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Nerys Dax

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Everything posted by Nerys Dax

  1. Review Reply to Lazy_Heart: *sniggers* Yeah, it's always fun to see Tommy dear suffer. I did consider having her hit him somewhere dangerous but figured that would put my plot completely in a mess since he would then need medical attention. I deliberately had her aim for his head though (that one shot he blocked) because that was a risky place to strike as well. XD If she wanted to break his bones, I reckon she would've needed something sturdier than that nylon thing. However, she did do quite an amount of damage already. Yeah, we wince in sympathy, but I doubt he'd return the favour. So lol away. XD LOL Yeah, if ... *dun dun dun.* And the cell has magical healing properties itself, too (points to chapter 2) - but that's more help to him in the long run. It won't undo the damage Hermione did in a flash because it's more aimed to counterbalance the effects of the suppressing wards on the body. I'm glad you did. I had fun writing that. I had those scenes finished in a flash. Unlike a certain scene I have to rewrite now. *grumbles while staring at blinking cursor in other doc* Yeah, I expected the baby thing to come up sooner, too. However, during the writing of this story, other things kept happening that pushed this backwards. But yes, the fertility potions were one of the first clues of this event happening. I'm glad you liked that it's a girl. XD Turning Ron into a jerk is just too easy a solution for me. Although he won't exactly react kindly to Hermione after what he just walked in on, but that's to be expected. So, their next interaction isn't going to be pretty. However, I didn't want to give Hermione an excuse for being with Riddle that involved making Ron into something he isn't. I've seen it done in many stories before, and even when it's done good and effectively, I always wonder why the writers want to make the readers feel at ease with every decision Hermione makes. She's a human being who errs like we all do. And she definitely wronged Ron in this story. Even though it takes two to make a marriage fail completely, she's the one who cheated on him. And I don't think characters have to be perfect in order to be liked by readers, I think that's underestimating the readers' intelligence and empathy. We can disapprove with choices characters make but still see how come this happened this way and wonder how it will unfold in the end. And making a reader wince because of some bad choices and decisions, well, I don't mind that at all. *insert evil cackling* Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  2. Review reply to Ginger Tea (who's definitely not the same person as Gramatically Corect): *clutches to chest in shock* Now that's not niiiiice!!! *cries out loud* My other WIPs are amazing wonders of fantastic writings!!! U NO NOTHIIIIING!!! *undignified sobbing* I shan't ever write again. EVAAAAA! I'm heart-broken. Destroyed. Evil Ginger tea took my cup and drank it all. Next chapter, then. Wait for it .... xx Nerys
  3. Review reply to Gramaticaly Corect: Mmyessss, you think? *frown in forehead* Well, I suppose you have a fair point there; the author wasn't nearly awesome and magnificent enough, that's true. Thanks for bringing it up. Mmm... *scratches neck* Mmokaaaay. If you say so, but mmm ... I'll probably need some more lessons to get it right. I did research the "e" marvellously and it's said to be used as such, but I don't doubt that you probably know better than me, GC. Oh hhhmmmmmmmmokaaaay. Yes, very helpful indeed. Well, naturally it will go towards more silliness. Silly, silly, silly. xoxox, Nerys
  4. Review reply to Sanely Insane Rogue: S ... I ... R ... Yeah, riiiight. So clever, Serpent In Red. xxp OMFG!!! I am soooo happy you enjoyed the continuation. XD You want more of this silliness? But no, that can't be done. This is already getting way too silly. Get on with it!!! Waves, xx Nyers.
