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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. Wiccan from Dokuga says she thinks this is the one you want... http://www.dokuga.com/spark/story/2168/1?author=1600 if not, say something and will see what can be found.
  2. Go here and read this, it'll explain everything.
  3. went to bed at 6 PM up at 1 and now back to bed as I can't keep my eyes open. GAH! Back to the painkiller sleep cycle and 16 hour days of sleep...

  4. @Athenia-Glad you're enjoying it! More to come soon! @ Reba-thanks for the tip @Blink-thanks! Bella is going to be some fun! @Mystra-there aren't many notes for me to work with so I'm not all that certain what I'm going to do with Sirius but he's coming soon, I promise! @Alexa-Thanks! @EvilGenius-thanks! I'll take the suggestion under advisement @Vittani-My beta actually doesn't know HP at all, she's never read the books or seen the movies(she's game for anything so takes on whatever fandom I write in even if she doesn't know about it-gotta love someone willing to do that for you!). As this story is so long and complex, it's very hard to remember what when where in it, expecially, in her case, where you've only read it once(even for just a casual reader. It's slightly different if you write it yourself as you usually can remember certain things or have notes or outlines to work off of). I would adore a second beta to go over things for continuity errors but even finding a beta to do spelling/grammar is quite difficult. Nor am I willing to give up Tenchi for such things. If someone is willing to volunteer for that, I would be all for it. As it is, I'm going through the first version and taking notes on certain things to ensure I have at least a small idea of what went where(as well as loose ends I want to work with and other things that jump out at me). Anyone that wants to try to take it on can contact me through the forum here or various places listed on my profile. @ILoveWyatt-Glad you're enjoying! @ryuuta-glad you're enjoying! @ivy raven-No offense taken and I hope you don't at this... I'm not going to try to adopt Aya's style. To do that, I would throw off, completely what I do with more that just this story, it would affect the way I work with everything I'm in the middle of, something I seriously don't want. While the style is different, I hope you enjoy. There also comes in the factor that each of us percieve characters and situations differently (if we didn't, there wouldn't be such a variety of HP stories out there!) so I'm going with how i percieve such things as I can't get into Aya's head and work with how she did. Hope you're enjoying anyway! @LeaniaSTL -glad you're enjoying! @Raven-trust me, what you mention is going to come into play! It's one of the few things I've PMed Aya and asked her about. Just gotta give me time to get there is all! @Hollzhatter -glad you're enjoying and thanks!
  5. Can't write for shit tonight but I now have a clean desk! *bashes head on it*

  6. I appreciate Karma! It's nice to find a bitch that's bigger than me! (author unknown)

  7. this explains that...
  8. Go to this link and follow the instructions. If that doesn't work, come back and post again and someone more tech savy than I will give you a hand
  9. Alright, an easy one i can answer! using one of mine for example...for the story... http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096591 that's the URL. The numbers after the = sign are the story ID this is my authors page... http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296835077 again, the numbers after the = sign are the authors ID
  10. @ kyubidaughter, franga, bountyhuntermjs, Angel, Kevin- I've fixed that error so it should be compliant now. That's part of the problem in taking over something, you can't remember everything @kyubidaughter- Yes, it does. However, I think it's something that's going to work nicely in with what I have planned for in the future! @Unneeded-still working through what the wonderful Aya did with her notes so not sure what's coming and what isn't yet beyond one thing in particular. So, just gotta keep an eye out! @ bountyhuntermjs -Part of the issue with the 'rushed' feel is me trying to get a handle on taking something over as opposed to something you've wholly created and know where it's going. Give it a couple chapters and things will give more smooth as I work though that. And our favorite Potions Master... poor guy doesn't know what's going on right now LOL! He's so confused! @ShadeOf-Thanks! I was too enthralled with this story to just allow it to slip off into the night so I had to make the offer to pick it up! Thankfully, the wonderful Aya allowed that! I can only hope I can do her magnificent story justice!
  11. You can find it here Just a short oneshot type story of a brief encounter
  12. To uneeded: LOL All I did in that chapter was beta, nothing more. That was all Aya-only 2 more to post then onto where I start in! To Savannah: Yes, Aya did a wonderful job with that! More coming soon!
  13. to Uneeded: there are 4 more chapters left after what I posted tonight then i'm onto what I'm going to do. For the other questions... when i get to the last of what she had done, I'm going to put an AN to explain what I'm up to with it. That'll answer that, partially anyway
  14. Melrick, like DG said, there is nothing I can say to make this easier. I lost my husband to the disease about 10 years ago (though not lung cancer, it was another kind) and nothing makes it easier, nothing. Just take it one day at a time, my friend, that's all you can do and enjoy the time you have left with him. Beyond that, try to stay strong and roll with the punches. It's not easy but just try. If you need anything, you yell. I'm more than willing to listen. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.
  15. in order to help, we need the names and where they were in the archive (Naruto, Harry Potter, Originals, etc). Keep in mind that if they were misplaced in the ZMisplaced Stories [ADMIN use only] they would have been deleted as we found them.
  16. Chapter 18? I'll check that one and fix it if i can find it! Thanks!
  17. Happy Chinese New Year, year of the dragon. Time to start hoping that Dragon is like Puff the Magic Dragon & not a hungarian horntail.(source, Lord Voldemort on Twitter)

  18. It's national hugging day!

    1. JayDee


      Ahh, the more refined cousin to national glomping day!

  19. It's national popcorn day! YUM! MOAR BUTTER!

  20. To qwerty: as soon as we finish with the beta and posting I WILL be writing! Already, so many EVIL plans...
  21. To Yocom1219: No, sorry, I don't have a mailing list. What I have is Twitter and my Yahoo group where i do notifications. That and FaceBook if you have me on it, most don't, trust me! To She-who-waits-in-darkness and Tesgura: I'm working as fast as I can to get through the beta then I will start writing. My own beta, the amazing and stupendous Tenchi, is going to be helping me so I'm hoping it'll go faster and by next week I can start writing!
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