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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. OK, folks, I’ve tried to stay out of this because I tend to offend as I’m a blunt being but I’m going to back up what BW says from the prospective of a mod AND someone that has gone through the procedure to adopt a story…. This is not a hard procedure to go through, period. End of story. It took me a whole five minutes to give the proof the site needed to adopt the story Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness. No, I did not get a break from anything anyone else had to do. In fact, I had to go through the same thing as everyone else and provide proof that, indeed, I was given permission to do so. It’s on file with the site and admins that the original author gave me said permission and I could take over the story. It was easy. There is no reason in this world that Grumpy and Jordinio cannot do the same bloody thing if Grumpy wants to take over the story. All we need is proof from the original author that they have permission to take over this story. Period. All. We. Need. We don’t have this! What most of you are not ‘getting’ is we get plagiarism reports about stories posted years ago to this day. Some are founded, some aren’t. If we don’t have the proof of permissions, it comes down to can we prove it. If the author of the original isn’t around and the author that adopted it can’t provide them for that reason, we have no choice but to down the story because they can’t. We see people posting others work without permission all the damned time! We also see unauthorized sequels just as often. These are plagiarism. To stave off the accusations and protect the author adopting, we need proof that they have the permissions. It’s easy to do and can be easily provided. That’s all these two need to do. Something, apparently, they aren’t. The other issue is that it’s against the rules to post another’s work on the site. That’s clear as a bell in the damned TOS. Adopting and taking over a story is one thing, posting for another is another and it’s not allowed. That’s what Grumpy is doing. We don’t allow anyone to do this with one exception; translated works. Those also have to provide the proof of permission like I said above. These aren’t hard rules, folks. They are simple, easy and provide protection to all those involved in the damned situation. Just because other sites (read that ff.net) don’t give a fiddler’s damn about it, doesn’t mean we don’t. We protect our authors here to the best of our ability because, golly, gee, WOW, most of the mods and admins are writers themselves! So, rather than tantrum, go tantrum with the two that have decided to ignore what the mods and admins say and when they are bluntly told not to do something, the consequences of what will happen being clearly given, The issue is we are enforcing the same rule we do with everyone else! If these two can’t follow what everyone else does, this is not OUR PROBLEM!
  2. please don't ask for copies. That's against site rules and it was made clear with this when you posted in this thread... Respect the authors wishes and don't ask for copies of downed stories
  3. is it my imagination or are they adding all kinds of crap to the cash register reciepts to make them look as though you bought a buttload more than what you did to hide sticker shock of just how much everything costs anymore?

  4. Shadow, you OWE ME, WOMAN!

  5. you're welcome!
  6. the issue is it was placed in the wrong domain. You put it in Harry Potter when it belongs in Books in the Anita Blake section since the setting for it was in the Anita Blake 'verse. This is the standard way we determine where crossovers go. As we do with all misplaced stories, we delete them on sight. You are free to reupload it to the right place. But it can't go back into Harry Potter.
  7. OK, brain, I need to get the chapter downloaded from you to the doc. Why you no cooperate and give me a start point to go from?????

  8. you're not going through the center login box, are you? There is a known issue with that. if your not, email here and they'll help you better than i can technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org
  9. did you follow the steps here to activate into the new system?
  10. YUSH!! Netflix now has Cracker! *dives in to watch*

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. BronxWench


      I love Robbie Coltrane in that....

    3. Danyealle


      yes, BW! He was most excellent! That is a most awesome show and i squealed when i saw it on the list of things added!