  5. review reply to Tea Lady Miya: Thanks for the encouragement. I'll see what I can do. *skips huge empty space* Okay. Thanks unpicky one, xx Nerys Review reply to Alassea Malfoy: Then, it served its intention. XD Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys Review Reply to Colao: This is getting far too silly. Get on wit' it! Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  6. The Apprentice. Review reply to Sia the Alchemist: WOW, such amazing compliments. *falls silent* I don't know what to say. (**hears Serp and Co say: finally some piece and quietness*). Tomione is my addiction, too. *sobs about there being so little of it and glares envious at huge Dramione/Lucione/Sevione lists* Anyway, I can understand that it's frustrating when a story you like is on such a long hiatus (I have a few that I follow that haven't been updated in more than a year), but I can say to you that I have written on Apprentice recently (since Prisoner's muse fled out the door after I and my computer "savviness" lost that blasted smutscene). It'll probably be a while before that chapter is done since I will need to reread both versions (why did I do two different versions? *head-desks*) and I don't have that much written on it yet. However, I do expect that this story will be the next one receiving an update from me since I did complete another scene way back when. It's not a direct promise, like you said the muse is fickle and often jumps between stories with me, but a hunch (and a strong one otherwise I'd not be stating it online). I also want to reassure you that even when I haven't been updating a story for some time, I won't abandon it. I got the plots worked out and know where it needs to go in the end before I ever start posting a story. Besides, of all my stories, this one is my favourite to write on. So, there may be delays and whatevers, but I will eventually complete even this monster. I say monster because it's nowhere near the end yet. XDDD Anyway, thank you again for your nice compliments and encouragement, I really appreciate it. xx Nerys
  7. Review Reply to Lazy_Heart: I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. Yeah, it wouldn't be Hermione to me either if she'd just rolled over and followed orders she disagreed with. *snnnrks* I can't see her do that. So naturally, she had to have an ulterior motive for being there. I'm glad you enjoyed that part and felt it gave the end the perfect clincher. *wipes forehead about finally getting a reviewer who agrees with me that this thing is finished* Thank you for that. And thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  8. Review reply to ginger tea: *sticks out tongue to tea-drinking Queen of Gutter City* I know it's you, Queenie. No amount of "demure tea-sipping" will convince me otherwise. But if you want Ron, surely, I can write you a special fic with you and him in it ... 2gethaaaaah! Yep, I assume the "AAAAAH" was yours? As was the running around with flailing limbs at the prospect? XD Thanks for reading and reviewing sweetie, I hope your throat feels better, xx Nerys
  9. Review reply to Terri Vehrenkamp: Actually, it's a one-shot. It's only two chapters on AFFnet because it's so long, and I once heard that really long chapters take a lot of the database so I split it in two here. On GE and FFnet, it's just one chapter. As to continuing on it, well, actually, I agree with one of my other reviewers who said that pushing it along could exhaust it. It's an "open end" story, basically a PGP: Plot to Get to Porn, and it was written for a challenge. My muse is completely satisfied with how it is now, and I already have three other Tomione WIPs that need finishing. I have no intention whatsoever to add to the pressure and give myself another one. I may (and that's a big "may") do a one-shot sequel at Beltane, but only if the muse supplies me with something interesting to do in that sequel and if I have at least one WIP finished by then, preferably two. I'm glad though that you liked the story enough to want more of it. I'm also glad you liked how I wrote Hermione and her interactions with Tom. And I want to thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  10. Review reply to lisa: Thank you. I loved writing Hermione like that. She's fun when she kicks arse. You actually hit the nail right on the head. If (and that's a big IF) but if I were to write a second part, it would be then. I'm glad you liked the fic and thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  11. Second review reply to m0nt: Oh noes! More puppy dog eyes. XD Actually, I feel quite content with the story as it is now. The muse is back with my other stories, and we'll see how things go from there. First, I really need to finish one of those three WIPs. And second, I would actually need a plot for this one if I were to continue on it. Thanks for reading and reviewing (again ), xx Nerys
  12. Review reply to M0nt: Thanks. I found it quite ironic to have them bring back the one person who caused it all. *sniggers* I just couldn't resist it. XD Thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  13. Review reply to Landquist: I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I'll do my best to update soon. For explanation of the delay, see the post above this one. Ah, yes ... Tomione is my OTP, too. Thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  14. Review Reply to Jess: I'm glad you like the story and will do my best to update soon. I had the chapter almost finished when I had a computer accident and being the computer idiot that I am, I have not been able to retrieve the Tomione smutscene I had written. So, the rewrite is under way, but it's going slower than writing it the first time around. Hence the update delay. Cool. I can't draw for the life of me, so I am always amazed at what people can create. Love it. Well, reviews are always appreciated. Hence, the happy emocon. XD Thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  15. Well ... YAY FOR YOU! "Tell mama to bugger off" - Er? What? *confused expression* Eh, it's early morning (11:32) here. I am hardly awake yet; don't expect me to get something before coffee. *hears loud laughter across the globe and I could've sworn I heard someone whisper: as if she ever would*
  16. MOOOODDDSS! I am getting threatened by this poster! *emo sob* I thought this was a moderated forum, but nooo ... they just allow death threats and torture threats to go undisturbed. *more emo sobbing and pouts* Well, puh! *stomps foot* I suppose that means I should just continue writing then. No protection at all! *WAILS* Nerys is a sad, emo puppy. At the other end of the AFFnet forum, mods united whisper: Crazy author talking about herself in the third person, best not get involved with the crazy ones. *all tiptoe away rapidly*
  17. Review reply to Somebody French: You're welcome; but no thanks are necessary, it was my absolute pleasure to make fun of Twilight. It's such a delightful target. XD Thanks for telling me you enjoyed that bit, xx Nerys
  18. Review reply to Alassea Malfoy: *blushes* Wow, thanks. *blushes some more* Yeah, I am sure my name as the author and it being in the Voldemort-Hermione list wasn't a clue at all. *sticks out tongue* Thank you again. Yikes! *hides* You do know that if one kills me, any and all new chapters are an impossibility? *frightened face* XD Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  19. Review Reply to Nick: Thank you.
