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JayDee last won the day on October 23

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  1. Holy shitballs, I’ve just spent ages finding a way to use some hardass prompts in what’s basically a PWP draft chapter, and then the ones for the following week’s batch include juice. If I’d realised I’d have cheated and used the prompt sets in a different order.

    1. InBrightestDay


      Out of curiosity, what are the other, non-juice prompts?

    2. JayDee


      I’ve done some of the other week’s prompts in the past so the two oldest unlocked weekly prompt threads I haven’t done the words for yet are:

      Weeks 192/193 - 22 June 2014 – hamate, haptic, haslot

      Week 196/197 - 27 July 2014 – jetsam, juice, jinx

      Jinx and jetsam could totally also work in a pwp. But since they’re ending up in a non-sex chapter I guess I’ll use Jinx for a reference to the old game of two folks saying the same thing unless I think of something better.

      I did the first 52 prompt weeks, back when they would be available for one week only and then locked. There’s a whole bunch of locked ones I never did between then and when they stopped locking ‘em – but if I somehow manage to do all the unlocked weekly prompts I can always do the locked ones, credit the forum for providing the word/s used and just not have a post in the locked thread. Heh.

      The weekly prompt threads are all here if you haven’t explored down that far :)

    3. InBrightestDay



      I guess I’ll use Jinx for a reference to the old game of two folks saying the same thing unless I think of something better.

      Either that or as a curse/bad luck.

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