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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. One of us will certainly check for you, however I gotta get back to mowing so it's likely someone else will be doing it instead. You gave the info we need TO check, which is story title and subdomain. Aside from that, when a story is hidden, you have 30 days to fix it, so it's not deleted right away. Only time I do that is for underage users, plagiarists, and of course when a story is added to the wrong subdomain entirely. Then it gets deleted when we see it.
  2. heh heh heh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess
    3. hitagashi


      I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!! /stare/

    4. DemonGoddess


      DG grabs a BIG hammer to beat Norton AV with. ARRRRGGH

  3. That would be AU for Lexx, not an original fiction story. So it goes to TV and this subcategory
  4. The Prophecy, a WIP.
  5. We need the subdomain so we can tell you what the issue is
  6. I just tested it and it's working fine. As to reviews, if the users choose to leave them, they will. If they don't, they won't. Same goes for ratings. As to duplicate profiles, we do frown on that here, unless there is a very good reason. I've found all 4 of yours, what would you like me to do with the old copy of Aphrodite's Curse? There's another story in another profile I'll be merging over to your current profile.
  7. I've not had any issues with Paypal
  8. The menu has been like that for a long, long time. I suppose I could change that, LOL.
  9. Let's see... labor times 1 - 18 hours 2 - 4.5 hours 3 - 22.5 hours 4- 3.5 hours 5 - 16 hours
  10. Author states in her profile she's pregnant, so I betcha that RL has her a tad busy at the moment. As to why it 'disappeared', that's simple. When it was originally posted, the user was not yet 18. So the stories and the account were deleted. It's like I keep telling you people, the majority of the stories deleted, are BECAUSE the user isn't even supposed to be here yet.
  11. Please use this format, and read these requirements. I do need more information before I make a category.
  12. This is not tech support. Please post to the correct forum
  13. When she joined underage, she knowingly broke the rules. That would also mean all data would have been deleted that was associated with the account. As you, and anyone else who's ever visited has got to be aware of, we cannot allow users to remain who are under 18. That would get the site shut down. So, when we find them, we delete them.
  14. Jan (sexymermaid) removed all her stories from the internet over 2 years ago now. She also, after a certain amount of time, had to remove her fiction blogs. This was as a part of her publishing contract. She stated that she does not wish her material distributed, as this will violate her contact
  15. Nope, Vocaloids has a category, in games
  16. I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm melting....

    1. DemonsAngel


      *offers a popsicle and an umbrella*

    2. ApolloImperium
    3. DemonGoddess


      today will be all of 4 degrees cooler, but more humid. ugh.

  17. These two programs are not bridgeable, unfortunately. Would sure save ME a whole helluva lot of headaches if they were. So no can do on one login only. I already generated an email to you with your login details for the archive. The archive and forum were registered for using the same email address.
  18. The AUTHOR controls whether or not he or she will accept unlogged in reviews. Because for a very long time we had serious spambot issues in the review boards, most of the authors got in the habit of NOT accepting unlogged in reviews. As to why your archive login isn't working, have you tried to retrieve your password? As to why the forum and archive require separate logins, that's simple. They're separate PROGRAMS.
  19. Quick search on title got me these two-- Death of a Soul which is a one shot, and The Death of a Soul which is multichapter
  20. If the account was deleted, the user was either under age at the time, or a plagiarist. If a plagiarist, and we find that person again, you can be sure that person will be deleted again. Once someone plagiarises, we do not allow returns. If a minor, that person is allowed to return after he or she turns 18, and not before. Very simple, really.
  21. Have you tried browsing these?
  22. Updated archive menus to include "adopt a story" , "dribs, drabs and doggy tales", and the story code list.

  23. I searched staff documents back through end of April, we did not take down "Candied Love", that I can find. Of course, without a user NAME, I can't be more specific than that. It happens that sometimes users feel they don't have to follow certain rules and whatnot that everyone else does, and then pulls stories because of it. It also happens that users pull a story for a rewrite. Without further information, that's as much as I can tell you. Those instances are nothing to do with staff, and all to do with user choice. The only reference I found to the other story, was something in celeb, where the user had a bad email address and was deleted as a result.
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