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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. DemonGoddess

    The Hobbit

    Yeah, two new films would definitely be a boon to the fandom.
  2. hehe you didn't initially, then edited your post, which you must have done when I added my response. 'sokay, it all helps.
  3. Which archive is this happening in?
  4. forgot to add to these later on... Elrohir/Legolas Elrond/Glorfindel Glorfindel/Erestor Elrond/Gil-Galad
  5. I'll be glad to get done with my projects so I can get back to my reading. As I'm going through that archive, if I find anything interesting for us in it, I'll put it up here....
  6. I looked up Kingdom Hearts (haven't played it, so had to), and it's a combination Squaresoft/Disney game, with some characters from the Disney universe as well. So, technically, I think it ought to stay where it is, as it's not one or the other. As to its getting its own archive, I don't see that happening in the near future.
  7. thanks!
  8. Bet you guys are sick of seeing this aren't ya? Anyway.... I play a few of these games, but haven't read any of the fics associated with 'em. So, if you could, list me the most common pairings, by pairing type, and game. I appreciate all the help.
  9. The changes are some months away (not too many, but enough), but the thing is that in the meantime, I can at least have this part set up so we have a template to work from. Makes life much simpler when it comes to the work end of it.
  10. up to you guys
  11. It's not a problem. Believe me, we appreciate your observations and diligence.
  12. nah, you don't have to pm it, and yes, that is EXACTLY what I'm looking for!
  13. Kuchiki Byakuya
  14. If, by doing that, they're spamming, sure. But what you see happening is people play in the forum games, so that is technically not spam.
  15. Sounds like she's at least flirting with ya, which is much better than rejection. I agree, don't put yerself down like that.
  16. The forum's been around for about two years actually. I've only been here since October though.
  17. hehe that was a funny link... Oh yeah, did I mention I did all that crap after putting in a 56 hour week at work?
  18. Well, have a few forums I'm supposed to upgrade for some friends of mine. Did one between Friday and Saturday. It was a NIGHTMARE. Anyone who has a phpBB2 and is upgrading to phpBB3, be aware that the transition if you have any kind of posting data is TWITCHY at best. Altogether, took somewhat over NINE hours to transfer, convert, then re-transfer the database from one version to the other. It gets better. After waiting YEARS for this rewrite from php3 to 4, I'm finding depending on the host, it tends to run a bit slower. A host which has php5 (like mine) as its default runs phpBB3 slower than I like. I've done SOME tweaking of my own server environment to speed things up, but there's only so much I can do as an end user. Am pounding my head on my desk in anticipation of the other three I've gotta get to.
  19. It's being kept.
  20. Roy/Ed
  21. hehe cool. I figure I'll add them as well to the right subcat in my test area. I apologize if the link is slow loading, some days it is, some days it's not. Gotta send yet ANOTHER support ticket to my host as it's been an ongoing problem.
  22. Okay, I'm thinking that for the fiction part of the site, since I'm homogenizing how the categories and look and all that for future...that I should probably just leave those pair type categories at slash, etc, yes? Or do you guys think otherwise, or a combination? Lemme know...
  23. This one was reported before, already databased, and scheduled for deletion I believe.
  24. DemonGoddess


    Okay, apparently it belongs in cartoons as that is what it is, an American cartoon. So, in future, the stories in the anime section have to go to the cartoon section, and when I get to that point (working on my project that is) I'll add a subforum for it here as well if it's over 200 stories.
  25. Okay, notified
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