and she stole it. I can believe that too. The first book was really good. It all went downhilll after that. Difference in quality is one of the indicators of plaguerism. Though I myself have had the quality of my writing decline when I tried to force it. I won't make that mistake again.
  5. Yeah, there were lots of gaping holes in the last one. There are holes through the whole series, but I won't go into all of them. The death that made me go WTF was Dobby. She wtote in the 4th book I think it was that house elves were extremely powerful creatures that just happened to be enslaved. And Dobby was killed with a knife... A KINFE!!! How do you kill a powerful creature with a knife!? *screams* And in the end the house elves came out to fight with kitchen knives... Give me a fucking break! And that whole thing about the unbeatable wand being Draco's... I could drive a bus through that hole. Draco didn't kill Dumbledore. All he did at the end of the 6th book was stand there and cry. So how exactly did he defeat Dumbledore again? The wand shouldn't have even belonged to Snape because the whole thing was planned. Oh, and the best part was Harry killing Voldemort. He used a disarming spell.... Voldemort was at the castle with lots of Death Eaters trying to kill them all... and he tried to disarm him! I know that was supposed to be his signature move... which also makes absolutely no sense... but when someone is trying to kill you don't you try to kill them back? Was Voldemort suppose to get down on his knees and beg for mercy when he lost his wand? Yes, I know I'm ranting. But the whole way through the series it seemed to me that she was just pulling stuff out of her ass. And then at the last book she went 'Oh shit, I need to tie up all my loose ends'. So she just took all of her loose ends and randomly stuck them together with glue. I love the story line, but it's full of holes. I really do hope she enjoys all of her millions because she is never going to sell another book ever again. Maybe this whole lawsuit buisness is her way of drumming up drama to keep her books popular. And she released statements saying she knew fans were going to be pissed at her, so why did she do it? I think she's an unstable whacko.
  6. I'm not a big JKR fan at the moment... The seventh book was.... I don't even think there's a word to describe it. I agree that things couldn't end all happy, but to me it felt like she was getting off on killling off almost everyone. From another author's viewpoint some of those deaths were just pointless and stupid. I won't say any more in case someone out there hasn't read it yet... but one of them had me going WTF. Her writing started out good and then went to crap. Personally, I think she's just gotten greedy. Soon we won't even be able to write fanfiction even though we don't profit from it. It's sad to see people fight over money.
  7. This is a cool idea. I have 2 chapters of a Harry Potter story. It is slash, so reader be warned. But it isn't just pointless sex. It has plenty of plot. As far as what I will read, I like Harry Potter and orignal. Slash has always been my preference, but I don't mind het. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600015072
  8. Yeah, that's basically what I was saying, but in a more tactful way. Sorry to anyone who took offense, but I'm naturally blunt. I agree that society has decayed a lot. There are movies and TV shows out there that make me want to find a nice hole to hide in. Seeing violence and sex all the time in the media makes people think that it's no big deal. People do sometimes get ideas from seeing some of this stuff. I'm not arguing any of that. But what you're trying to do is blame the media totally, (in this case fics that feature pedophile erotica) and you're attacking it. Seriously, in this modern world personal responsibilty has completely gone out the window. We blame everyone and everything but ourselves for our personal faults. By eliminating all those things that Rosemarius listed would only be punishing those of us who didn't do anything wrong. Grown men who have it in their heads to molest little girls would still do so. If you study history, these things have been going on since before written word even existed. Hell, up until about 50 years ago, it wasn't all that uncommon for 30 year old men to marry 13 year old girls. That practice only stopped because doctors discovered that it wasn't good for a girl that young to get pregnant. It wasn't because anyone thought it was morally wrong. That kind of thinking only started with the women's rights movement. So men have been having sex with young boys and girls for thousands of years. How can you blame something on a piece of fiction before writing fiction even existed? I really wish people would do their research before they stand up on soap boxes. I've been fighting with people that have that kind of thinking longer than I really want to think about. I can remember when people thought homosexuality was a disease.... I used to have fun pinning jocks up against the wall and licking them .
  9. I write slash because it's what I know. I have no problem with het. I've dated a few girls, and I own some het porn. But I can't write women to save my life. I've tried in role play. The man I was writing with tweaked out on me because I guess he thought I was a woman when we started. It was quickly obvious that I wasn't, and he threw a fit. I think he was one of those people who just wanted to write smut and get off on it. Those people annoy me.
