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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 4127 (Oh yeah, finally something worthwhile and not in the least bit utterly and totally pointless. lol)
  2. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am advising echtrae that I live in Australia. I am feeling my bile rising up in my throat and my testicles retracting into my body at the horrific prospect of having to read through 168 posts of the Orgy before I could even work out what's going on. I am thanking Big Samurai for his welcome, and giving him the finger re: Bush/Saddam slash. lol
  3. ^ Can pass on the name of a book called "The Oxford History of the Classical World" edited by John Boardman, Jasper Griffin and Owyn Murray. < Read all 860 pages and would like a bloody big reward for my efforts. V Will undoubtedly supply me with said reward.
  4. Melrick

    I Have Never....

    Me neither. I have never stopped wondering why men have nipples.
  5. Cancer
  6. Definitely guilty! G/NG: Has ever thrown something at someone in a movie theatre. (and no, I didn't misspell "theatre", that's how we spell it here. lol)
  7. Tantalus
  8. 4125 (Thanks foeofthelance. btw, this right here is surely why Al Gore invented the internet!)
  9. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am a HE, for the record, and am thankful for the kind words. I am thankful today isn't 115F like the other day.
  10. 4123 (Thanks echtrae and dazzledfirestar )
  11. Nose
  12. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am feeling very much like an outsider trespassing in this forum.
  13. Xerophthalmia
  14. 4119
  15. 4117
  16. Mel Brooks
  17. pepper to taste and stir until done. Then grab a grater and _____________
  18. Gold
  19. Karyokinesis
  20. Melrick

    Title Share

    Love Hurts (Song - Jim Capaldi, et al)
  21. 4115
  22. I wanted to come up with a name for a character in a horrendously bad fantasy story many moons ago, so I came up with Melrick. Quite original, I thought, but have since found it's not original. Hmph.
  23. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am amazed at my new tag. "Bush/Cheney Slash-fiction collector" Jesus jumped-up christ, that just makes me nauseous.
  24. 4093
  25. not be very useful if it's written by an illiterate. What I would recommend is_______________
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