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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Yes it does! I'll be taking care of this later for you.
  2. story belonged to an old deletion apparently.
  3. On this site, until the user turns 18, NO.
  4. It looks just like Open Office. Has the same features and whatnot. I'll let you know what I think after I play around with it a little. In fact, looking at the documentation, it's a fork of Open Office. So we'll see how it compares.
  5. Is not setting foot outside the house for ANY reason....entirely too damn hot out.

    1. marley_station
    2. The Dead One

      The Dead One

      114 here, I'm going for the hermit life this summer. Thought about getting in the small pool I got my dogs. Haha.

    3. DemonGoddess


      not looking forward to tomorrow, back to work, no a/c in this nasty hot humid YUCK disgusting SHIT

  6. added in the way you asked for it...as Divinity Series
  7. I don't think we have a Teen Titans GO subcategory. In any case, all the Teen Titans stuff will end up in the comics subdomain, and set up under its appropriate DC heading of cartoon, comic, or whatever.
  8. let me know where it belongs so I can nuke the right one
  9. It honestly depends on which is the base world. For example, if you're drawing heavily on the Lovecraft mythos but setting it in say, Ravenloft, that's where it would go. Also, if you're setting it in the game setting, it goes to the game subdirectory. If in the books written based in the game worlds, the appropriate category there in books. If the world you're writing for (like a book title), doesn't have a subcategory yet, request it here, keeping in mind which world you're actually going to set it in.
  10. What I need from you is to email tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with your login name and password so that I can verify that you belong to the account.
  11. Could you clarify the above please? If you're needing tech support, I'll gladly split this off in to its own topic, and move it to the correct forum.
  12. As you say, you had outdated antivirus software, which means all your definitions are out of date as well. Not surprised you got a false positive.
  13. deleted again, emailed instructions
  14. It may very well suck for those of you who read this sort of thing, but unfortunately, we can't allow it in the archive.
  15. Hi there, I actually resolved this last year. But thanks for the offer of help!
  16. IE 7 has known bugs and issues, so updating to 8 would be good. If you use Open Office at all, don't update to IE 9, as it crashes OO. Seems to conflict between the native ActiveX and the more advanced Java and Ajax in OO.
  17. One other question for ya, what browser are you using? I thought about it, and I've been experiencing this as well, using Chrome. Firefox has been laggy for me on many sites for a long time, so I stopped using it entirely. I flat out don't trust IE, but tried with it for the sake of comparatives, and it works fine with it. Also Safari and Opera. I put the issues I was having down to my connection difficulties of the last few weeks, which my ISP finally fixed, but then it started happening again after I answered you initially. Without seeing WHY in Chrome, what it looks like is it's having difficulties with some of the AJAX instructions. FYI, if you're using Opera, don't use the Turbo option. It interferes with many Java instructions. As AJAX is Java, you can well imagine the weirdness I saw with Turbo enabled.
  18. Tell me the times this is occurring, because if it's when I'm running a database utility or something of that nature, that will cause problems with any of the software while running, as they are moderately resource intensive. Without knowing the times you experienced this, I can't tell you if it was something I was doing, or even begin to know what to look for if it wasn't me.
  19. As the user is still under 18, this is why the story and the user profile were deleted. The site very clearly states that one must be 18 or older to use it, post to it, and etc. When we find users who are not yet 18, we delete them and there content.
  20. VerbalVomit was emailed as to what the issue with the story is well over a week ago. As is normal, when the issue is not corrected, the story is hidden after 7 or more days. It's up to the author to correct the problem. Once that's done, the story will be unhidden.
  21. If deleted, and recently there have been quite a few, it would've been due to user's age at time of posting. As we are an 18 and above site, that means content posted before a user was 18 has to be deleted, no matter WHEN we find it.
  22. Do you have a story ready for it, or in progress for the category you requested? If not, it'll have to wait until we get there for sorting.
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