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Everything posted by Araneola

  1. glass
  2. ^is not scary in a "strikes fear into <'s heart" sort of way, but more of a... shocking/surprising way < blames it on the bright colors and crawls back into the dark lair
  3. lettuce
  4. ^scares me just a little bit... which is saying something and < checked, and < has no snail mail. and facebook isn't working. so < really has nothing better to do than sit around and try to beat all of Keith Inc. high scores in the arcade...
  5. rainbow?
  6. ^needs a kick in the pants who is < going to go spam crazy with if ^ is gone, hmmm?
  7. just more fuel for the FIRE! *pokes the person below with a marshmallow roasting stick!! (who wants s'mores??) *
  8. ^has been missed
  9. ^just gave < dirty thoughts about gonzo, which < is frantically trying to erase and in response to ^^^, <'s title was given to <, and < believes it's actually Italian... that's a lot of arrows
  10. I will never leave the forum if that goes up!
  11. ^could end up getting that... though the roses might not look so good
  12. owl (it's a fictional character, you should google it, and then read the book )
  13. FUN!
  14. ^would probably like to eat the cakes < bakes
  15. needles
  16. ^has 27 more posts to go (at 10:45 EST )
  17. hospital
  18. ^is from Canada
  19. My, my, there is just something about Italian... absolutely delicious and well, if you speak any Latin or Greek, there is no saving me
  20. ^should not be sorry, and should know that virginity is lost with 50 posts
  21. death
  22. ^ has two more posts (currently, at 10:12 EST) until ^ is no longer a forum virgin And uh, hate to kill ya guys, but < is female
  23. ^has a reason to be afraid i mean, what?
  24. dreams
  25. ^makes < wonder how many offers of panties they get on a regular basis, due to the threat in the sig, lol
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