  11. On the countdown to watch the season premier of Supernatural, which i actually get to watch as it runs for once!

  12. Disney needs to release Child of Glass on DVD and I want to see Watcher in the Woods and Something Wicked This Way Comes again *sighs*

  13. I'm ready to be put out of my misery now...

  14. Not anymore. They have a custom designed one now that only has 4 letters/numbers
  15. while it might be a pain and I spend my fair amount of time cussing, it beats the last spam attack we got of over 1000 stories in multiple archives that were nothing but spam in a matter of hours. Yeah, I remember that spam attack and having literally tons of pages to go through to find actual stories (this was before I was a mod and the reason that recapta came into being on the site). It's eaten a fair share of my reviews, I'll admit to that, but I type them up in my word processing program anyway the paste over. This one, though me and it have no fondness for each other, is far better than that POS custom one Yahell has or a couple others I've seen. You might complain that some are easier but you need to remember that they are either custom written code (like for ff.net) cost money to put on. So, rather than have to deal with what we did in the past, I'd rather deal with recapta and refresh when i can't read something it kicks out to me.
  16. Run and hide, the Tomato is on the loose!

  17. you should now be visible
  18. it's been sent
  19. your story was hidden due to a tagging problem. There is one that is needed on it. We sent you an email about it on 9/19/12 It has to have that tag before we can unhide it
  20. You've mentioned that you write in HP. No offense to anyone and I'm not trying to offended (as I, too, write slash in that section so...) first you need to take into account that those that read in HP tend to be much younger and haven't exactly learned that there is more to 'bottom and top' than what they see and/or read on the internet. I've had them do this to me too (usually more in Supernatural though since i make the one no one sees as such the 'bottom), i come back with the example of oral sex. The one giving is tending to be seen as the bottom. When, in reality, it's not. the person with the organ in their mouth is the top because said organ is also surrounded by teeth. That rather switches it around. Oral sex, giving and receiving, is a rather neutral act, not seen as bottom or top because of many factors. The bottom is the one that controls what is done and pleasurable, or painful, sensations that are caused on the so-called 'top' in the situation. The same goes for many other acts like it. There is no real 'bottom or top' in anything unless you are doing a D/s or BDSM situation of some kind and the line is made very clear who is what. Other than that, they are interchangeable. As for the emotions... again, I mean no offense, but a great many in some fandoms, especially the ones that cater to those that are younger, don't 'get' the emotion thing. Emotion is a hard thing to convey in so many things, be it fanfic or original. In slash, it seems to be harder than in het because so many don't understand one very undeniable 'truth'; males and females react differently to emotional things and show emotion a different way. For example, a 16 year old Harry is not going to run out of a room screaming and crying when confronted with something. Yet I've seen it portrayed that way more than i care to enumerate here. They also don't realize that how beings were portrayed in the books is very different than they were in the movies. Nor do they take into account, using something you said you write, that characters like Sirius were not as well developed as ones like Hernoine or Ron. Sirius was a rather minor character in both the books and movies, with little character development as opposed to other ones that were more of a 'main character'. So how you portray them is your interpretation of what you saw/read. Nor is it right, wrong or indifferent. When there is no real background of development you have to create it to have a good story. Just because yours doesn't agree with what they interpret doesn't make it wrong. OOC, in the case of the more minor characters, is in the eye of the beholder. They just tend to get pissy when you don't do things according to the way they see the world and, for those, stick up your middle finger and tell them to spin on it. All in all, it comes down to one thing... It's your story to do with what you want. If they don't like it, they are free to shut the page and move on. Their reviews, too, can be easily deleted here. Beyond that, consider the mentality, roll your eyes and move on!
  21. yes, folks, this is real and legit! She's one of the authors i'm aquainted with that is signed with the publisher I am. Sure, it costs, but getting things right and learning the real thing to prefect what you do is well worth it!
  22. you should now be unhidden
  23. you can still access the story through your authors panel (control panel) to do edits. it's just hidden from public view is all
  24. The issue isn't your disclaimer right now but your redirect to another site in an authors note. You were emailed about that on 9/5
  25. it's fun to fall in love with one of your WIP all over again!

    1. Daye


      yes i imagine it would be :)

    2. BronxWench


      I keep trying on my longest languishing WIP...

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