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JayDee last won the day on October 23

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  1. Just found myself reading a graphic handjob scene with a 15 year old with zero warning or tags. This is what I get for getting a book from the literary section of the library rather than reading AFF.

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @CloverReef  Tuna salad’s certainly among the palatable lunch choices for me, though given a choice, I’d prefer PB&J. :)    More seriously, good M/F scenes in a M/M story can be used to make a point.  I do that in Dale’s Game to show the social conventions, of how “normal people” ought to be, that the characters resort to using M/F to appear “normal” to the outside world to show the social pressure that’s there (and the effects of the gay discrimination in play)..

      Also, I think AFF’s taken that first step in AFF-world-domination, it’s a way better “social media” than other platforms.   Especially as I rarely self-censor like I do in those other places.

    3. CloverReef


      @Desiderius Price I agree. M/F scenes can absolutely be useful and effective tools in M/M stories. 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I even manage to dabble in a bit of F/F, small drop, in a heavy bucket of M/M action. 

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