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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. Danyealle


    I think it might be The Children of Atum Be warned, this is a very squicky fic for almost everyone.
  2. The issue is the fandom part. What you have is a character disclaim, not something that disclaims the whole fandom. It should read, as a basic disclaimer, I don't own Sailor Moon and make no money off this story.
  3. My cattled prod has done a Crater. I don't think this is a sign of anything good...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danyealle


      I'll hide you. You know i run the mod witness protection program :D

    3. BronxWench


      ::eyes Squeebles warily before diving behind Dany's couch::

    4. Danyealle


      * sends back a bottle of sake and a glass with some chocolates *

  4. here is the FAQ on that How to manage recommended reading How to manage current reading
  5. If I'm remembering right, this story was removed from the site because she plagiarized parts of it. Sorry.
  6. The psycho fruit is cackling evilly and bouncing around. I don't think this is a good sign...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Danyealle


      some more practice is needed for it to be convincing, sorry!

    3. BronxWench


      ::pokes elf:: Look innocent for me!

    4. Danyealle


      lmao! If they belong to you, i doubt that's going to work either!

  7. It's not from us. We're not infected and haven't been. The sites testing clean and free from anything harmful across the board
  8. Read this... it explains everything including that we have something in place to make sure that doesn't happen.
  9. Google controls kicking up malware warnings for every browser on the web, not just chrome. Every site that gets hit with a warning like that shows it comes from google.
  10. Google controls who gets blacklisted-look at the thumbs you sent. That's who sent them.
  11. We know, trust me The site is clean and it appears, the best we can guess, is it's Google.
  12. yes, we're aware. Two of us on staff are getting it as well. As we're the only two around, there isn't really a lot we can do, SORRY! DG will be home sometime this afternoon.
  13. I have a feeling today's going to be one of those days where multiple people want me to strangle them...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danyealle


      welcome to our world >< there myself!

    3. BronxWench


      It might be bad timing to watch Vikings on Sundays. I'm in pillage mode.

    4. DemonGoddess


      having to deal with the extortionists at Duke Energy today has me downright homicidal

  14. I still got it after closing but a dump of the cookies and cache got it up and going fine. No more Red Screen of Pain In My Ass on Chome! Great job, DG!
  15. The author of this story pulled all her works because she got published.
  16. You can tag it in the story itself. What most do is put something like (Additional Tags; blah, blah, blah) in an authors note in the first chapter. That way you can easily add to it if they are needed. Or you can do it in an authors note in the chapter itself where something appears.
  17. Am I caught up finally? Please, oh please tell me I'm caught up. I so want to be so I can bloody RELAX for a while ><

    1. DemonGoddess
    2. BronxWench


      I've come to the realization that I will never be caught up. ::sighs::

    3. Danyealle


      well, caught up with stuff I HAVE to have done for now. That's all I can ever hope for ><

  18. As a writer, you have me scratching my head here. I'm not seeing how you can do what is asked without angst of any kind. To change sides, you're going to need angst on someone's part to make a decent fic, honestly. Not to mention fics with no angst tend to make the leads Mary Sue/Gary Stu's.
  19. read this thread... http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/44737-virus-threat/
  20. anytime!
  21. send the email you used and they'll find it
  22. send an email with your pen name and the email address you used to this technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org
  23. As we are replying directly to the messages you sent, the email address isn't the issue. Apparently, something is filtering out what we are sending. You may wish to check your settings. I can resend the last one, however, if you aren't getting anything else, chances are it won't get through.
  24. You may want to check your spam folder as all three times we sent you a response and have copies of said response in our email. In those contain everything you need to know.
  25. LOL you're fine! Yes, it's the second set of links you need. The first set, though still around, is going to be going away in one of the upgrades. Nor can you edit the old one, only the new. The ratings, right now, aren't showing up on your profile but you can see them on the pages in the archive that list the stories or your old profile.
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