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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. As this is based on a game, you'll want to add this story to the games subdomain, not original
  2. getting another plot ready for more flowers

    1. DemonGoddess


      *grumbles about it being TOO DAMN HOT*

  3. If you've not yet activated, you'll need to clear cache and cookies before resetting the password, and then activate as well.
  4. even when accessing from the global box (the one that shows at the top), it will show how many people are active in the sb.
  5. I'm going to have to check, but I think that due to the nature of RPF, that I may not be able to create this category. I'll let you know.
  6. As this part of the software is not yet finished, please be patient with us.... When you go to an author's profile, you'll see (after clicking stories written), which subdomains the author has stories IN. Then, you still click it to see what they published in which subdomain, like before. I agree there needs to be some refinement of the listing. However, there are other things being worked on at the moment before the coder will get to this.
  7. Thank you for understanding.
  8. you're welcome!
  9. Okay, stepping this out... Cleared cache and cookies, closed and reopened the browser. For Internet Explorer, a computer restart is REQUIRED. Can't help that, it's how the browser is written. Password is now 8 or more characters. The minimum for passwords is now 8 characters. Going to http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/, logging in, using the CENTER box. Email address is the login, then enter password, then CLICK the login link just below and to the right. Update the information in the next screen. Be sure that the birthday is separated by DASHES. i.e. YYYY-MM-DD Be sure that any spaces in the pen name are replaced. Either delete the spaces, or replace the spaces with a dash or underscore. Click edit profile.
  10. Did you click the update link, or hit the enter key? This step requires that you click the link.
  11. Did you use the email you sent me? Did you check your spam/junk folders?
  12. With a major software change, such as what we're in the middle of, there are things that you'll have to, one time only; like activation. I've changed the email address for you. Your next steps are as follows: 1. Clear your cache and cookies. The cookies have been changed, so in order for you to be able to initiate activation, you have to clear the old cookies out. 2. If your password is LESS than 8 characters, it must be reset. You'll generate an email from the reset link, and then change your password from the link emailed to you. 3. Activate your account. I've linked to directions for both the cookies thing and for password reset and activation. Once you click the link to activate, this logs you in. Remember that all member functions are initiated from the central member portal. The ability to access these functions from the rest of the archive (i.e. you're in the books subdomain). While the coding is still in progress, there are some things which are display only, such as the old profile and tools accessible from the other subdomains.
  13. Do you still have access to the aim email that I show you registered with? If not, email with the address you want it changed to.
  14. As the author complied with taking down the work that was not his/hers, I think you'd be okay to leave it alone for now. However, should this happen again, then yes, report it on the site it happens on.
  15. Your gmail address is linked to your forum registration. We do broadcast the news via the forum once a month, so you would get that in your mailbox. What's in the archive is a ymail address. In any case, the email is changed, so you can go ahead with activation. Links to directions for all you need to do are in the site announcements box above. In order: 1. Clear cache and cookies 2. If your password is less than 8 characters, it must be reset. Otherwise, skip this step. 3. Activate your account
  16. Prompt: Orchid Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  17. Hi there Laney, You're all merged, and the email is updated. Your next steps are as follows: 1. Clear cache and cookies 2. Reset your password (it is less than 8 characters) 3. Activate your account.
  18. If the link is for reading purposes only, and not downloading the story, linking is fine.
  19. You need to go here to login. Remember, if you use the center box, you need to CLICK login for it to work. When you use the login in the upper right this is not necessary.
  20. Apparently Desaya removed everything from everywhere. This link has information for you.
  21. She may very well be in college, but she was underage when she joined. Her birthday is September of 1993. Which means she had no business at this site until then. Her registrations were on these dates: 5/17/2009 - 15 years old 6/15/2009 - 15 years old 6/30/2009 - 15 years old 10/25/2009 - 16 years old 12/11/2010 - 17 years old 5/27/2011 - 17 years old 7/16/2011 - 17 years old There were NO registrations by this user when she was of age to do so. NONE. It is plastered all over the damn site that you MUST be 18 or older to use it. It has been for years. So, either the user willfully ignored this, or she can't read. As I expect this user can indeed read, you can see she willfully ignored this. This rule is not in place for shits and giggles. Nor is it in place for the mods to get their jollies off by deleting people. This rule is in place to protect the site and the people attached to it. Once again, as she was underage when she registered, and underaged when she posted the bulk of her work, it's her OWN damn fault she got deleted. When rechecking by story ID out of 16 stories posted, only 3 were posted after she was 18. She KNEW better.
  22. If this idiot, who by the way isn't a Chicagoan, or an Illinoisan, or even a Cubs fan; wants to blame the superstitions, the one that everyone KNOWS about is the goat.
  23. Watch this Like destroying Wrigley Field will make the Cubs win a World Series Putting money in to the team for good players will make 'em winner. Not destroying the damn stadium.
  24. A.T.Flight as a user is showing as an old minor, and also with bad email last year. An attempt was made to find an alternate email, and was unsuccessful at the time. As is procedure, when all else fails, the profile is taken over, with a message left IN the profile for the user to contact us with a working email. As there was no contact after this was done ( a good month or so after the profile modification ) this profile was deleted.
  25. My personal favorite are the stories which are utter trash and get loads of reviews. Why? Because all the authors "buddies" review to up the count. Are the reviews meaningful? Nope, not at all. In those stories, you'd be LUCKY to see actual concrit that either hasn't been deleted by the author, or caused an attack of the reviewer by the author and his or her little friends . When I go through the archive looking to actually read something in a fanworld I'm unfamiliar with, I'm more likely to read something with many hits and little or no reviews, than to read something with smaller hits/reviews ratio. When I actually have the time to read, I do leave a review.
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