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JayDee last won the day on October 23 2024

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  1. Thank you again - makes sense, thanks also for the explanation! I really appreciate all the support.
  2. Hi, I was looking through my story profile yesterday and noticed that following the site updates one of them has ended up with a lot of the details stripped out and placed in the “missing data” catagory Edit – link removed as now sorted! First thing I did once I had the system access back was to go in and try to update it, but having filed in the fields (most of the info is luckily at the top of the story in the header notes) when I tried to submit it it went to a screen with a white rectangle and no message, then when I went back to my profile the story none of the updates I keyed on the story manager had saved. Is there a different process with stories in the ‘missing data’ category? I’m happy to do whatever’s needed but thought I’d check here. I could just delete and repost, if needed, but that would cause it to appear back on page 1 and possibly ruin someone’s day and I swear there used to be some rule against doing that anyway without any changes on account of people would do it to get visibility back on a story. Or that may have been another site. I dunno it’s been damn near 20 years… Fingers crossed this is my last tech support question now!
  3. Yay, that’s done it! Thank you!
  4. Thank you! Yes, the new email was in my spam folder too so I know what happened to the original at least The first link worked with the reactivation so I then tried the password reset one but it had the message “This Password Reset is no longer Valid” I don’t think I waited too long to click it! Sorry for all the hassle with this – any ideas please?
  5. Good day all. I think the email may for validating may have gone to spam for me as i don’t remember it. Could I possbly impose and ask for it to be re-sent? I don’t know that I’ll ever be writing again but at least I ought to do my bit to log in and delete any spam link reviews if they return. Thank you kindly JD (Not the couch guy. Although I did once read a story about a horny killer couch. Well, possibly killer – it was all a bit supernatural and the person may well have popped out unharmed somewhere else with a new concern about upholstered seating. I almost feel like I should change the pen name but knowing my luck any name I changed it to, 3 days later someone of the same name would have a story passed around on twitter they’d made sweet love to the Statue of Liberty’s sandal. I forget where I was going with this.) Edit: Profile link – http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296777934
  6. Not exactly a fandom but a book. I won’t read it. I live on my own these days and nobody makes the long trip up the hill to visit anymore so I have a pretty good idea what I’ve got in the house, and I know for a fact I did not buy that book. I certainly didn’t borrow it from the library. (They are good people there, the librarians, dedicated, and they have standards even in these days when their power and their glory is unknowingly ignored by so many). Sometimes it’s on the shelf. Sometimes it’s on the table. I’ve seen it in the kitchen cupboard and I found it in the attic when I went to investigate the noise (a swallow had got in, and driven to panic by the tome wished to get out. I helped it. Of course I did. I’m no monster no matter what the villagers said). The cover has a nice blue, though the face that gazes from it is not appealing and speaks of an unhealthy appetite, of wealth gained too young. The pages rifle pleasingly in the breeze, even in a still room. I don’t care. Offer me what you may. Tempt me, taunt me. I can’t be bought, or broken. The line is drawn, underlined, surrounded by unevenly doodled pentagrams, in both black, and in red. I’m never gonna fucking read "May I Have Your Attention Please?" the autobiography of James Corden. This I swear by the old gods, the new, and those yet to come.
  7. The Boy Who Ate Shit And… Sorry for the slow reply! Thank you for the review. I’ve recently found out some of my stories inadvertantly cause petrification so it may have been a turning to stone rather than arousal! Ahem, I recently saw an episode of a show that had Helena Bonham Carter’s blood-spattered character suffering with constipation on a toilet through a musical-fantasy sequence and it inexplicably reminded me of writing this filth. Funny old world.
  8. White Snow, Red Snow, Yellow Snow Hi! Thanks for trying to review, but unfortunately it’s showing blank so I don’t know if you were going to be negative, positive or a mixture of both
  9. Still hoping to get back and read! There’s a new Thundercloud chapter fer wossnames sakes! If I end up reading the christmas stories same time as halloween so be it, but I’ve either been busy, away walking, or had no internet. Bit of a shitter. Away again after today for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      Only for long enough to write that status and this reply! Hoping to be back more after Christmas though.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Aw.  Well, cursed internet!  More time to write?

    4. InBrightestDay


      I might manage to finally write Meaningful Gifts this year, so you might have smut from me before the year ends.  Fingers crossed, everyone.

  10. Well. It’s October. I got nothing worth a damn. Hardly have any ideas. Forgot how to write. Even reading is proving tough to maintain concentration. But, here: ** A vampire suffers from low self esteem because the others are all Counts while he is just a local squire. ** An exhibitionist finds themselves trapped amongst the deaf, mute, and blind. ** After a particularly heavy session on Arthur Guinness’s finest, The Dullahan wakes up to find his head has married one sister and his body has married the other, and they hate the sight of each other. His hungover horse says “I did say nay.” ** A user splits Microsoft’s One Note into two notes and the resulting energy release scours the surface of the Earth clean of life, except for a group of deep miners who emerge into the smoking ruins of the world. ** A supervillain launches a diabolical scheme to turn all the world’s porn furry. ** As the heat death of the universe finally winds down to stillness at the end of all things, a stillness that cannot even truly be called eternal for eternity requires the passage of time and even time will end, Valve releases Half-Life 3 ** The abandoned Mars Rovers return…. and they are HORNY.
  11. The oddest sentence I got was one Neptunian year in prison for that incident where I offended the ambassador and nearly caused a solar system wide war
  12. You Can Take The Boy Out Of The Moisture Farm… Thank you for your comment. It’s definitely not the best written Star Wars storyline. Though possibly still better than anything in The Phantom Menace with Jar Jar. I wrote it as a request for someone. I don’t think they ever reviewed it. Incest between consenting adults with no difference in power or control levels (and not having kids because jesus christ look at some of the aristocratic families) oughta probably be nobody’s interest but their own. Not that that’s what is shown here of course, this one’s rapey.
  13. For the Honour of The Slytherin Well… this is an odd comment. I’m certainly going to Hell if such a place exists, and I am disgusting, but I’ve no interest in children and have never written minor1 stories, or any minor2 stories with characters under 16 –and as I’ve got older I’ve tended away from writing stories with even 16-17 year old characters, although this one was written back when I was a lot closer in age to the characters. I can only assume that this comment came from someone who masturbated so furiously over a story featuring actual children that, having blown a prostate-punishing load into their own eyes, they accidentally clicked the wrong story to comment on during the waves of post-orgasmic guilt.
  14. The Crushing of Cassie Cage Nice comment! Thank you!
  15. Mindy's Revenge Thanks for the comment! Yes, yes she is! The best shot of Chief Wiggum’s career! Entirely unintentionally. Thanks for your comment
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