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Nerys Dax

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Everything posted by Nerys Dax

  1. Empathic Seduction, review reply to "anonymous" Reine: *sniggers* Well, it's Hermione's assumption he overlooked that detail. Personally, I think he read it, but him and, like you said, his huge arrogance believe she won't be able to best him with it, since obviously Lord Voldemort is the more powerful of the two. I'll leave it out in the open who in the end is the true arrogant one. LOLs, Indeed, he really wants it all. Naturally, he's entitled to that since he's Lord Voldemort and Lord Voldemort should have all he desires and perhaps a bit more just for kicks. Oh, and, btw, Lord Voldemort is not amused by your amusement and will come by to "explain" that later. He already "explained" to me that this additional scene was completely unnecessary and should be deleted at once. *snnnrks* Yes, only for his body, and well, perhaps so she can rule in his stead, pretending he has all the power and then ... Er... my Lord, Reine is mocking you in her reviIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *Nerys scrambles back up hours later, her broken back even worse than before he dropped by to say "hi".* Thanks for reading and reviewing, xoxox, Nerys
  2. Review replies to "Empathic Seduction" Akaru-chan Hi, Thanks for all your compliments. That you're rereading something I wrote really makes me happy. I'm also glad you're enjoying this story I wrote for the fic exchange. I was a tad nervous about it, given the whole premise of it, but so far the story seems to be liked. *wipes brow* Nope, I won't be continuing this, as the tags said, it's a one-shot and completed. Well, his looks were part of my giftee's list, so even if I were to continue it (which I'm not!), I would still keep to her wishes since it's a gift to her. However, YAY! you liked it anyway. *happy dance* Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys His4Ever Hi, Thank you for the compliment. It's a great feeling to hear that I was able to capture your attention from the get go and of a "very pick reader" no less. YAY! Well, the story is already finished. Sorry. *slinks off and hides away from His4Ever's hounding of me* However, I will definitely keep writing for this pairing. I have three WIPs that still need to be finished, which is one of the reasons why this is so not becoming another multi-chaptered story. Thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys Devourer Thank you. "Deliciously evil" no less and "Loved it" with three exclamation marks, I'm honoured. *blushes* Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys LadyCandi Thank you for the compliment. Alas, there won't be more. This is a completed one-shot that I wrote as a gift for the tomione forum fic exchange. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  3. Bittersweet: Review Reply to naru894: "I got the strangest feeling that she was hermione ^^ " Hi, *coughs* You weren't surprised!?! *clutches to chest in agony* All my attempts at secrecy ... Yeah, it says Hermione-Voldemort. Yeah, I suck at keeping secrets. Moving on... Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  4. Review Reply to Bartimeaus: Hi, Thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I personally love the impossible pairings; they're a challenge. ^^ I'm sorry about the delay in updates, but the middle bit of this story is giving me some major troubles. If chapter 16 isn't doing what I want soon, I may go for the non-chronological approach and write out the end first. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  5. The Apprentice, Review Reply to kate28 Hi, I thank you for all your nice compliments; it's always great to hear that someone likes my story. I'm actually currently writing on The Apprentice and have about half of the next chapter done now. I have one or two (depending on their length) more scenes to write out before it'll be finished. Thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  6. Review reply to Mark's Pet: "Nerys, I have been away and am catching up on my readings. As always, I LOVE this story!!! Tom is so DOMINATE and so SEXY *fanning self*!! Hermione is submissive, but also very devious *chear*. I laugh so hard at Lucius' antics and snickered at Jensen's delima. However...I am upset to see that you have not revised this WONDERFUL story since July 16, 2012 *boo, hiss*. You have COMPLETED other stories and I am glad of that. But this is such a treasure, that it need to be un-earthed more. So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let the muse out and write more of this AWESOME story!!!! I will get down and beg, it that is necessary. Just let me know!" Hi, Glad you're back and enjoying the stories. ^^ I had a lot of fun writing the Lucius and Jensen scenes, so good to hear you enjoyed them, too. I'm sorry about the delay in updates. I had a secret santa tomione to write and Chapter 16 is being a gsgghldsgk to write. I'm still working on it, but it may be a bit longer still. No need to beg though, I will finish this story. I just need to figure out this middle bit. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  7. The Apprentice review reply to Rachael follows: Hi, I'm glad you're enjoying my story. I actually have a version on FFnet that's without the smut if you prefer that. I'm writing on The Apprentice again (at the same time as on Prisoner and a oneshot Tomione, because I just love to mix while writing), so I'm hopeful there will be a next chapter not too far away. I won't spoil you about the Keepers though, but those are interesting speculations. Hmm... yes, I would love to get to the scene where Voldemort will make an attempt at Legilimency with her again, but that will be some time away still. There are a lot of things that need to happen prior to that event. Glad you enjoyed the bit about McGonagall versus the Death Eaters. Those poor suckers, they never stood a chance. XD I'll definitely keep writing. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  8. Review reply to Reriddle: Ah yes, I miss him, too, when I'm writing these chapters - after all, I'm writing these fanfictions for the Tomione ship. However, sometimes you need them, but I prefer the chapters with interactions between Tom and Hermione. *pouts* Thank you. I wanted someone in that household to stick up for Hermione, and after weighing all the characters, I figured Ginny would be the one who I could give enough background to do this without it being OOC that she's not supporting Ron. *sniggers* I always have a bit too much fun when writing Malfoys. They're just so useful to torment. ^^ I will definitely continue writing. Right now I'm in the process of working on another chapter of The Apprentice, but I'll get back to Prisoner later. Prisoner is not that far from the end now. Despite that I sometimes have a bit of a hiatus between chapters (writing fanfiction is something I do for fun, not work), I will always finish my stories. I've got them plotted out before I start writing and posting, so I know where it needs to go. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  9. The hogwarts christmas orb Review reply to Annie27766 Mission accomplished. Thank you. It always brings a smile to my face when I hear that someone enjoyed reading one of my stories, so thank you, thank you, thank you. *sniggers* Come on...you can't tell me you never thought of him as evil before? A bloke in disguise insisting that little kids sit in his lap all the time...definitely evil. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys PS. eleven months fly by before you know it.
