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Everything posted by DodgeSuperBee

  1. A friend made me this anthro car a year and a half ago and I still love him. Anonymous: That's wicked cool. I just discovered there are cow furries out there. ^^
  2. Definitely #1. While there are those who are here for the a$$pats alone, I'll take any free concrit I can get, especially if I am making grammatical errors that will endanger my future as a writer. I've never used it myself, but I interpret "please be kind" in an author's note to mean the author is particularly nervous about the response to his or her story but isn't opposed to concrit. I see the "pbk" note in a lot of first time authors' stories.
  3. Thanks, Peace-Love-Yaoi. I love your suggestion and that would be a great (and hot!) way to describe a loving scene, but alas, the scene I wrote involved two characters who were only sleeping together in hopes of conceiving. Thus there wasn't any true love involved although they're close friends who care about each other.
  4. Kagayaki, I also find "mangina" very juvenile and I can see why it would insult men. Plus, good point about characters announcing that they're climaxing. If a reader would have no idea were it not for the "announcement," the scene could've been written better. Peace-Love-Yaoi, I've never come across it in a fic but now that you mentioned it, "bloom" is probably not the best word choice for something that isn't exactly blooming. Also, I cannot agree more that "boobs" is an exceptionally juvenile word choice. Unless it was being spoken by a juvenile or exceedingly drunk character, if I came across that word in a story I'd be tempted to check the author's profile to make sure he/she wasn't underage. I was going to ask this question in a separate post but it might be appropriate here. Is the phrase "he took her" acceptable as a softcore way of describing penetration if it's not the woman's first time? I've read the phrase "taking a virgin" before but I was assuming it could be used in other ways, and now I'm not so sure.
  5. Yeah, what they said. The Anthro tag would be for "furry" characters, although I think it would go without saying that in a fandom like Sonic the characters are all going to be anthropomorphic. I tagged my Cars stories Anthro to warn anyone who's unfamiliar with the fandom that I didn't humanize the characters. FWIW, sex with a stuffed animal would get the "Toys" tag. I think either example you provided would correctly get the AU/AR tag. I personally wouldn't tag a story "Xeno" if there's a sex scene with Clark Kent. While sex with aliens might be a kink for some, others would prefer to be warned against it if they don't like green squishy alien porn. I can't see someone getting squicked at the thought of sex with someone who looks and behaves like a (hot!) human being.
  6. I'm writing this on behalf of a fellow Cartoons > Cars writer. Grips recently posted a story in this category that was removed without warning, though her other fanfiction remains up. Could a moderator look into this and PM her as to why it was removed? I read the fic in question (sorry, I can't recall the title) and I didn't detect any violations of the TOS. Thanks!
  7. It all depends on the rating. My earlier fanfiction was posted on FF.N but when I wrote a story that pushed the envelope, content-wise, I posted here. Everything I write also ends up on deviantArt with proper content warnings. I've also put links to the stories on fandom-specific boards.
  8. Research is necessary, experience is not. I would never advise a beginning writer to delve into any fetish just to find out how it works! I'm rather vanilla IRL and I haven't tried even a smattering of the kinks that made their way into my writing, but I tuck away little details for later fics. I have a swinger couple in one of my fics and they were very loosely based on a couple I was friends with (but not that way!) in college. Frankly, if I wrote sex scenes the way they go in my house they'd include the very married couple sweeping Hot Wheels and Cheerios off their bed before they could use it. Not exactly fantasy sex, right? If we were only supposed to write about what we ourselves have done, the genres of murder mystery, horror and sci-fi couldn't even exist. And I'm not the first to say this, but some of the hottest smut has been written by virgins.
  9. I try to keep them equal, but I'm probably guilty of focusing on the female more since I've only experienced sex as a woman myself. Some scenes make more sense if they're focused mostly on one character, such as a scene I wrote where a male character who regularly had one-night stands slept with a woman who had only had one partner before him. The sex was nothing terribly special to the guy and it was practically mindless for him, so I didn't focus on his thoughts much. The woman struggled with her conscience more and I wrote the scene mostly from her perspective.
  10. That one gets my vote! Talk about one tragedy after another befalling the poor kid.
  11. It's been years since I beta read anything, but if the story contains few grammar errors and the author obviously read it aloud to make sure it made sense before sending it to me, it doesn't take much longer than reading it, plus at least a half hour to think up some critique for the end. Velvet, I'm glad to see someone else starts a story the same way that I do. Once I've written the chapter for the sake of getting words on the screen, it often reads like the worst of badfic, but at least it's there and I can go back through and make it sound much better.
  12. It's not enough to make me stop reading, but I laugh when a character exclaims, "I'M COOOMMMIIINNGGG!!!!Eleventy-one11!!!!!!!!" It feels more like a progress report on their arousal: "I'm getting excited...more excited...I'm coming!" There are other ways their partner might be able to guess they're at that crucial point.
  13. I especially like your story, Faery Delight. I guess you'll never really know if someone had pulled that story up on your computer to harass/embarrass you or because he/she saw an open computer and wanted to read some Harry/Draco. Or someone thought you'd like the story but was too shy to suggest reading it? At any rate, that's neat that you broke down, read it and started writing yourself.
  14. Word. Reading an author's note within the text itself makes the story read more like an old radio drama with an announcer interrupting at a crucial point with an advertisement for Ovaltine, and I doubt that's the effect the author was trying to achieve. I want to immerse myself in what I'm reading and misplaced author's notes make it as shallow as a kiddie pool. IMHO, author's notes are best kept brief and on-topic and at the beginning of the chapter.
