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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. tell it goodbye.......
  2. user emailed, story deleted
  3. hehe yes.... it'll get ..... "un" added too
  4. when I have some time, I'll ask manta2g for the java snippet which helps in menu control. It's very likely a simple adjustment which could make it so it's at least not quite so sensitive.
  5. has some help finding this, it's actually a comic Scar Tissue
  6. yes of course, that's what it's for. However, if you find something showing me more on the book/anime, that would be helpful too.
  7. done
  8. Right place to ask. For Scar Tissue, cannot find any references to it. You have links you can give me to the novel and/or anime?
  9. Sure, although you could easily do it yourself, by reselecting the category after selecting to edit the story, which will bring up the menus for the sub sub categories.
  10. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600016334 Also this from same user...will get to it after work tonight.
  11. old challenge...no mail....deleted
  12. old challenge, no email sent due to age of challenge, deleted.
  13. no email sent as this challenge was 3 years old....deleted
  14. deleted both the dupe and the un review
  15. The pair specific categories were not removed, they were made sub categories of the pair types they belonged IN. It helps to make it so that the query load is less, which is better for the database.
  16. link? It's fairly common to see people who like to behave as trolls, to have a user name that would by its nature tend to offend.
  17. challenge http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544185980
  18. Review board edit review#98195 Review board edit review#2035262061
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