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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. added, your story moved to it. I don’t actually add pairing categories until there are 5 or more stories for the pairing already in the archive.
  2. I split this off, because this is a separate issue entirely. I’ll link the coder to it, so she can have a look at this.
  3. Since I have access to site stats, I can tell you for certain we’ve seen STEADY growth over the last few years.
  4. ..and this would be why we STOPPED that kind of nonsense years ago, now. We have a ToS to work within, and a staff that works together to enforce it. If any one of us feels we cannot be impartial, we ask for an assist and step away from that particular issue being handled. Moderation by committee doesn’t work.
  5. This forum section replaces all the “searching for” unstories that littered the archives for years. The true search FUNCTION is accessible from the upper left corner, just below the menu in each subdomain.
  6. That’s a lovely review you got!
  7. The ones in movies are being moved to cartoons, so yes, this is going to cartoons. While it’s a movie, it’s still an animated feature, not live action. Added. Also, am going to be going through and cleaning up these categories as well, so it’ll end up being A through F>Disney>Moana
  8. I believe mamacita is currently working in cartoons to fix.
  9. Are you writing one for it?
  10. they fixed it
  11. I’m aware of it. There is something going on with IPB’s license service, and it’s affecting all registered boards and apps, not just ours.
  12. If you post the link, and staff did something, we can find out by the story ID number
  13. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600011099
  14. endorphin enough exact rules
  15. According to the database this is your last active date and time: 2017-01-07 15:03:46
  16. read this link. explains it all quite nicely.
  17. Thing is, we’re actually pretty flexible with this. If you cover the main aspects of your story in the open tags, and then add “additional tags at the beginning of the chapter”, you can still keep from acting as your own spoiler. For example, you have a story which is het, set in an alternate universe, and an angst fest. So your main tags would be MF AU Angst. Then, you want to get into something which is a BIG trigger for most readers, such as rape, but it’s ONLY in part of a chapter. You tag in that chapter, at the top. It’s still an acceptable form of tagging, if your readers don’t like this particular content, they can skip the chapter and wait on the next one.
  18. I’m actually searching the subdomains one by one, starting with the truncation of bigotry. Any others you find that I can use and fix, I certainly will.
  19. It’s not the “snuff”, as that would be covered with the contro tag I think. It’s the unauthorized advertising, and getting paid for fanfiction. Those are the issues, the paid for fanfiction one quite honestly is the bigger one.
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