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JayDee last won the day on December 17 2021

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  1. The latest firefox update has added “firefox monitor” that gives a notification message about adultfanfiction and a data breach in 2018. Hopefully won’t deter too many users!

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    2. BronxWench


      I’m mostly grumbly because things tend to get magnified simply because we’re an adult-oriented site. Hacking Target and getting someone’s credit card information seems to pale in comparison to finding out their email address is linked to AFF somehow.  I’ll also say that the majority by far of the “Oh, gods, delete my account now, man!” emails I got were from readers only, not writers. 

    3. JayDee



        Some fantasies really only work when detached from any personal experience.

      Speaking as someone who has written incest, rape, bestiality, torture, gore, snuff, mpreg and, earning me forever a place in the lake of fire, furry anthro, I totally support this statement. I tend to go for the jokes when they pop up, but I am sorry if I grossed you out too much. Maybe the reason I’m convinced there’s no nasty people on the forum is that I am the nasty person.


      I’m mostly grumbly because things tend to get magnified simply because we’re an adult-oriented site. Hacking Target and getting someone’s credit card information seems to pale in comparison to finding out their email address is linked to AFF somehow.  I’ll also say that the majority by far of the “Oh, gods, delete my account now, man!” emails I got were from readers only, not writers. 

      Those quitters! *Shakes fist*

      Target does have some adult oriented objectification anyway :p


    4. BronxWench
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