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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I'm not sure what manta has in mind for the future system, but I'm sure it'll work nicely!
  2. The biggest issue with the ratings system we had before, is that it was used to harass people. Because it was truly anonymous and I had no way of tracking who was being malicious, all I could do was make adjustments.
  3. Yep, what BronxWench said is exactly what happens. I merge the relevant data from the OLD story to the new story. Once I'm done with the merge, I delete the old one.
  4. We have tons of 'em. All located here
  5. you have to activate. I'll send you an email with instructions here in a minute
  6. Got my GED today!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Congrats! So, which colleges are you applying to? :)

    3. DemonGoddess


      hah. This makes it so I get a promotion at my new job

    4. Desiderius Price
  7. The users were not logged in. That means when the coding changed the way the data was pulled from the review table, the ones that had user names in the OLD review boards, would now say ANON, where reviews were left while not being logged in.
  8. Before, when reviewing while not logged in, one was required to input a name and email address. The email address was visible, including ot search engines. The users disliked that about the unlogged in/anon reviews. We received many, many complaints over the years about that, so the new code makes unlogged in reviews anon by default, without any identifiers asked for. So, the new code simply allows an unlogged in user to leave a review. Yes, they should still identify themselves to you, but when adding the review when not logged in, it is OBVIOUS that there is nowhere to add who you are, unless you put it in the body of the review.
  9. It could very well be that what happened is that someone asked me to make that category, and then opted to not add to it. That happens fairly often.
  10. try it again please
  11. If she uses yet another email address to login to do this again, please let us know. She'll get banned each time. There's no second chances for this, so she'll never be allowed back.
  12. no biggie, there are enough changes that if you're used to one thing, and a new thing pops up, it'll bite ya. It did it to me too.
  13. try clearing your cache, in case you have a corrupted cookie string. Corrupted cookie strings can cause all kinds of oddball behavior
  14. I emailed you with EXACT instructions, including your password. Please follow the directions as given to you.
  15. In the story manager, first you have to select a story from the drop down, and then to the right of that dropdown, you'll see "add chapter" . Once you click that, you should be going straight to the rich text editor.
  16. uhhh, they're in the archive. I do believe yours may have been deleted for non correction of tos issues.
  17. If you click the paypal button under the donate kitty, there is an option for subscriptions . While I'm at it, this is the one for $10 at 6 am? I'm asking so I know how to add/link for supporters page
  18. DemonGoddess

    Classic Books?

    Most of what you're looking for is in this top level
  19. I merged this to this topic, as honestly we are looking at things like this related to the news I just sent out. We are going to do another ratings system. The problem with the old one, is it was truly anonymous, and was used arbitrarily as a way to punish an author for things like a pairing that the reader didn't like. With no way of finding out WHO so I can establish patterns of abuse, the old way just wasn't working anymore.
  20. July 3, 2016 Firstly, I'd like to welcome all the new users we're seeing daily! Glad to have you here! Please do familiarize yourself with the Terms of Service and Content Guidelines. This IS a moderated archive. Software Upgrade Thank you to all of you for your patience through the process. We all appreciate it! Final Updates Fiction Portal is out of beta, official version number is 2.0. the layout skin, which is transitional, is being reworked entirely, so that it is responsive to mobile and desktop devices at the same time. Because we have members with older computers and operating systems, the new skins/layouts are being designed with that in mind, to try and ensure it is all backwards compatible. The review board system now autodetects whether or not a user is logged in, and no longer requires an email address to be entered to when making an anonymous review. Users can now toggle review notifications on or off in their control panel. To do this, under “Edit Profile” click “Review Notify”. Then select yes or no, and click update. Authors can now manage their reviews directly in the review board. The code is now mostly compliant with PHP 5.4.x, and there are some final things to do to make that happen. Expect that some page draws may get a little weird while this is done, but that'll be temporary (as in minutes), while the changes are made and applied. Once EVERYTHING is PHP 5.4.x compliant, I'll be able to upgrade the forum from 3.4.x to 4.1.x. The rich text editor has been fully updated. The old site files have been removed, and there will be unnecessary fields in supporting tables which will also be removed. BECAUSE of this, if you still refer to old profile links, you need to update them, as they no longer exist. We'll certainly accept suggestions to other features and what not that users might like. Please post those to the forum topic link for this news post. As long as what is being asked for won't bog down the server, and is doable in php, it will be considered. We'll also let you know if it is doable or not. If you encounter a bug, please post it here. Login is not required to post a bug to the tracker. The Comics chapter table Restoration of the corrupted data is ongoing. I have 20MB to go. Please keep in mind that when I do this, I look at each chapter, and compare the data to the back up table, to make sure that there is no data missing. If there is, then I restore the missing data. Site Header/Logo Image We're thinking about rotating images, plus, we're open to donations of images. Image requirements: 150x150px, transparent background, easy to identify, must look good in black and white. The forum topic for this news post will have the new images (so far) embedded, so please take a look, and tell us what you think! Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales This is the forum where they all are listed. This is the current one. These are open ended, so if one set of words doesn't work for your muse, look at others! Funding Status As always, we appreciate and thank everyone who can donate. It's certainly not required of the users, but every little bit helps! Deletion notification For Accounts When deleting an account because the user is underage, a plagiarist, or whatever else would be a reason to delete one entirely, we do NOT send a notification. For Stories When deleting stories, this is done for non compliance with the ToS. Stories are HIDDEN long before they are deleted. The user is told there is an issue, and given 7 days to comply before the story is hidden. Upon hiding, the story is left for 30 or more days (it ends up being more when I have a heavy work load IRL) before it is deleted. If the issue is CORRECTED, the story is restored to public view. Disposable email Disposable emails are not checked, and we don’t allow registration with them. Upon finding an account registered with a disposable email address, it is deleted. Email address visibility By default, the email address is hidden when you register. It will only display if you put it in the bio area of your profile. Tech Bits Archive rewrite Is done for the front end! Tech support, directions given Just to reiterate, when I email out step by DIRECTIONS on how to do something, that is exactly what they are. Not suggestions, but directions. If followed as stepped out, it works very well. This means that the user must follow them in the order the steps are given. Please remember that the authors you read do like to hear from you! Leave them a review or two, and let them know how they're doing! DemonGoddess061
  21. in any of the subdomains, look to the left, just under the top menu. You'll find the search there.
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