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JayDee last won the day on December 17 2021

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  1. I have progressed from starting stories and not finishing them to not starting stories. Well, ok, regressed then. Which is a shame as the next unfinished one would have been about a guy finding out his Mom had a twin after finally meeting the rest of the family (after his Mom’s falling out before he was born). It’d have been dead pervy as there’d be an attraction on both sides.

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    2. Thundercloud


      Sounds like you need to aim to write only the middle of the story if both the start and the end of the story cause problems… ;)

      Seriously I think your muse will come back if you give it time. The story idea you describe sounds very promising, but same goes for parts of my backlog too. I have a couple of excellent story ideas that was hit by writers block before I could get a working chapter. When the stars align I am sure they will be done, but I am lot loosing sleep in the meantime about it since I am not paid to write them.

    3. JayDee


      Definitely positive ways to think!

    4. InBrightestDay


      Oooh, that sounds like something that would be right up my alley.  I agree with the others in that you may just need to give it time.  Also, if you think talking about it might help, I’d always be happy to discuss it either via PM or email. :)

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