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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. The first and third ones are gone now. The second one I'll have to leave for DG.
  2. I deleted the first one while DG will take care of the second one, even though I'm still personally not convinced they were genuine teaser chapters, but that's just my opinion.
  3. Hmm to me, that second story looks like they've simply split the chapter up over 2 pages, rather than the first page being a teaser type thing. And I'm really not too sure about the first one, either, whether that's a genuine teaser chapter. There's no mention of it being a teaser, other than the weird title. I might get DG's opinion first before they get removed.
  4. lol The numbers for this game have jumped all over the place, back and forwards, since the start. 8179
  5. As far as there being examples on the internet of people writing them, I've only ever seen fairly clumsy efforts that don't get finished, or round robin types. I've yet to see serious efforts, but then again, I haven't looked for a while.
  6. I used to want to write one of those but I gave up the idea as too difficult. I admire anyone that can write one and do it well because I imagine the process of writing them must be tricky.
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