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Everything posted by madlodger

  1. Tights
  2. madlodger

    I Am...

    I am noticing that all LJ people are still on it. I am working on my story. I am eating dark chocolate covered raisins.
  3. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd be a lie. If I were Santa Claus...
  4. Those who can only crawl Why the sky is blue?
  5. Because of addition of extra brains. Why?
  6. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd be armed. If I were a pink dolphin...
  7. Hoobastank - Crawling In The Dark
  8. It probably won't make it.
  9. Gaunt (Yeah, the rules are tough )
  10. Unconventional
  11. Fat
  12. Not guilty G/NG Has picked someone up at Starbucks
  13. Because people are complicated. Why?
  14. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd be silver. If I were a museum...
  15. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd get disconnected. If I were a dream...
  16. Lint
  17. Socks
  18. Zoom in on porn
  19. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I'd be heating. If I were a table.
  20. Lot
  21. X-ray results were bad
  22. madlodger

    If I Were...

    I would light up the room If I were a pencil sharpener...
  23. Animals
  24. Not guilty G/NG Likes to read weird statistics
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