...mud, rain, winds, you get the picture!
Firstly, I'd like to welcome all the new users we're seeing daily! Glad to have you here! Please do familiarize yourself with the Terms of Service and Content Guidelines. This IS a moderated archive.
Moderation Status
I’ve decided to post this quarterly. Don’t have the first quarter up yet, but will very soon.
Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales
Current weekly prompt is here. I say weekly, but honestly, sometimes it’s every other week. Kind of depends upon my workload IRL.
Funding Status
As always, we appreciate and thank everyone who can donate. It's certainly not required of the users, but every little bit helps!
We have a Tumblr!
Birthday Verifier page
What this page does is set a cookie allowing you to access the chapters. If you don’t set the cookie, you can’t read. In order for ANY cookie setter to work correctly, you need to allow 3rd party scripting, and not have your browser set to clear cookies upon exit. If you have it set to that, you have to reset the cookie the next time you want to read.
Deletion notification
When deleting an account because the user is underage, a plagiarist, or whatever else would be a reason to delete one entirely, we do NOT send a notification.
Story codes (tags) are placed in the summary when you post your story. However, given that you only have 240 characters, including spaces, to use, we also allow for and encourage the addition of needed tags in a line at the beginning of the affected chapter. That satisfies the Terms of Service requirements for the tagging, AND allows the user to add tags that are chapter specific, to the chapter they apply to. Tag lines are not counted as author notes.
Password reset
Passwords are required to be 8 or more characters, letters and numbers ONLY. If needing to reset your password, make sure you use something different than the pre-existing password. Using the current password will cause the field to blank, which means you will have to reset a second time to actually have a password.
Forum and archive
These are separate programs. Being separate programs, they also require SEPARATE registration. In other words, registering for one or the other does NOT register you for both.
Disabling anonymous reviews
As a matter of course, while the authors cannot choose this for themselves, anon reviews are enabled on a daily basis. If you don’t WANT to have this enabled, email at technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org with a link to your profile, and a subject line of “disable anon reviews”. Bear in mind that when I do this, as this is controlled by the profile, ALL your stories will then require that a user be logged in to leave a review.
Tech Bits
Transitional tasks-
These are functions that normally the user would do, but while parts of the software are still the old stuff, it falls to me.
Anonymous reviews turned on/off – The default is to disallow. I run a query daily to ALLOW them. If you DON'T want them enabled for you, email me and I'll make the adjustment.
Old format profile – This is currently inaccessible for user edits. Users can only edit the new profile. So, if there is information in your old style profile that you want gone, again, email me and I will take care of it.
Tech support, directions given
Just to reiterate, when I email out step by DIRECTIONS on how to do something, that is exactly what they are. Not suggestions, but directions. If followed as stepped out, it works very well. This means that the user must follow them in the order the steps are given.
Please remember that the authors you read do like to hear from you! Leave them a review or two, and let them know how they're doing!