  10. I know the feeling.... I sit and wonder what this world is coming to on a daily basis. I'm starting to think that I'm the only person on the face of the planet with old fasioned views about sex. Everyone is digging themselves into a hole and using booze, drugs, and sex to forget about how much they've screwed themselves. And when they're actually sober they blame everyone else for their misery.
  11. I'm not trying to force my views on anyone. If you would have actually read what I said.... trying to stamp out people writing what they want to isn't going to prevent shit. You got a pat on the back from like- minded people. My problem is that people like you come out with this opinion because you want to feel like you're doing something constructive and helpful. If someone gets it into their head to molest a child, they are going to do it no matter if there is "porn" available to them or not. If tomorrow it became illegal to write erotic fiction with minors in it in all countries, the people who got that law passed would be so proud of themselves because they did a public service. They'd want their cookie. But then in reality land all those pedophiles who used to wank off to those stories will go look for real kids because they'll need thier fix. The whole thing is something that has seriously annoyed me. It's like those mothers that get their panties in a knot over violence and bad language on TV. Granted, I will say that things have gotten a bit out of hand in that department. But my grandparents have a home movie of me cussing out my toy chest at the age of 2. Somehow I don't think I learned that language by watching Seaseme Street... Everyone is so busy looking for something to blame and attack that they don't see the real issue. My point is being proven by how I'm being attacked. I'm not saying it isn't possible for one pediphile out there to read a story and decide to try it. But that's one out of how many thousands. Making something illegal because a group of people think it's wrong makes it so those who don't think it's wrong have to comply with the wishes of the few anyway. There is pediphile fiction out there, and nobody is making you read it cupcake. The beauty of freedom is that if you don't want to read something or do something, you don't have to. All of this is how I feel. But I was just attacked for how I feel because I supposedly attacked you. That just reinforces my opinion of humanity in general. Maybe I'm just done period.
  12. I've gotten to see the ugly side of child molestation. I have an ex that I'm still friends with who was molested by his father most of his childhood. The reject preyed on him and his sister both. He tried to get help. Everyone thought he was just a brat that wanted his father to get put in jail. I really wish more would be done to help the actual victims. Yeah, his dad had child pornogrophy, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't what made his dad do what he did. When I was dating his sister the guy grabbed my ass! The sister wanted to watch me and her brother when she found out I was bi. The whole family is very very sick. Fortunately my friend still had some shred of sanity and ended up moving in with me just to get out of there. And think about it, his dad is still walking around free.... *shivers* So which is more important... making it illegal to write pedophilia about fictional characters, or getting people like my friend's dad off the street?
  13. I found it, thanks. How does a credit card work anyway? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions. I'm not technologically compatible. But I made most of my naughty points by playing slots. I'm not usually lucky when I gamble, but I noticed that when you bet the max you win more. The prizes are small, but if you're willing to sit and play for hours on end it adds up.
  14. Bank account? What's a bank account and how do I get one?
  15. I like this topic. There are lots of myths out there aren't there? There are a lot of ignorant people out there that think since I'm bi I'm a sex machine. While I do have a very high sex drive, I don't think my orientation has anything to do with it. And people are either shocked or think I'm lying when I say I haven't had hot sex with my gay friends. For some reason people seem to think that two gay men in a room together should just naturally start fucking like wild animals on the livingroom floor. And I hate it when people ask me for fashion or decarating tips. Do they know me? Right now I'm wearing blue pajama pants and a whilte sweatshirt with a ketchup stain on it. I had a cheeseburger and fries for lunch. Oh yea, I know so much about fasion and fine dining. I once new a guy that was the very definition of a "flamer". He made me bang my head off of tables. I have femine qualities and masculine qualities both. But neither of us are feminine. We don't have dom/sub roles. I'm mostly the submissive one, but I get dominant streaks.
  16. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600015328 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600015314 Normally I'm not the type to "tattle", but when people do this where I look for good stories to read it annoys me. I'm all for helping other site members, but there's a better way to ask for help....
  17. Actually, my boyfriend and I were talking about this subject the other day, and he had an interesting thought. What some of you are worried about is a pedo reading one of these stories and will get the idea to go try it on a real child. But what if these people who habe a sexual attraction to young children seek out these stories to get their jollies from it so that they aren't tempted to touch a real child...? What if because of people with views like yours, more children actually end up getting hurt BECAUSE the fiction isn't out there? They won't be able to get their jollies from a fictional character, so they might turn to a real child when their urges become too much. Maybe these stories are having the opposite effect that you think it does. That was my boyfriend's take on the issue. I agree with it. I really hate people with sticks up their asses. Making something like pedophile fiction illegal when no live person actually gets hurt because of a few people's "hollier than thou" views is forcing their opinion in the rest of the population. People like that need to shut the fuck up about the damn fiction and direct their resources to real live children who are being molested. My boyfriend actually knew a 14 year old girl that was being molested by her step father. She tried to tell her mother, but her mother didn't believe her. She confided in my boyfriend, but she didn't know where to go or what to do. I think all this time and energy would be better spent offering help to girls who are really in trouble.