  10. The Apprentice Review Reply to Barbara: Hi, Thank you for enjoying my story and how I portray Hermione and Voldemort. I'm glad you find the pairing plausible in this story - it's a hard couple to put together, after all. I will definitely continue this fic. I've finished writing the tomione I had to for our forum's fic exchange, and am now back focusing on my WIPs (including Apprentice). So thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  11. Review reply to India follows: Thank you very much for the nice compliments. I'm always pleased when I hear I made readers laugh (since I think that's the hardest to achieve) and get so into the story that they feel emotions about the characters. I will definitely continue this story. I just have to finish a secret santa fic first and it's been a hell to write that one. However, the deadline to that one is in a couple of days and after that I can go back to my WIPs like Prisoner. Thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  12. Review reply to Bia follows: But I'm hibernating. It's winter! Jokes aside, I'm sorry about the delay. I really am. I'm nearly finished with my Tomione secret santa fic and then I'll get back to my WIPs. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  13. Experiment of the Mind review reply to mekom follows:
  14. The Prisoner chapter 15 review from Raye follows: I'm sorry for the late reply. I haven't been home in about a month and didn't recall my password by heart to this forum. *blushes* I want to thank you for your amazing review; I'm glad you loved my story so much that you kept reading on. I'll try to do my best to finish the next chapter asap. Thanks again for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  15. The Apprentice review reply to Ella follows: Thanks for loving my story. That always makes me happy to hear. I'll get back to Apprentice once I've finished The Prisoner, which is nearing the end. I've not been able to write fanfiction for a while due to RL commitments, but I'm getting back to my writing now. And even though Apprentice has been on a hiatus for a while, I can assure you it's not abandoned. I will return to write for it. Thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  16. Thanks for the hard work. I'm relieved to see the site back up.
  17. Chapter 15 review reply to bonbon follows: Thank you for the nice compliments. I'm glad you liked the story, and I'm about halfway into the next chapter now. So hopefully, it won't be too long now before the next update. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  18. Chapter 15 review reply to Gabby0515 follows: Thanks. Yes, she'll see him in the next chapter. Surely, he is. ^^ Aha! I'm always pleased when I can surprise someone. I actually think that the qualities that make a Hufflepuff makes it likely for them to be succesfull in their future careers. Hard workers, good friends, easy to get along with, thus will have a network ... I can definitely see them rise to the top. Thank you. I'll do my best to update asap. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  19. The Apprentice review reply to Eve follows: Thank you. I'm glad you like it so much, especially considering it's your first Tomione story (which is not everybody's cup of tea). I definitely will continue writing on The Apprentice. I'm just trying to finish The Prisoner first (which is nearing the end), so I'll have less WIPs on my plate. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  20. LOL. You're right; it's why I mentioned it. So, yes, I'm planning more one-shots for this "veil series", but I'm focusing on finishing my WIPs first. At least that's the plan. I'm glad you enjoyed the smut and found the story interesting enough to want more of it. ^^ Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  21. Chapter 15 review reply to Alassea Riddle follows: You were laughing your nose off? How very Voldemortish of you. Yeah, no Tom ... *hides* But he'll be there in the next chapter. It's always fun to make Hermione trick them, especially Tom with his ego. *sniggers* And yes, poor Jensen, I'm sure Tom won't be amused at all. Jensen-> <-Tom Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. And thank you for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  22. Experiment of the Mind review reply to Alassea Riddle follows: Hi, Thank you. I'm glad you're finally well enough to be able to read again and that you loved this story. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  23. Chapter 15 review reply to MalfoysBitch: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it and will do my best to update asap. xx Nerys
  24. Chapter 15 review to SRaven_Underhill: Well, it wouldn't be Hermione if she weren't smart. ^^ Besides, it's always fun to have her do something unexpected (in Tom's eyes). *sniggers* I'm glad you liked the chapter, and you'll see Riddle's reaction in the next one. No problem. I like your story and just want to say: Don't be discouraged about low amounts of reviews at the start. When I posted my first story, it wasn't until I reached double digits in my chapters that I started getting more reviews. And nowadays loads of people read on phones, too. So, thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
  25. Chapter 15 review reply to DB1: Hi, I'm glad you loved chapter 15 and the legal scene. Boston Legal! I so loved that series, especially the snarky comments they'd make with regards to the inner workings of television series and the great relationship portrayed by Shatner and Spader. *sighs* Too bad it's gone now. I'll do my best to update asap. Thanks for reading and reviewing, xx Nerys
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