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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. That's exactly what it was. The user (I can see UID in the db for the chapter) was definitely deleted. So, the story now is as well.
  2. This subcategory in books
  3. The above was posted to this author's fanfiction.net profile in March of this year. As she clearly stated a time limit in which to save copies and whatnot, and that time limit is long since expired; please do not use this forum to try and go around her wishes as to distribution.
  4. I reset ALL the dir perms. So, if anyone still encounters a 501 error, let me know so I can look at something else that may be doing it. However, this SHOULD fix it.
  5. turns out this was caused by directory permissions not quite set (that was due to the transfer I'm sure). So I am now going through all directories checking, and resetting perms where needed. This should fix the issue everywhere.
  6. before I look at the chapters, pls try one more time for me. I reset the dir perms, so that may be what the issue actually is.
  7. Currently working on a work project, so likely won't have time to look at these chappies until tomorrow.
  8. There is no reason why that word shouldn't work. Unless there's something else in the document itself as setup. Could you email the chapter doc (the one you were c/p'ing from), so I can look?
  9. DemonGoddess

    Your Lust

    I'm not seeing where I deleted a user by that name for being underage, nor a story by that title due to the user being underage. Nor am I finding that user in archive. -- Looked her up on dA, and followed some links. She retitled the story, it is now called Bleach: Intimacy. Her pen name here is Nesha
  10. It is being looked in to.
  11. I'm scheduling to have IPS do this for me, to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible. While I'm capable of doing the upgrade myself, and have many many times in the past; when it comes to a major version change and upgrade, I've always found it best to let them do it. As soon as the techs get back to me with a schedule for the upgrade, it will be posted, and the forum will be inaccessible during that time. Usually, the upgrades take less than an hour, when major.
  12. Try removing the ( at the beginning of that sentence. Parentheses are used to enclose queries, and having an open parenthesis in from of a quotation mark is confusing the interpreter. What is the native file format you're working in for this document?
  13. DemonGoddess

    Your Lust

    Author's pen name would be helpful...
  14. I personally will see that when my connection speed is dropping. Are you doing the formatted text upload, or using the RTE and the c/p option from word or whichever program you're using? If you're uploading an actual file, the archive no longer accepts html files, only text. If you can, step out for me EXACTLY what you're doing, so I know where to go next with ya. I very likely won't answer until this afternoon, as I'll be leaving for work in the next half hour.
  15. test chapter that I just added. What is your operating system? Browser (and version number of same)?
  16. Email me here, with the email addresses you believe to be associated with the older accounts. That's to verify identity. Also, the links to all three profiles if you would. As I have a ton of stuff to do, it may take me a day or two to get you merged.
  17. I need to know which subdomain, so I can attempt to duplicate the issue. By subdomain, I mean anime, anime2, bleach, etc. I know plenty of people have been successfully adding chapters after the hardware upgrade, so pinpointing the exact location will be helpful.
  18. The chapter doesn't exist. What it looks like, is something that someone tried to move from one table to another at some point. I work within a specific range of story ID numbers, so that one wasn't me....LOL. I don't see any stories titled that in the rest of the data for the user, so I deleted it.
  19. that was while we were resolving the permissions and the speed issues. The menu is java based, so if the host server is responding slowly, that's what you see. It shouldn't be much of an issue now, unless you run in to connection issues like I've been
  20. Fairly common problem where users think they'll get more readers by deliberately putting it in the wrong category, where many of the readers are or were. Moved
  21. What I've done for the search function in forum, is to set it back to traditional search methods. This way, it still works, while I wait for Nexcess to upgrade the core module, reindex the engine and reset the search daemon
  22. let me know which subdomains so I know where to look pls
  23. First one would be what Rogue reported in the other topic...the search function not working right. I've already notified Nexcess, as the indexes need rebuilt and the daemon restarted. They have to do it, as I don't have the access to that.
  24. I rebuilt the search index, and I'll recheck search settings and make sure nothing else weird happened during this.
  25. We're not going to have two separate links like that. However, when the new search engine is finally ported in to the archive, it'll certainly make it easier to find things.
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