  20. Hi, Here I shall post the review replies to my new, completed story "The Black Veil". I hope you will all enjoy the story. xx Nerys
  21. I use chrome, and I no longer get the warning for AFFnet having malware, so it seems they acted faster than you expected.
  22. Review reply to Gabby0515: Thank you. It's good to hear you enjoyed the story. I'm a bit delayed on writing for the next chapter, but I'll do my best to update asap. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  23. Review reply to among others: Thank you, xx Nerys
  24. Review reply to FlyHitsWindow: No idea either. I recognise that problem. I have had it to with reviews I posted, so since then I always copy them before pressing send. Of course, then they always get posted, it's when I forget to press copy, the review vanishes. It must be an evil conspiracy. *sniggers* Anyway, thanks for taking the time to repost your missing review. Well, it's Tom and Hermione's kid. *shrugs* I figured it would be a handful from the start. *snnnrks* And yeah, the snake went to Hermione. At first, because it sensed the bond between her and Tom. Recall how he said that snakes find him... well... now they find her, too. And it did curl up on Hermione's belly and was overprotective because of the child. XD Eh, I just mentioned the baby in this chapter. They're not done talking about it yet (when are they ever? *insert heavy sigh of author*). They haven't even started discussing it in this chapter. Hermione just kicked the crap out of him. *muffled laughter behind hand* Anyway, I can say here how and why and what, but I think it's best to see it in the chapter. They both have valid reasons though why they'd not considered this. Yes, it's incredibly ironic. The one thing he does that brings life instead of take it earns him a whacking. ROFL. Crack. Er... *cough* ... *quickly opens other site* ....Hi, my Lord. Look at the funny pictures of Lucius here. *sweat drop* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *sobs* Forgot about the Legilimency. Anyway ... still not saying a thing about the baby situation. *keeps lips firmly shut* However, yes, in a sense, Hermione is more responsible. I don't want her to be perfect (I really dislike perfect people), and though it may look like a humongous oversight on her end, there is ... *zips lips again* I'm glad you liked that. XD Well, those are interesting suggestions on what to do with Ron. *evil cackle* I'm doing my best on the next chapter. I got one scene written, but the one after that with Tom and Hermione ... well, they're being impossible again. Babble, babble, babble. So, it will probably take me a bit longer before I'm finished with it. Sorry. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys PS. Saw your review on FFnet about the Leonard Cohen song. I actually have that song on vinyl. XD Never connected it to tom-hermione though. Although I do recognise what you mean. *whispers* When I hear songs lately, I often think ... eh, perfect tomione song, too (Adele's "Set fire to the rain" connects to prisoner for me).
  25. Review reply to ChlerysTUCCO: *sniggers* A lot of exclamations there. XD I'm glad you enjoyed the events that much. *searches for very own Time-Turner, then recalls they all got smashed to pieces* Oh well, "tomorrow, today, yesterday"... well, I suppose that means any day is acceptable. However, I'll do my best to update soon. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
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