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Everything posted by Araneola

  1. R: Re (Egyptian, also, from what I've encountered, can be spelled Ra)
  2. Velvet
  3. Shovel
  4. I: Ipotane (Greek) - Horse-human hybrid, two-legged (as opposed to the four-legged centaur)
  5. ^needs to have a glass of wine and chill for a whole evening without doing any work at all
  6. sexy?
  7. Araneola

    Five words

    eye patch and wooden leg.
  8. I always knew hair products were a bad idea... *watches her hair go up in flames* *pokes the person below with some crispy human hair*
  9. ^ should take up telepathy to talk to Shirotaka instead of an instant messenger
  10. Y: Yataghan (a long knife or short saber that lacks a guard for the hand at the juncture of blade and hilt and that usually has a double curve to the edge and a nearly straight back - courtesy of Mr. Webster, of course)
  11. lightning
  12. I always wanted to celebrate May Day *was going to poke the person below with a plastic spork, but decides to switch to a permanent Purple Sharpie pen*
  13. Araneola

    Five words

    but began to unbutton his
  14. T: Trebuchet (a siege weapon, but a weapon nonetheless!)
  15. ^is loaded with work and doesn't have enough play time
  16. Bears (oh my!)
  17. Q: Quarrel (a square-headed bolt or arrow, esp for a crossbow)
  18. heartbreaker
  19. We got a foot of snow today... I could really use that hug right about now
  20. ^ enjoys the Kirby dance
  21. I: Icicle (can anyone say perfect murder weapon?)
  22. Hello Everyone I'm Araneola, and I read a lot of fanfiction in a lot of categories. My newest obsession is Naruto, because really, Kakashi is just too sexy to pass up! I happen to love crack fics and generally read humorous stories. You can find me and my one lonely story in the Naruto section. Feel free to drop by and say hello! I'm really bad at updating, but I'm a college student, so maybe it's to be expected...?
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