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Everything posted by Araneola

  1. ugh... and i thought that dirty sock was bad... *pokes the person below with a tree frog*
  2. Q: Queensland walnut (Endiandra palmerstonii)
  3. ^should watch some Red vs. Blue, which happens to be a Halo "capture the flag" parody
  4. "A way for an author to convey their imaginations/passions/etc. for others in an entertaining way." Whenever you refer to the first paragraph, my dear Riku, this is what sticks out to me. And this is one of the same responses I can give you as to why I write and read fanfiction. Entertainment. Enjoyment. Several people other than myself have already said that they write and read fanfiction because it's fun. Nevermind the teeny-bopper omglol influenza of the internet. Real fanfiction has imagination, has passion, and those authors connect with their readers. You don't necessarily need a new world, or new characters to get a beautiful message across, and I think being able to touch readers with that message without foundations of your own creative mind is a skill within itself. Fanfiction is the manifestation of that connection. And as to your comments about my own response, yes, those questions apply to both, and yes, that was my intent. "The problems I encounter as the creator, however, are exactly the same ones I encounter as a fanfiction writer." It is the sentence previous to those questions. Overall, my main point is that you really have to ignore the bulk of "fanfiction" out there. Because, yes, it truly is terrible. But no one gets better at something without practice first, and that should be where fanfiction is allowed to thrive. If I encounter the same problems as a writer and as a fanfic writer, than why wouldn't I jump on that opportunity to improve myself and have fun at the same time? Sounds a little like a no brainer I hope that this clears things up!
  5. ^ Will soon be recruited into <'s Red Army... mwahahahaa
  6. Araneola

    Five words

    with one leg and stretch
  7. i love edible counters *pokes the person below her with Skirotaka*
  8. To start with the second question, I have to counter with the question "Are all creative and good writers best-selling authors?" Original is a funny term when you consider literature as a whole. You don't need to be a nerdy English major (*guilty*) to see how originality works in writing, you only need to get through high school. Look at Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet? a theme of star-crossed lovers? feuding families? Not original, not even back in his day. It points back to Ovid, and who even knows where that leads to? The point, however, is not to make Shakespeare out to be a plagiarizing copy cat. The man was a genius, not for his plot or for his stock characters or his themes. He is considered a genius because of what he can do with those things. It's the language. And THAT (for me, perhaps not for Riku there) points to what RikuDrak was talking about "what writing is". That is what "originality" is. It's the genius behind tools you're working with. Which leads me to say that, yes, some fanfiction writers are GOOD and CREATIVE. I've made my own characters, I've written my short stories and I've labored over long unfinished passages. But I can make them do whatever I want. I am their "creator". If I want a cute little bunny-slipper wearing kid to be a devil, presto-chango it can happen. There are no guidelines for me in this mode. Granted, it has to work with where I want my story to go, where I want to take it, but the possibilities are really quite endless for me. The problems I encounter as the creator, however, are exactly the same ones I encounter as a fanfiction writer. How do you keep those little characters in character? How does bunny-slipper kid become a monstrous little demon? Where are the lines, and how far is too far to push those boundaries? You can have great talent as an original writer, but unless you can fully master your own characters, your readers will end up frustrated and confused about their turns of emotion and "character". I see fanfiction as fantastic practice. Let's take anime for example: You're a fan (you should be, I mean... you are writing FANfiction here... ) You know the characters. You know what they do in certain situations, you can recognize how they react to certain things. Those are your boundaries. The freedom with writing comes with putting them in different situations where you're not told how they react. It's all about playing within your field. But it's also about fun. I read and write fanfiction to relax a bit. Yes! I would like to read about some of my favorite characters rather than watch them on the television! I agree with the disdainful attitude towards what unfortunately has become the bulk of fanfiction. As a reader, I'm not looking for the internet spelling and grammatical errors. I love plot. I love long chapters. The more substance the better. It is hard to keep characters in character, and I don't read the impossible, implausible ones. I'm on adultfanfiction, but I'm not looking for a one night stand or a one-shot most days! I'm here because most of the writing truly is better, and the writers care a lot more about their work. Now to address the rest of your questions in not such a long fashion... I think original fan-fics are actually just fiction. I wouldn't consider some one using original characters and the like a fan-fic author. Perhaps they are a fan of reading? of writing? of life in general? To be honest, this question confused me (still does a little bit). I never realized people were calling fiction writers fanfiction writers... Seems, uh, a little bit odd, yes? To summarize the last few questions (in case you got lost, I have a tendency to ramble, and this isn't being beta'd or proof-read ) I write and read fanfic because it's fun. It satisfies my need to engage with my favorite characters, even if it's not the "original" show (or book sometimes). Reruns get boring, and not all authors write sequels. It is a little bit of an addiction. The original work isn't good unless you get attached in some way to the characters! But it's fun, it's relaxing, and I enjoy it. Stress-relief, if you will. It's my practice. Keeps me in shape for the real thing, for when I sit back down again and start writing about my own "original" little people. I take the lessons I learn from fanfiction with me. And who knows? Maybe bunny-slipper kid won't become a demon after all? I hope this helped, and wasn't too long winded for you
  9. ^should become an active forum gamer ^^ Don't make me get my Red Team out here
  10. D: Dracaena draco (Dragon tree... I think I want one of these...)
  11. ouchies! i think i might be diseased now *pokes person below with power puff girls bandaid*
  12. ^doesn't know < well enough and still thinks < is nice
  13. W: Wraith (Wiki says it's a Scottish water spirit, but perhaps Wiki is a mythology in itself )
  14. Araneola

    Five words

    warm, fuzzy feelings he thought
  15. delicious. Where's the melted cheese so I can up my cholesterol a few more points? *pokes the person below with a can of cat food*
  16. ^must feel much better after having taken a very deserved day off
  17. Araneola

    Five words

    felt before. It was like
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