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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. So, took my second oldest of the old men cats in for his glucose testing to determine his insulin dosage.  He started losing massive amounts of weight about 3 ½ weeks ago, so we took him in last week for an initial appointment, which is when we found out he was diabetic.  He went from 26 pounds to 10.  Since his appointment last week, he lost another half pound.  My boy can’t afford to lose any more weight :(.   I hope this works, because if I don’t see big improvement over the next couple months, I’m going to end up having him put down so he doesn’t suffer :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BronxWench


      If they’re fussing, they’re getting better. :D


    3. pippychick


      Now I’m imagining a vet peeling a cat off the ceiling… *has read too much Herriot*

    4. DemonGoddess


      heh, we were peeling him off of ME this morning :rofl:

  2. When searching, enter COMPLETE in the tags section of the search. Any of them marked complete will then show up for your search.
  3. balance
  4. tails
  5. castle
  6. Nope, it was posted, I put it in the wrong place. It’s fixed now
  7. On March 2nd, Nexcess will apply an important operating system update on your server between 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. in the time zone local for the server. This update will ensure that the underlying operating system is on a supported patch level. During this maintenance period, your site may experience a brief service disruption for while the PHP-FPM service is restarted. We anticipate restarting the service will take less than a minute, with minimal disruption to your service. We apologize for the brief service disruption, and will work hard to ensure that the outage is as short as possible. Our server is hosted at a facility in the CENTRAL time zone, so the times given above are 10:00 pm CST and 12:00 am CST – DG
  8. WPS writer works like copying from WordPad, not very well well at all, from its native format
  9. try posting your chapter, and then if it still does this, leave it up and link me to it, so I can look at it in the db and find out why
  10. you’re using some kind of non breaking character line, it looks like. Instead of doing that, try using the horizontal rule that’s part of the rte. What kind of file are you copying from?
  11. I forgot about the quirk of it not allowing me to add anything with apostrophes, where I have to strip ‘em out, and add them in the database. sorry!
  12. Upgraded forum and mod gallery today, caught up on new reg sheet, and am catching up on minors and such

  13. So we had another walk off, no great loss, the girl was LAZY and sporadic with attention, but still…..

  14. The author is Megadeth425, but he apparently removed the story.
  15. added
  16. added all
  17. So very glad my work week is over, for a day.  hahahah.  And now I have the fecking flu. :bash:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Oh, well, hells…

      I’ve been sucked in (finally!) by Dragon Age Inquisition. It’s actually amazing, and addictive. 

    3. pippychick


      *hugs* Hope you’re in bed and resting.

    4. JayDee


      I need a “doesn’t like this but feels bad about this” button. Get well soon!

  18. First, I moved this, as it’s not a bug, so didn’t belong in the bug tracker. If you mean adding to the url, we haven’t done that for a long, long time.
  19. So, I get to play catchup again, starting later tonight after work.  Ugh.  Of course, working 45 hours in the last 4 days MIGHT have something to do with it.  

  20. Given that the cookies had to be rewritten a tad to allow for the mobile friendly menu, you need to clear your cache, and kill any site cookies. Close your browser, and restart it. You may also need to force refresh afterwards, but I’ve only seen that be an issue for Firefox.
  21. you’re welcome!
  22. read this please
  23. Thank you. Every instance where the behavior happens that I can replicate, I pass along to her, INCLUDING the browser and version.
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