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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 4129 (That and smut! Ah glorious smut...)
  2. 4127 (Oh yeah, finally something worthwhile and not in the least bit utterly and totally pointless. lol)
  3. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am advising echtrae that I live in Australia. I am feeling my bile rising up in my throat and my testicles retracting into my body at the horrific prospect of having to read through 168 posts of the Orgy before I could even work out what's going on. I am thanking Big Samurai for his welcome, and giving him the finger re: Bush/Saddam slash. lol
  4. ^ Can pass on the name of a book called "The Oxford History of the Classical World" edited by John Boardman, Jasper Griffin and Owyn Murray. < Read all 860 pages and would like a bloody big reward for my efforts. V Will undoubtedly supply me with said reward.
  5. Melrick

    I Have Never....

    Me neither. I have never stopped wondering why men have nipples.
  6. Definitely guilty! G/NG: Has ever thrown something at someone in a movie theatre. (and no, I didn't misspell "theatre", that's how we spell it here. lol)
  7. 4125 (Thanks foeofthelance. btw, this right here is surely why Al Gore invented the internet!)
  8. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am a HE, for the record, and am thankful for the kind words. I am thankful today isn't 115F like the other day.
  9. 4123 (Thanks echtrae and dazzledfirestar )
  10. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am feeling very much like an outsider trespassing in this forum.
  11. pepper to taste and stir until done. Then grab a grater and _____________
  12. Melrick

    Title Share

    Love Hurts (Song - Jim Capaldi, et al)
  13. I wanted to come up with a name for a character in a horrendously bad fantasy story many moons ago, so I came up with Melrick. Quite original, I thought, but have since found it's not original. Hmph.
  14. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am amazed at my new tag. "Bush/Cheney Slash-fiction collector" Jesus jumped-up christ, that just makes me nauseous.
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