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Everything posted by Kanashii
Well since I voted "Other" I will explain. Since I do ALOT of Mafia, gangster, 'Godfather/Soprano' type stories there are OCCASIONALLY mentions of 'real characters' But the main characters of the stories are all 'fantasy/made up/OC's' however one of the main characters MAY mention something about Al Capone, or John Gotti etc. Also since I mainly write original stuff, if there is a TV going on in the background it may be droning on about a current event (especially if one of my stories is set in the 50's, 60's or 80's) but again, none of these 'real life' characters are IN my story, they are just background reference. But no, writing about REAL people, politicians, celebrities, etc as the main characters themselves holds no interest for me. However I guess for some folks who are FANS (fangirls? Fanboys?) of a certain celebrity I could see how they could write about that person. For Legal reasons I would NEVER, ever, ever write about a real life person I knew. That's just opening a hornets nest. Since I DO know several 'connected' people and draw on their personalities for many of my mob stories, I make sure their names, locations and whatnot are so changed as to not be recognizable. JMHO.
ok, I'm sorry Knorg, but that is HILARIOUS! You owe me a new keyboard as mine is now covered in Green Tea! Harumpf!
What a WONDERFUL idea, and I would be most happy to do this. I will list two stories (that way if one story is not someone's idea of an interesting read) they have another to pick from. When you leave the review, please put "forum" on the review so I can return the favor. I am willing to read anything as a courtesy, even stuff I normally don't read. Perhaps this is a way for us to check out some work we might not other wise check out. Stories to choose from: 1) Tender is the Night (WARNING, this is a full fledged novel with over 40 chapters.) Description: Don Victor Jerome has been labeled by the FBI the most powerful Crime Boss on the East Coast. Midwesterner Sarah Duncan is newly engaged and working to make ends meet when she is suddenly captured into the cruel underworld of 'White Slavery'. Two very different people who would never ordinarily meet become intricately entangled in each other's lives and fates. What at first seems like a chance occurrence turns out to be pivotal in both of their lives. > http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095567 If this one is too long, or you want something more really sexually explicit and naughty I have 2) A new Life. (M/F, BDSM, SM, oral, fetish) Descript: A woman's life is literally turned upside down when a powerful man wants her for his new ponygirl. Url: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092431
I have only had one really "bad mouthed review" from someone who obviously did not read the codes and warnings on my story. The most amusing (I hate to say 'stupid' but I guess they are in a way) are the reviewers who read a COMPLETED fic of mine (the story even says "The End" or "Finito" at the end), then post something like... "I love your story! Update soon!!!!" (usually with misspellings<g>) Now, at these points I feel like Ferris Buehler, at the end of "Ferris Buehlers Day Off"..) My fingers itch to type out.... "That's it, it's OVER, there is no more. It says "the END. Thank you for enjoying my story but there is not going to BE any update. It is complete, finished, ended, finito, fini! Move onto another story if you like my writing but this one is done. Stick a fork in it, it is D.O.N.E." Ah well, at least it isn't like one reviewer who didn't read the codes on my one story then proceeded to tell how disgusting and perverted and squicky it was, how they hated it and would I please update soon.... That review was sooo priceless I had to leave it up. It still makes me ROFLMAO every time I see it!
Well since the original question was..."Are there any topics you would never write yourself? Does anything make you cringe when you attemnp to write it?" So of course I can only speak for myself. Basically I can't do slash (M/M) I don't have anything AGAINST slash, I just would never write it myself. It does nothing for me. Sex with a minor is another. I guess because I am a mom and have a son (Now 20) but either way, the thought of an adult (over 21) with a true CHILD (under 10) just really is a stomach churner for me. Beastiality (Sex with animals) is another "I could never write and makes me cringe" only because I have worked with the SPCA and various animal rescues for many years and have seen the results of this in REAL life (Men with small kittens, dogs, ferrets, etc. Obviously the small cat/dog/kitten is usually so torn and injured it has to be euthanized/destroyed). So that is another thing that I would not be interested in reading or writing. That being said, I would NEVER 'damn' another authors work ever. If someone DID like writing about the above subjects I would trust they had the appropriate codes and warnings to let me know to avoid that fanfic. But again, never would I 'slam' them for it or say "Man, are you WEIRD". And I certainly hope as professional WRITERS we realize that there are many subjects and things that each writer weaves. I am not one to talk as I write some very 'dark' stuff involving BDSM, D/s and even have one 'snuff' story. But I always have codes up for it for those who want to skip those stories. Again, as I posted on one of my other posts. This is the beauty and diversity of AFF. So many different kinks, fetishes and adult writing. There is something for everyone and every kink, and all authors are certainly entitled to write about whatever they wish as long as it doesn't involve REAL minors and individuals I guess.
