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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. True, it’s definitely not ALL that you write.
  2. Well, if it’s a transport beam of some kind, it would have to take into considerations things such as outside natural interference, like bad weather. You don’t want to beam your crew into nasty situations, nor do you want to beam up something FROM a nasty situation, endangering your crew.
  3. like I said, rabid fanpoodles...
  4. bwahahahah. Happy belated birthday! Sorry I missed it! You’re not old, you’re still a youngling. You’re only 2 years older than my oldest spawn!
  5. ah yes, the attack of the fanpoodle troll! ugh
  6. Glad you followed the above advice! It’s always best to NOT feed the trolls. It’s what they want.
  7. You need to read Keith’s stuff. That’s what he writes!
  8. added
  9. This’ll be short! I’ve finally updated Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales. Sorry all, been working entirely too many hours IRL. Link to the newest.. The chat is open to guest users! We do expect people to not indulge in flame wars in chat, try and cause issues for other users, and the like. If that does happen, the mods and I all have the capability of booting anyone from the chat. The coder had a glasses mishap, and as she and I are BOTH blind as bats without our extra eyes, she has understandably only started back on the coding once she got replacements. I’ve updated the how to avoid the black diamonds. That’s it for now!
  10. dank dismal deceit rules
  11. looks like I missed one :/
  12. Firefox would be storing your older information, I expect. I’ve given Bronxie the login details so you can get back into it.
  13. you’re welcome!
  14. First, to gain complete access, you must login using the boxes at the upper right corner. I’ll check the status of your password, because it is likely you attempted a reset with the same password. When a user does this, they blank the field entirely. I won’t know that until I look in the database -- On checking, the password is as entered. I recently merged your accounts. Is it possible you’re trying to login using the old information? Also, the password field is case sensitive. Your password is all small letters, so be sure to not capitalize any of the letters when inputting.
  15. First, to gain complete access, you must login using the boxes at the upper right corner. I’ll check the status of your password, because it is likely you attempted a reset with the same password. When a user does this, they blank the field entirely. I won’t know that until I look in the database
  16. 2016 NEEDS to end!  RIP Carrie Fischer :(

    1. pippychick


      This year appears to be going out like it came in :(

    2. BronxWench


      I don’t even want to look at the news at this point. :(

    3. Melrick


      I thought she’d be the one to buck the trend, I really did.  That’ll teach me for being positive.

  17. I just want to forget 2016 ever existed!
  18. Have a safe holiday season!
  19. Also make sure you’ve enabled javascript. Both the rte and the forum use both javascript and ajax. If they’re not enabled, you’ll have issues.
  20. I agree with everyone, JayDee. LibreOffice is quite functional, and does everything I need it to do. Google docs is great for sharing and working with others in!
  21. Happy birthday Bronxie!  My friend who is such a great help to me, especially here!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BronxWench


      Well, it’s getting merrier now that I’m up to having tea, but I think my birthday tikka masal is not going to happen this year. :lol: I’ll make up for it later in the week.

      But, I must squeal a bit, my daft one got tickets for us to see Ronan Tynan (one of the Irish tenors) at Fordham in March. It’s cocktails followed by a concert, and I’m thrilled, because he’s got a magnificent voice, and is a sweetheart to boot.


    3. pippychick


      Awesome present, but I’m sorry you’ve been poorly. You will have to have two birthdays this year – like the queen :)

    4. BronxWench


      :lol: This is what comes of living with a corgi… I get delusions of royalty. :D


  22. yup, just opening the story is what does it, not changing chapters
  23. I can answer some of the more obvious ones, and I’ll leave it to a mod who deals with this daily to answer the whens Contro – you got this right. Controversial topic matter that is not covered by other tags Corruption – applies to all types of corruption HC – the comfort doesn’t have to include sex. One is hurt, the other comforts Herm – hermaphrodite. Definitely not the same as a futanari (dick girl) Humanoid – meaning human in appearance, but not human at all, so yes, one could apply it to elves, orcs and trolls. OC – original character. Nope, doesn’t have to specified in the Original archives, as OCs are EXPECTED there. This is for the fanfiction section. WAFF – Warm And Fuzzy Feelings
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