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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I haven't either. I have never ... succeeded in quitting smoking.
  2. 3466
  3. (Leviathan??? Are you suffering from the same thing I am?) Neither
  4. Every picture I've ever seen makes tham all look like girls - Would it help if they had beards?
  5. truth (sorry about that - can't read sometimes )
  6. flying
  7. Leonhart29


    I thought it was a sad statistic myself - both of my aunts are lefties and once they survived Parochial School with most of their knuckles intact (gotta love those nuns and their rulers) they are quite happy. They just keep both eyes open for obvious safety issues. Although Aunt Jan did say she's never seen anything worse than the wooden ruler with the metal edge.
  8. Envy
  9. Happy
  10. 3462
  11. Orgasm
  12. Sam - for staying with Frodo's moody ass through thick and thin. If Legolas and Gimli had a kid (you never know if Gimli is male or female - remember - females have beards too) what would it look like?
  13. Does raising children count as a marathon? If not then no I haven't either. I have never ... seen a cuter xray technician than the one that gave me my MRI today.
  14. Sinful
  15. blood
  16. Okay - now I get it. I clicked on the link and am now thinking seriously of checking myself into the local loony bin because it made some kind of sense. If roses are to noses than shit is to...?
  17. I agree that it should be called something in line with the characters and theme of the story. For instance, if it's a magical world maybe Lustful Wand . But I kind of stick with member, cock, dick, monster yada yada yada. Playgirl did have an article quite some time ago that had a whole list of names like Pike of Love, Horn o' plenty, monster muscle, and Kingpin amoung others. I say just use what you think is right, if after you've read through your story and you're happy with the amount of times you've used a certain word then go with it. Sometimes I think people aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about. Good luck.
  18. I think that's why I write the way I do, I want to make my favorite characters happy. Cloud - poor thing - would be a lot happier if he would just get off his duff and do something. I can't seem to mess with him either; I think that's why he's usually a supporting character in my fics. Maybe one of these days he'll stop blowing in my ear long enough to give me an idea. As far as muses go, mine tend to be a bit overzealous at times, but it's mostly a happy little coexistence. I don't think I cold write a story (let alone the four I have going) if they didn't buzz around in my mind for the most part.
  19. Regurgitate
  20. Needles
  21. Only if it envolves an eye test. What is the purpose of Vin Diesel films?
  22. Me neither - there's just something about putting a rum soaked rock in my mouth that makes me ill. I have never...screwed someone over just to get what I want.
  23. I think it depends on the situation as to whether or not a pairing could work. Take Sephiroth and Cloud for instance. Squallfan did a great job and I think it's due to the fact that she's keeping Sephiroth in his antagonistic phase (not that he ever had another one). Squall and Seifer - well I honestly don't think Seifer did everything he did in the game on his own. It was kind of implied that he was being controlled 24-7 - and as far as torturing Squall - I think that either he was being controlled or he just got caught up in the moment. Have you ever noticed that a lot of the bad guys just had a loveless childhood, and are looking for acceptance (Seifer) or they just have some bad wiring up stairs (Sephiroth)? That's just my take on the situation. But if you really want to talk about someone who was f'ed in the head look at Seymour - his mother did a job on him and the worst part about it was she did it out of love. Scary.
  24. salivate
  25. Every (oops I broke the chain)
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