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Everything posted by Shirotaka

  1. Waking up every day to see the face of my girlfriend.
  2. Oh Okay. Famous Athletes. (first name is what counts) A: Allen Iverson
  3. Wow... that must have been terrifying. I dreamt I was Fidel Castro on Ice.
  4. This is a WIP, first chapter, more to come very soon. Title: Dirty Little Secret Author: Shirotaka (White Hawk on the archive) Summary: A career criminal sees something he would never expect while trapped in a vault. Feedback: My first story, lemme have it! Fandom: Original >> Real Life. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095917
  5. Xerox Errors Never Openly Praise Homely Orphans By Interactive Chat P I Z Z A Z Z
  6. Happy new year!!!!!ones!!ichi!
  7. I can hardly wait! I *adore* this fast reply feature!!
  8. Knorg... what I would give to live one day in your world..
  9. Neither have I. ^^ I have never lost a fight to a five year old girl.
  10. a wonderful form of heaven on earth in an edible object. Reading is good for ____________.
  11. Yes! more for my collection! *pokes with a box of Cheerios*
  12. Shirotaka

    If I Were...

    I would want to go back to Philip's body. If I were a spade...
  13. Because they like to tell people what to do. Why?
  14. Guilty.. only while playing Halo 2.. G/NG Ever played Halo for 36 hours non-stop.
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