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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. It is an unfortunate fact of life that content placed on the internet is subject to theft. That being said, sure, we've been looking at ways to restrict that sort of thing, WITHOUT going to the "registered users only" thing for access, like some sites have done. If someone is determined to steal, they are going to steal. Even the lazy ones. With scripts freely available to take php generated content and convert it to pdf, html and other formats, it's a simple copy/paste of the story path to get the content ANYWAY, on any site, REGARDLESS of what's in place to attempt to protect it. Something else to keep in mind, is that while these scripts are available, they're merely a stopgap for any site, and don't truly stop it. The best way to stop plagiarism is to quit rewarding the authors who do this. Until it becomes something where users are willing to step up and help put a stop to it, in the majority, this will always be an issue for any site. One other thing to keep in mind, is that whatever IS implemented, I have to be careful that it doesn't affect the search indices abilities to index the site itself properly.
  2. As all I'm finding are references to a game, is that what this is?
  3. Okay. Try this then. Clear your site cookies, *.adult-fanfiction.org Clear your cache Clear your active logins Close the browser and restart it THEN, login using the boxes located at the upper right corner. If you don't use those boxes, you won't be able to access your story options.
  4. You need to logout, then back in, using the boxes located at the upper right corner of your browser screen.
  5. DemonGoddess

    Speedy tomato?

    I take exception to that statement. She was NEVER plagiarised here.
  6. You mean this? If you have questions about specific tags in that list, feel free to ask.
  7. DemonGoddess

    mpreg m/m

    As this story was published in the originals section, it is not uncommon for an author to pull the work should he or she be intending to publish the story. Publishers tend to want their authors to not leave the raw story up for free.
  8. How exactly are you adding the chapter? Please step it out for me. I know this may sound silly, but if I can't duplicate it (which I can't), then I need to know exactly what you did, so I can help you find a solution.
  9. Prompts paltry paranoid plummet Rules Happy Writing! This topic will autolock at 11:59 pm EDT 10-26
  10. So you're saying you have a story in progress for it then?
  11. Search is not restricted to where a user must be activated and/or logged in to use it, within the archive. The biggest issue with search not working is searching the incorrect subdomain. As Bronx pointed out, if you're searching for anime based stories, you must be in the anime archive for it to work. Each archive has its own set of tables. When searching, if you use a search term of 3 characters or less, it will not work. If searching summaries and one forgets to select summary as part of the search criteria, you will not be successful.
  12. hmmmm, looks like a good gift for mini the college student
  13. Eon asked for all her stories to be deleted due to rampant plagiarism of them over the years. Where she had access to her work on the internet, she pulled the stories herself. On this site, she'd not activated in the new system, and asked that I do the deletions FOR her. I'm certain she's aware that by pulling the stories, that doesn't mean this won't keep happening. However, she certainly does feel if housed in one place (her personal site) it'll be easier for her to keep track of what is, and is not available publicly.
  14. added "Hum" for Humanoid
  15. After thinking about it, I think a tag for humanoid would actually work better. Monster is a very subjective term. Humanoid could be used for many things, where anthro, xeno and tags of that nature aren't quite a good fit.
  16. fecking power supply died

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      and the ps is now replaced

    3. Melrick


      Good god, what the hell is it with these things lately? Mine will have to wait until I come back to get replaced.