  15. I dislike the humanizing trend too. There's so much creativity and perversion that can come from keeping the characters their non-human selves, be they robots or vehicles or whatever, that making them humans takes most of the fun out of it. I haven't seen any gender-switching in my fandom but I can see why that would be pointless too. In the scenario shinimagiinochi described, the story would probably work better with a well-crafted female OC rather than a male-turned-female character if the author wanted to write het. The OC could even have some of the discarded male character's best characteristics as long as she didn't turn into no more than a female version of him.
  16. Whoever gave me my new title, thank you! I LOVE IT!
  17. I've never minded the clinical terms at the top of the list in the OP, but too goofy or flowery and I'm thrown off. Most of those that refer to food or flowers make me laugh. If you can't type "meat stick" or "love lump" without giggling or cringing, your readers won't be able to get past that term either. I get more annoyed reading the same term every sentence. IMHO, I think a writer in doubt would do better to omit the term altogether and let the reader fill in the action in his or her mind with his or her own acceptable vocabulary words. More awful by far is describing in detail or actual measurement units the guy's size. Few characters would take a ruler into the bedroom, so how about describing how the thing does its job rather than its dimensions?
  18. There's no need to torture or kill any characters who stand in the way of your OTwhatever. Those loopholes do exist in many cases and with enough thought, you can probably think of a reason to split up the pairing you didn't like in the first place to get your characters together. Would the canon couple split up under pressure from society or other characters? Would one's personality leave him or her likely to cheat on the other? Would their very different personalities eventually drive them apart? I'm quite grateful I've never found fanfics that involve bashing of either half of the main canon couple in my fandom. It's really not necessary since there are canon loopholes to split them up, should a writer choose to exploit them. In Cars, if you don't like McQueen/Sally, there are ways to realistically split them up. There have been several fanfics where Lightning cheats on her and I've written that scenario myself. After all, this is a character who is young, attractive and used to unlimited attention from squeeing Miata fangirls, so he may not yet understand the dynamics of a committed relationship. There's also the possibility that he only fell for her and she for him because it was expected of them. She was the only young, single female in town for years until he arrived and everyone thought they'd wind up together. Maybe after some time they realized they didn't have as much in common as they thought. She could even have second thoughts about choosing him over one of the guys from town she knows much better. It's possible to break them up, thus freeing him up for a nice slashy relationship with Chick, Mater, King, whatever floats your boat.
  19. I must ask out of curiosity, which non-human fandom inspired the original post?
  20. I agree with what Juno wrote. It should be tastefully done or it becomes a cheap plot device to encourage readers to stay with the fanfic. I think it can be sexy in the right context. The characters have been denied the chance to be together and that can make them realize exactly how determined they are to see it through to the end, not to mention how strongly they feel about each other. Is your character going to be experiencing UST after unfulfilled attempts with a series of partners or the same woman? If he's going to be trying with a series of women, that could either lead to humor or angst, depending on which you're aiming for. If he's continually trying with the same girl and things seemingly aren't working out but they still remain together, you'd have a lot of opportunity to show what else draws them together besides the desire to have sex. In one of my FF.N fics, I used what I guess you can call UST. My inexperienced couple felt immediate attraction, but they were interrupted while fooling around. Being busted was so traumatic that they were afraid to get close again, and in the weeks following, they truly fell in love and were no longer acting on lust alone by the time they did the deed.
  21. *Glances down at signature* Yeah, I think I'm obligated to reply to this... It's definitely the challenge. If someone can read a love scene from my fanfic as a believable scene between characters that have humanlike emotions even if they're not remotely humanlike in physical form, then I met my goal. While I am writing about characters from a children's movie, I like to think of the movie as a G-rated view of a universe that can be as R-rated as ours, and the characters can have relationships, procreate, drink and swear off-camera. I personally don't write love scenes between characters younger than 18 but I don't see anything wrong with writing about adult characters doing adult things, even if the adult characters are originally from a children's show. For that matter, I remember seeing a cute but non-sexual romance fic between Bob and Wendy the Builder in which Bob finally confesses his feelings for her. Anyone who's seen the show can pick up on the tension between those two. While Bob the Builder is a small and somewhat odd fandom for an adult to write for, I don't see any harm in it even if someone did write an actual adult fic for it. Is it perverted and weird to write fanfic about non-human characters? Of course, but to me they're no more or less "real" than other fictional characters. Do I write for sexual gratification? I can't speak for every writer in my fandom, but I have a healthy sexual relationship with my husband so I hardly need fanfic to fulfill that. Finally, at least in my fandom there's a strong element of humor when writing het and slash alike. Many reviews include phrases like "LOL" and "tailpipe, haha." I doubt anyone seriously gets off on this stuff beyond thinking "that's sorta hawt" and trying to translate it to human terms, but if someone really does get off by reading what I write, more power to him/her...I'd just rather not hear about it. To each his own!
  22. Mustard on fries and tater tots. Grape Nuts cereal...once I was out of milk so I used water! Not only did they taste better without the milk adding sweetness, they stayed just as crunchy.
  23. Thank you! I too appreciate the chance to fix errors without bumping my fanfic to the top. Not only is that attention-whoring, but it's crying wolf...do it enough times and your readers will discover you're not truly updating and abandon your fic.
  24. My favorites are racerbacks...the straps have no choice but to stay in place. Usually I wear one of my cotton nursing bras...they are comfy too.
  25. Cotton bikinis for me, briefs during pregnancy and granny panties on occasion. No pantyhose, ick! The sad thing is, I worked at VS and still wore my plain old cotton and slept in old t-shirts, not that anyone knew.
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