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  1. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in You guys ever find yourselves shipping a pairing you know you shouldn’t? Like maybe t   
    Bree and Aravis in The Horse and His Cock
    The player character and the Adoring Fan from Ending the Fan (...shipping the Fan with *anyone* is a crime against good taste, by Azura...)
    Chummy x Trixie from last part of Corrupt the Midwife
    Alyx Vance and Kleiner from Kleiner Inside 'er as a one shot
    Just off the top of my head!
  2. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in You guys ever find yourselves shipping a pairing you know you shouldn’t? Like maybe t   
    Checking pairing tags on fanfiction.net and AO3, this one is actually one of the most popular pairings in the Western fandom (no idea how things stand in the Japanese fandom), so at least I’m not alone!
    Do you remember anything specific?  I mean, in terms of the pairings thing, not in terms of your myriad offenses against good taste.
  3. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InvidiaRed in You guys ever find yourselves shipping a pairing you know you shouldn’t? Like maybe t   
    Yes. Yes I have. And it ain’t even my worst crime against good taste!
  4. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InBrightestDay in You guys ever find yourselves shipping a pairing you know you shouldn’t? Like maybe t   
    Yes. Yes I have. And it ain’t even my worst crime against good taste!
  5. Like
    JayDee reacted to GeorgeGlass in You guys ever find yourselves shipping a pairing you know you shouldn’t? Like maybe t   
    From what I’ve seen, some authors consider “shipping a pairing you know you shouldn’t” to be the dictionary definition of fan fiction, so I wouldn’t worry.
  6. Like
  7. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in You guys ever find yourselves shipping a pairing you know you shouldn’t? Like maybe t   
    I was literally watching Episode 8 of that not an hour ago.  ALL HAIL SUPREME NAJENDA!!!
  8. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in I have progressed from starting stories and not finishing them to not starting storie   
    One thing there is, is time!
  9. Like
    JayDee reacted to InBrightestDay in I have progressed from starting stories and not finishing them to not starting storie   
    Oooh, that sounds like something that would be right up my alley.  I agree with the others in that you may just need to give it time.  Also, if you think talking about it might help, I’d always be happy to discuss it either via PM or email.
  10. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in I have progressed from starting stories and not finishing them to not starting storie   
    Definitely positive ways to think!
  11. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in I’m ba-ack!!   
    It is as the prophesy foretold!
    Light the beacons! No, I said beacon not bacon! I… oh for the gods sakes you’ve burned the bacon now. No, I’ll still eat it. While you’re off lighting them beacons.
  12. Like
    JayDee reacted to Thundercloud in I have progressed from starting stories and not finishing them to not starting storie   
    Sounds like you need to aim to write only the middle of the story if both the start and the end of the story cause problems…

    Seriously I think your muse will come back if you give it time. The story idea you describe sounds very promising, but same goes for parts of my backlog too. I have a couple of excellent story ideas that was hit by writers block before I could get a working chapter. When the stars align I am sure they will be done, but I am lot loosing sleep in the meantime about it since I am not paid to write them.
  13. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in I have progressed from starting stories and not finishing them to not starting storie   
    Sounds like Burnout. Take a break, relax recharge.
    This site isn’t going anywhere.
  14. Sad
    JayDee reacted to WritingDude in There goes another cat   
    Yeah, had to put her to sleep like my dog. Same health problem too. My sister was especially heartbroken because she was close to them.
  15. Like
  16. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InvidiaRed in I’m ba-ack!!   
    It is as the prophesy foretold!
    Light the beacons! No, I said beacon not bacon! I… oh for the gods sakes you’ve burned the bacon now. No, I’ll still eat it. While you’re off lighting them beacons.
  17. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in I’m ba-ack!!   
  18. Like
    JayDee got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in My evolving list of chores: 1. Clean and polish front door 2. Buy caulk for cabinets   
    Dave! He so wanted to be eaten by his wife. That poor guy. If a big bac is no good, take her Little Mac. Dude’s boxing career is over anyway.
  19. Sad
    JayDee reacted to GeorgeGlass in My evolving list of chores: 1. Clean and polish front door 2. Buy caulk for cabinets   
    The good news: The wasps are dead. The front door is clean.
    The bad news: The laundry is untouched. And Dave didn’t make it.
    What am I going to tell his wife? She was planning to eat him tonight. I can’t just show up at her web with an apology and a Big Mac.
  20. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in My evolving list of chores: 1. Clean and polish front door 2. Buy caulk for cabinets   
    Get invited to parlay with the wasp queen only to find yourself trapped as a breeding partner Somehow escape possibly involving a fellow prisoner spider, called Dave. Buy poison for wasps' nest on front door frame etc
  21. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in Behold! turning a child friendly movie into straight horror   
    It was more a shared death bed I think. Which is morbid all it own since they were all waiting for the grim reaper to come collect his grandparents.
  22. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in Dreams are weird indeed. Anyone else getting them? For tornadoes can jump and to obse   
    I’m pretty sure you can get by on a technicality rather than suffer oblivion from Ammut. But in seriouness I’m pretty sure you’d be fine. Smut and writing aren’t damnable sins.
    And while evil may be real. Most people aren’t.
    No matter what pantheon or deity. They will accept your virtues. Avoid Isfet and you’ll be fine.
    The 42 Ideals of Ma’at aren’t hard.
  23. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from InvidiaRed in Dreams are weird indeed. Anyone else getting them? For tornadoes can jump and to obse   
    [After death]
    Me: So, I understand there was no scorekeeper?
    Anubis: *Pulls out my heart, puts it on a scale which drops so fast the feather on the other side is catapulted into space*
    Me: Is… is that bad?
  24. Like
    JayDee reacted to InvidiaRed in Dreams are weird indeed. Anyone else getting them? For tornadoes can jump and to obse   
    That’s okay, JayDee.
    Completely normal to start stories just take your time pick one and affirm that you intend to finish it. Its not a race, there is no time limit. There is no score keeper.
  25. Haha
    JayDee got a reaction from BronxWench in My evolving list of chores: 1. Clean and polish front door 2. Buy caulk for cabinets   
    Get invited to parlay with the wasp queen only to find yourself trapped as a breeding partner Somehow escape possibly involving a fellow prisoner spider, called Dave. Buy poison for wasps' nest on front door frame etc
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