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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I checked 'em again, those chapters, it's not actual db errors, but more format errors that a beta would catch. So, this is done.
  2. *chomp chomp chomp* it's gone...
  3. resorted according to author summaries and author notes.
  4. http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544212567 http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600000116
  5. once we get there, we'll have to actually LOOK at it. Obviously if it's set in M/F, but one part of the main pair is pregnant, and it's the guy? It's misclassified entirely.
  6. because people didn't put it in the right place, obviously. ugh. Not to worry....that'll get sorted out when we get to that subdomain.
  7. All moved to temporary category/subcategories to be moved to another sub domain
  8. moved to temporary category in preparation for movement to another subdomain
  9. done
  10. user emailed, stories deleted
  11. already got it, when looking at a profile
  12. user emailed, stories deleted
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