I PREFER to concentrate on one at a time, that way it can have all my energy and devotion and I can finish it and not loose my momentem and enthusiasm for what I am writing... (Too many stories and plot bunnies and I lose interest or get stories confused or have reviewers hounding me that stuff isn't being 'churned' out fast enough for them.) After saying that though, I do currently have one 2 WIP and at one time had 4 going. Even though I got great reviews *I* didn't like the work and could tell it was rushed and not up to my usual strict standards. So, I just concentrate on one at a time now.
Personally I write only M/F (hetero). I do have one story where there is M/F/F but that is because it is kind of a D/s-BDSM scene with a married Master and Mistress and one female sub. I have nothing against people who want to write M/M, but it does kind of fascinate me, that so many who write about it are actually married or hetero females! I am a hetero married female (older than 39-younger than 50<wink>) married for nearly 24 years who just does not find it arousing to me in the least to read about two males. My beloved brother (my only blood family left) is gay and with a really awesome partner. I support and love my brother totally and have even seen some of the gay porno. I don't find it a 'turn off' in the least, but neither would I feel compelled to write "slash". "slash" has been around in fanfics (written by hetero females) since the 1960's! Honest, I dear friend of mine who remembers some of the early Monkee's and Original Star Trek "slash" (Kirk-Spock) once told me that at a convention some folks discussed that many women wrote slash as a way to 1) not feel like they were writing a Mary Sue or SI... Or, because some were kind of jealous and didn't want to think of "their" favorite characters with a female... I have NO idea if any of those feelings are true or not. Obviously slash is something that has been around for awhile, (I asked my brother if gay men ever write hetero fic...he says none of the over 200 gay or lesbians he knows did. LOL!) so "slash" must be pretty much a uniquely hetero female thing. Again, I am neutral. As a writer, I say write whatever YOU want and what arouses you. A good writer ALWAYS writes for themselves first, their craft second and their 'fans-reader' 3rd. I won't read any M/M "slash" because I just don't find it a turn on or arousing. So all my 19 stories are always M/F-hetero. But in the same token, I understand not everyone is into BDSM, or D/s or Male dom or Mafia stories or... (insert fetish/kink of your choice) that is the beauty of places like AFF. There is something for everyone, eh?
Well since I normally only write OC and in the Original section I have many stories, but I will give you the link to my main novel "Tender is the Night". > http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095567 However if you are looking for OC's in already established 'fandom's' I do also have OC's in some Soprano's stories I wrote... (Collections has many OC's in it) > http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005250 and I do have an OC/F-POV (first person Point of View) in the Harry Potter fandom with a female OC. (the Noble house of Malfoy) > http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544213053 So far I've been lucky in that no one has accused me of any "Mary Sue's" or complained at all about any of my OC's. I have read many good works out here on AFF that have OC's in them (Both in Original stories and 'fandoms')
Wolfie: First, my deepest condoelences on the passing of your father. I have never had a reviewer/IM like that, but I have occasionally gotten one or two really bizarre reviews. So who knows with these things? The person was insensitive but probably a young immature person.
I have to admit, while I am NOT new as an author to AFF, I am new to posting here in the forums; so, when I posted my first few posts I was amused to see little name above my status. I have no idea who gave that title to me, but I applaud them I had to go look it up and translate it and considering my forum name (Kanashii) I found it hilarious. (But yet accurate, I am a playful sort and hope to post more on here). Best wishes to my fellow authors and readers,
Title: FAN-FIC Author: Kanashii rating: Adult++ Summary: "What if one of the characters you created for your Fan-Fic novel were to seek you out in real life? Now what if that character is a powerful and deadly hitman, who has a bone to pick with you? Sara is about to find out firsthand as an original character she has created comes searching for her. Will it be a fantasy come true or a horrific nightmare beyond her imagination? This story will take the reader on a surprising ride that they could never imagine." Codes: Original Story, Male-Dom, D/s, Violence, descriptive sexual acts, Humiliation, Dominance, Body Modification, M/F (Hetero) and Original Characters, WIP, currently up to 10 chapters. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092556 Rates and reviews are always appreciated.
