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JayDee last won the day on October 23

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  1. Story codes now amended on all my 100+ uploads so I no longer incorrectly appear to be the archive’s most prolific author of MC fiction. Also had to delete a lot of the old “language” tag from summaries and also a code “D/A” I have no idea what it was for, isn’t on the list now!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JayDee


      I think D/A must have been a trigger tag of some sort, which has since been renamed, as looking through google it’s on a lot of rougher stories. Can’t recall what it meant though. Other amusing things was the way the code moved “Tent” out of “Tenth” to leave my summary on a LOTR fic referring to a “h walker” – there’s a few others still with that in the domain and no tentacle content! – and also how it moved “Rape” out of “Raped” on just one story leaving it describing a character as “d and violated” which kinda still makes sense with modern internet slang around “Giving the D”. Overall though, still by far the better/only option than trying to do the stories manually.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Scripts can be… interesting in their side-effects.

    4. JayDee


      JayDee: Still better than scriptfics!

      Scriptfic author: Ayyyy! Why you gotta bust my balls?

      JayDee: There was a CBT request.

      JayDee stops typing way before the 10 lines of story on forum limit just to be on the safe side.

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