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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. pepper to taste and stir until done. Then grab a grater and _____________
  2. Melrick

    Title Share

    Love Hurts (Song - Jim Capaldi, et al)
  3. I wanted to come up with a name for a character in a horrendously bad fantasy story many moons ago, so I came up with Melrick. Quite original, I thought, but have since found it's not original. Hmph.
  4. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am amazed at my new tag. "Bush/Cheney Slash-fiction collector" Jesus jumped-up christ, that just makes me nauseous.
  5. not be very useful if it's written by an illiterate. What I would recommend is_______________
  6. Melrick

    Title Share

    Farewell, My Lovely (book, movie)
  7. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am sweating my arse off and looking forward to winter!
  8. Melrick

    I Have Never....

    Me neither. I have never - seen snow.
  9. The danger of writing one single sex scene lasting 20 pages is that you really need to write it very well indeed, otherwise it could become repetative and, dare I say, boring. My own personal tastes are usually to write stories WITH sex scenes in them, rather than sex scenes with a little bit of story. But if you get positive reviews for your stories then that should be a good indication of whether people like it or not. Overall, though, you always need to write stories to please yourself first, and if they also please others then that's a bonus.
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