    4. DemonGoddess


      definitely was NOT an expense I needed at the moment

  17. Firstly, I'd like to welcome all the new users we're seeing daily! Glad to have you here! Please do familiarize yourself with the Terms of Service and Content Guidelines. This IS a moderated archive. Moderation Status (2013) Updated monthly. September report is here. Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales Current bi-monthly prompt is here Current monthly prompt is here Newly published authors From time to time, we come across in the archive where one of the users is picked up by a publisher. Congratulations! +sniffles+ We didn't see any this time around. Proof of age On occasion, when checking age on a user, staff will come across wildly conflicting information. When this happens, I will email that user, and ask for proof of age. Please understand that if there is no response to this, the user in question will be deleted. This is something I have to do, as this site is, and always has been restricted in use to users aged 18 and over. Instructions on how to provide proof of age are here. Story rewrites As has been stated previously, duplicates of the same story are not allowed. However, we do understand that at times an author looks at something old, and opts to rewrite it. When this is what you want to do, the procedure for it is outlined here. We all understand that authors would love to keep their original reviews, hit counts and the like as well. By my merging the old to the new, you can. Category requests and creation There are a few ways where I'll create a new subcategory, upon request. First (and quickest), request it in the forum. Directions for that are here. You don't need a forum login to make this request. Request via email, at technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org?subject=New Category. The above rules apply to an email request as well. Name the fandom in your story itself, by disclaiming it properly. I go through the misc. categories about once a week and create categories for stories where there isn't one. Please note this does NOT apply to pair specific type categories. For those, I need to see links to 5 pre-existing stories, with the pair that you want the category for. Access bans, and why they happen Banning a user is not something done on a whim, or whenever. There are certain conditions which make it so this will happen: User is underage The user will be added to the ban filters, with the ban to expire on his or her 18th birthday. Should an underage user opt to return multiple times, on the 4th return, I will ban you permanently. By continuing to create profiles while underage, you're showing a blatant disregard for a rule which I cannot override, in that users MUST be 18 or older. User is a plagiarist When plagiarism is proven, whether or not that user ends up Hall of Shamed, that user is banned permanently. User is a troll We've all seen the trollfic, where someone posts something just to aggravate the users in a particular fandom. When a user has been determined a troll, that user is deleted and banned. Spamming On occasion, there will be users who create a login to spam the archives with the same story, over and over and over again; or the same review. Those users are deleted and banned. None of us needs to see that crap. The archives and review tables don't need glutted with that nonsense. Continued disregard of the ToS and CG, for the same type of infraction. Users such as this are warned several times. If necessary, the next step would be a suspension. If the suspension of use doesn't cure the behavior, the user is removed and banned. After all, when the bulk of the users can read and abide by the ToS and CG without issue, we can't allow just a few to flout the same. Minor deletions, and why they affect some review counts Current minors - This means users who were underage at time of registration, from 1/1/2009 forward. It doesn't matter when we catch you, you're still deleted. When that happens, if the user has left behind review data, that is ALSO deleted. Old minors - This means users who were underage at time of registration, from 12-31-08 and before. When these are found, the processing is a bit different, in that I've allowed for the inadequacies from before. There were a few staff who did their jobs, but they were often ignored, which is why there are so many of these. With an OM, if there are stories attached, all data posted AFTER the 18th birthday is allowed to stay. Rather than just outright deleting all content such a user has added, I go through the review tables as well, and allow the post 18 reviews to stay too. In all honesty, it's much easier to delete these outright, but that means that many reviews that don't need to be deleted, will be. It takes much longer to process something like this, rather than a standard minor deletion. Funding Status As always, we appreciate and thank everyone who can donate. It's certainly not required of the users, but every little bit helps! Tech Bits Internet Explorer- I've done everything I can to try and make the old code compatible to the browser. As nothing has worked, the best bet is for users to use something different for adding stories, such as Chrome or Firefox. The archive works in EVERY other browser I've tried, just not IE. At least not easily for IE. I have managed to make it so that IE 10 and up should work with no issue, and that with IE 9 you still have to use the workaround. Anything less, my guinea pigs informed me that sometimes they experience their computers locking up at worst, and