Yeah, I know how you feel and understand! D< Though I am 20 myself, I'm not like that whatsoever. I'm currently out of a job because my boss fired me for having medical problems, like its my fucking fault my body is sick and that I'm in pain all lthe freaking time! I just had surgery, so hopefully that will all go away and I can get a job and work. I GOT BILLS TO PAY! I mean, I was even fired from T.G.I.Friday's for being too friendly! Yeah... that's their excuse for firing me, and NO I was not being THAT kind of friendly if that's what your thinking... >_<;
I can't stand people who are young and take everything for granted and get jobs and use the money to waste it on shit they don't need while people like me and others who HAVE a life needs the money to pay bills and food and for raising their family. It frustrates me that stupid asses like these managers hire stupid kids with no lives and don't understand the concept of RESPONSIBILITY and MATURITY!!!! D< And I also get angry when I'm at work and there is no team work in the job and I end up doing all the work and then some with other peoples jobs THEY are suppose to do!
So I feel you and I'm right there with you on that DemonGoddess061. Makes me want to gut the lazy asses and copy their bloody heart so I can post it up on the work board for everyone in the office to see as a warnign for those who don't do their fucking job!