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Everything posted by Shirotaka

  1. If my sister knew I deleted her characters out of spite.. she would kill me with a spork.
  2. perfect. Kids who scream for no reason are...
  3. Shirotaka

    If I Were...

    The Black Pearl would be mine!! If I knew how to sail...
  4. Reeses
  5. Shirotaka

    I Am...

    Falling asleep at the keyboard.
  6. "Let sillybugger begin!" -- Mortal Combat
  7. ^ cannot guard against Blue Team. < will bring the ice cream... to the funeral. V will *not* doubt Blue Team.
  8. Correct! Your turn.
  9. Choose a theme Shinju.
  10. Yay! I can find the cheese now! *chucks some of the cheese*
  11. To post 100 times a day in the forums.
  12. Me either. I have never kissed a snake.
  13. *melts it with a torch* *pokes with a torch*
  14. Shirotaka

    Five words

    be able to handle that
  15. Beverly Hills in my pants.
  16. Beverly Hills -- Weezer
  17. Douchenut McFucktard -- a true bastard.
  18. Not Guilty anymore. G/NG Gets sick every holiday.
  19. I invented the orgy.
  20. 19 years old and I never get carded.
  21. It doesn't tend to get too quiet lately... Aldatariel and Shinju keep me on my toes in forum games a lot lately.. And I have noticed the numer of posts per day, as well as the number of online users on average, rise significantly in the last month or so.
  22. I would sell out my own father for $20,000 cash and a 1000+ square foot condo.
  23. Rory from Gilmore Girls
  24. Last night I dreamt I was J.D. from Scrubs and the hospital was a giant coed football game. Carla tackled me so hard I went through a wall. Woke up when I hit the ground.
  25. Blue Team is not a game! G/NG Has a secret attack force similar to Blue Team.
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