Hi Ninja! Yes there will be a B-Mod in that story, however if you are really into B-Mod, etc. May I humbly suggest this completed story! Title: The Comare Author: Kanashii Summary: "The brutally graphic story of the Jerome underboss breaking and claiming an arrogant female reporter... OC,M/F,BDSM,B-Mod,Humil, S&M,Lemon,MaleDom,WS , mafia,* Completed*" Rated: Adult++ (very graphic sex and B-modification) URL> http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544209372 Also my story, "Betrayal" URL> http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544209306 Summary: "Gina's husband screwed up and she is forced by the Jerome Crime Family to chose between the ultimate humiliation or worse. Language,MC,OC,M/F,D/s,Humil,Lemon,MaleDom,N/C,BDSM, B-Mod.." Might catch your fancy as well. Thank you for the reply to my post and I aim to please.
A very explicit story of one of the Bing girls from the Soprano's. Title: The Bing Girl Author: Kanashii (who else? Rating: (Adult++) Summary: "What is it like to be a dancer at the famous Bada Bing? Danielle is about to find out as she is hired on as a new stripper. Anal,BDSM,B-Mod,D/s,Dom,F/M/M,Language,M/F... This story takes place after the incidence where Ralph Cifaretto killed Tracy…At the end of the show we see a ‘new’ dancer coming into the club… This is her story" Feedback: reviews and rates always appreciated Fandom: The Soprano's URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091081 Also see my main author page for more Soprano stories and original Mob/Mafia stories. Warmly, Kanashii
If you like my Mobster writings, why not check out my Soprano's stuff? Title: Collections (A Furio Giunta story- 2nd in the Furio series) rating: Adult+ Summary: Furio Giunta must choose between helping a fellow countrywoman from Italy or betraying his own roots to do Tony Soprano's bidding. Now Completed. Language,OC,Tort, drug use and graphic violence. Fandom: TV- The Soprano's. Rates and reviews are always appreciated! URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005250 Many more completed Soprano's stories under my author name: > http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296788188 Warmly, Kanashii
Several new stories based on Tender is the Night > http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095567 are now posted. 1) Morte Intimo Author: Kanashii (me) Rating: (Adult+) Summary: "Rising mob associate Victor Jerome shows he truly is destined for his role as future Don. Part of the TiTN series.Mafia, COMPLETE,Death,Dom,OC,Violence..." Feedback: Feedback and ratings always appreciated! Fandom: Mafia, Mobster, General. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095673 2) The Sins of my Father Author: Kanashii Rating (adult) Summary: "Young Victor Jerome is given his mafia induction ceremony and made; against the wishes of his father. Part of the Tender is the Night series. Mafia COMPLETE,Language,OC" Feedback and ratings always appreciated. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095671 Many more Tender Is the Night stories are also posted under my Author name > http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/author...p?no=1296788188 Great Holidays and Warmly, Kanashii-Taka
Title: Tender Is The Night Author: Kanashii (me) Rating: (Adult+) Summary: "Don Victor Jerome has been labeled by the FBI the most powerful Crime Boss on the East Coast. Midwesterner Sarah Duncan is newly engaged and working to make ends meet when she is suddenly captured into the cruel underworld of 'White Slavery'. Two very different people who would never ordinarily meet become intricately entangled in each other's lives and fates. What at first seems like a chance occurrence turns out to be pivotal in both of their lives. Don Victor Jerome has been the strength behind the Jerome Family for nearly 25 years, ever since his rival Tito D’Salvatore Family had dealt a devastating bloody massacre to his family back in 1957. Now his biggest problems are ending the continuing war with his hated enemies the D’Salvatores, the ever increasing government crackdowns on Organized Crime and the strange enigmatic Sarah whom he has rescued from a fate worse than death..." Feedback: Feedback and ratings always appreciated! Fandom: Mafia, Mobster, General. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095567 Because this is such a large and in-depth story, there is a Compendium/Companion list that can help keep track of characters and such at: Tender is the Night Compendium: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095575 May you have a great holiday season. Warmly, Kanashii