  18. Ok, I think I understand what you're saying.... You're saying that you're staying within cannon for the most part but making small changes here and there? And you want advice on how to write the cause of the changes in later? If that is the case, you want to think about how your character as you're writting it is going to react to what the changes do. What you should do is plan ahead when you make changes. Use the basic law of cause anf effect if you want your storyline to seem plausable. For example, in my Harry Potter fic... I wrote a while ago that James Potter was raped by a teacher. The effect of that is he bottled all of his emotions up and was a jerk to everyone to protect himself emotionally. I hope that helps. If you need more specific help you can pm me or catch me on messenger.
  19. Oh I just love Comcast more and more. Seriously, someone should start a class action suit against them. It's like they're turning into a monopoly that doesn't give a shit. Something has got to be done. I was watching a few of those videos, and OMG. It's shit like that that makes me wish I had a choice other than Comcast or dial up.
  20. This reminds me a lot of something yahoo did a few years back. They used to have a chat feature where users could create their own chatroms that were open to the public. But some of their advertisers found out that that feature was being used to create rooms where perverts and underage girls alike would go to meet and silicit sex. The advertisers threatened to pull their buisness if yahoo didn't fix the problem. It's all about image. The companies that advertise with yahoo didn't want to get the reputation of not caring if they advertised to perverts and child molestors. If you ask me, it's all a bunch of superficial bullshit. Perverts go buy stuff in stores just like anyone else. Money is money no matter where it comes from. But somehow, some brain damaged moron came up with the conclusion that if their adds are in one of those chatrooms, it made it look like they were condoning sex predators. I've said it once and I'll say it again; people scare me. It looks to me like this is the very same thing. It's all about the squeaky clean image. Sex is still considered dirty, even though everyone does it. Though the people doing this shit probably don't get laid enough.... Yeah, a world wide orgy should solve everything... lol. But anyway, it all comes down to public image.
  21. That is probably the saddest song I know. It's called 'The Fallen One' by Hammerfall.
  22. Mine too. As I said in my first post, the phone company doesn't have internet service in my area. We actually called them first because DSL would be cheaper. Comcast wasn't around back then. They bought out the local company last year. The service has been crappy since.
  23. Women are seriously strange creatures. No offense to you women out there, but.. seriously. You drive yourselves crazy by constantly worrying about the superficial shit. My women friends give me a headache sometimes.
  24. Slow loading has been my most recent problem. I'll tell you right now, if you complain, it won't be their equipment. They'll tell you that it's yours. They'll do anything to avoid fixing it. I seriously think we need to ban together against Comcast. There's gotta be some regulating thing we can all complain to. Comcast must die!
  25. This is my two cents... I know that writing a story about an underage fictional character engaging in sexual activity is perfectly legal. I myself don't write anything with a character under the age of 14. In my opinion, that's plenty old enough for a teenager to understand what they're getting into. Now, so this doesn't turn into a which hunt, I will state now that I don't condone pediphila. That being said, I think there is a huge difference between fantisizing and doing. If someone wants to fantasize about children and read smut about them, I say whatever floats your boat. I see no problem with it as long as they keep it in their minds and don't actually carry anything out. I've had fantasies about raping another person. I will most likely never carry any of them out. I'll read stories about rape and get turned on. Am I going to try to recreate a story I read because I thought it was hot? I seriously doubt it. As a rational adult I know that rape is wrong. So why do I get so turned on by a story about it? Purple. I've been raped myself. I tried to figure it out, but it made my head hurt. I don't let it bother me because no one actually gets hurt in the stories or in my head. Let's say for arguments sake I did decide to reinact my favorite rape story. When I explain myself to the police after I get caught, if I say 'This story on AFF made me do it!', now that is the copout. I would just be one more person trying to get out of being responsible for my own actions. The same goes with pediphiles. Even if they are inspired by a piece of fiction, they were eventually going to act on their feelings whether they came across the story or not. There are those who just fantisize all of their lives, and those who eventually act. No piece of ficion is going to change what a person will or will not do in real life.
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