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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. are you logged in on multiple devices? also, this is your last login time/date 2017-01-29 10:37:16
  2. try restarting your system and see if that helps. As I said, I did this SUCCESSFULLY in Firefox, after following the steps I gave you.
  3. Okay, Under Privacy – remove site specific cookies. That will be under history in this tab Under Advanced – clear cached content Looks like the latest version FINALLY killed the stored logins thing! Are you going here to reset? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php I just used it, and had no issues. In Firefox
  4. Having looked in the database at your member record, I can tell you the field is blanked. The only thing we’ve found that does this is using the old password to reset it as new.
  5. with the menu replacement, and the session calls having been worked on, you will need to clear all site related cookies, and restart your browser. also, if using firefox, you need to force a complete logout, because we operate on a persistent login.
  6. fate finesse fun rules
  7. what mobile device are you using? I know on my phone (android based) that I can do the thing with my fingers to expand it all, like usual. I have no issues with text not covering my screen.
  8. @newkitty, when you reset your password, you used the password that’s already in the db. When a user does that, it blanks the field. So, at this point, you don’t HAVE a password active. You need to reset it again, make sure it’s 8 or more characters in length, and contains letters and/or numbers ONLY.
  9. Changes involving session calls, which these did, often corrupt cookie strings.
  10. try clearing your cookies for the adult-fanfiction.org ONLY. If memory serves, there are a couple places you have to do this in Firefox. Including having to “kill” persistent logins.
  11. What kind of phone OS do you have? I noticed that most Android users, and a good chunk of iPhone users couldn’t do a DAMN thing in the site before this. I tested it and was able to duplicate their issues, so I do know for certain that for months, the site was unusable for most with any kind of a mobile device. Now, it’s not. Now, you should be able to use it on any mobile device.
  12. I’m going to suggest a darker background for that option, so that it’s easy to see. Down arrow mousing for chapters is actually a new thing for us.
  13. Just checked on my phone. If a user has not added anything to rec/currently reading, nothing will display. You have to be sure you’re viewing the user profile so that you have the options to see if they’ve populated a list in either part of the program.
  14. You’re actually all up to date. Are you using your sbcglobal email address for login? That’s what you registered with. If you are unable to access that email, email me with the email address you want your account associated with. technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org.
  15. There was something in the way the old menu executed that made it so that you couldn’t access any of the dropdowns. At all. I tested it on several different devices, because I was getting oodles of complaints about it. Was able to easily replicate that issue, so I knew it was something within the menu itself.
  16. I’ll have to have Nexcess figure out why the security certs we pay for aren’t working right.
  17. The links are in the menu. We had more users that could NOT do anything at ALL due to the menuing being inoperative on a mobile device of any kind, so we had to change the menuing accordingly. You go to the top menu, you select a subdomain. The DEFAULT has always been to have the homepage load, and to navigate to the subdomains where you read. So, the change has been in how to do it. Instead of clicking the left nav menu, you click a subdomain choice from the top menu.
  18. All the links live in the menu now
  19. It’s all still there. Press ctrl+F5 to finish seeing the changes. The menuing is changed to make it mobile accessible. Instead of the login/out at the top right, it’s now in the menu bar. Underneath your username on the menu bar, if logged in, you’ll find a dropdown that gives you the options for your control panel.
  20. I’ll start with mine LG Spree screen resolution – 854x480 pixels 218ppi
  21. All of you with mobile devices, need screen resolutions so manta can make you a mobile skin
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