at best it loads only the chapter title and still no text box, with no way to get to it. There is a workaround, but it only seems to work for Win Vista and up computers, and IE 9 and up. Thing is, if I make it so that everything works with Internet Explorer, then everything BREAKS for all the other browsers. To me, that's not a viable option. Domain change- Due to personnel changes over the years, somehow, the site managed to lose control of the original domain. If you think about it, last year from 9-14 through 9-16, we were effectively down, until the domain was renewed (and not by the site). This is why the domain has been changed. The new domain is attached to the site account, and renewable via the hosting account as well. As the person who has the old domain refuses to transfer it back to the site, there was no other choice. Unless of course we wanted to go through absolute and utter hell every year, waiting for it to be renewed. I've gotten everything permanently redirected, in all subdomains. What this means, is if you click an old link, it'll take you to the new one. Technical support- As stated previously, please allow up to 48 hours for initial response. I do try to (and usually manage to) answer much sooner than that, but depending upon my real life obligations, usually work stuff, is how long it actually takes me to be able to get to things. It is CRITICAL that when asking for technical support, you provide as much detail as you can. The more details you give me, the better able I will be to find an answer for you. When given response, please make sure you follow the directions exactly as given. If one takes the time to read the directions, and follows them step by step, the problem being experienced is usually resolved at that point. Our FAQ section has much useful information. Having said that, if you're still having trouble, you can either email tech support, or post in the tech support forum. It can take me up to 48 hours to respond, due to real life obligations. Please be patient, I WILL get to you as soon as I can. Please remember that the authors you read do like to hear from you! Leave them a review or two, and let them know how they're doing! DemonGoddess061
  18. September Age Verification/Underagers (Current) Confirmed as 18 or older – 166 Now 18, but underage when registered – 30 accounts, 24 actual users Currently underage, deleted once – 38 accounts, 35 actual users Inconclusive data found – 191 users Users posting for minors – 1 users Returning minors – 9 accounts, 9 actual users Total users age checked - 426 Year to Date - 4269 Old Underage Users (by registration year) 2002 – 0 accounts, 0 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 0 actual users 2003 – 4 accounts, 1 users deleted, 3 users modified; total of 4 actual users 2004 – 8 accounts, 3 users deleted, 4 users modified; total of 7 actual users 2005 – 19 accounts, 11 users deleted, 4 users modified; total of 15 actual users 2006 – 29 accounts, 20 users deleted, 1 users modified; total of 21 actual users 2007 – 16 accounts, 9 users deleted, 4 users modified; total of 13 actual users 2008 – 19 accounts, 12 users deleted, 3 users modified; total of 15 actual users Grand total – 95 accounts, 56 users deleted, 19 users modified; total of 75 actual users Year to Date – 2261 accounts, 1619 users deleted, 298 users modified; total of 1911 actual users Plagiarism Stories deleted (co-author information not provided) – 0, YTD - 4 Stories deleted (permissions not provided) – 1, YTD – 13 Story adoption confirmed – 1, YTD 2 Co – authors verified – 1, YTD – 9 Permissions provided – 4, YTD 22 Unsubstantiated claims of plagiarism – 0, YTD – 9 Users deleted – 1, YTD - 9 Added to the monitor list (for arrival to the archive) – 0, YTD - 4 Posting for another/posting others' work – 1, YTD 7 Added to the Hall of Shame – 0, YTD 3 Trolls/Flamers/Spammers users and content deleted (trolls) – 1, YTD 30 unfounded (trolls) – 0, YTD 2 flaming (instances found) – 0, YTD 9 spam registrations – 0, YTD 25 Other ToS Violations 29 violations resolved Year to Date – 329 The bulk of the violations this month was insufficient/improper story tags. Orphan and Duplicate stories Total orphan stories found and deleted – 0, YTD 0 Stories to merge – 0, YTD 71 Total stories left after merge – 0, YTD 33 Total stories looked at – 0, YTD 71 Shared Accounts and allowed alternate accounts Allowed additional accout – 0, YTD - 1 Found and allowed shared/joint accounts - 1, YTD - 10 Invalid and/or disposable email accounts No issues found with email address – 0, YTD - 0 Users registered with false or disposable mail addresses (deleted when found) – 2, YTD - 16 Users - deleted for non correction bad email address – 110, YTD - 842 Users - corrected email address issue - 4, YTD - 23 Duplicate Users Processed Users with no duplicates found - 0,YTD - 1 Users merged - 29, YTD - 454 Users where duplicate had no data, and was deleted - 72, YTD - 812 Total extra accounts deleted after processing - 120, YTD - 1509 Total accounts looked at - 218, YTD - 2786 Actual user amount - 101, YTD – 1271
  19. It was deleted because it was in the wrong subdomain entirely. You want to add DBZ stories to anime 2, as that's where they are.
  20. Y'see, my point with this is that were I to review such a story, I can PROMISE you that whatever I had to say would be very blunt, and certainly construed as hurtful at the least. Hence the not leaving them at all for me in such a for instance. Not even on another site where I'm not staff.
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