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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. They saw you and ran away. If Betty weighed 4 tons and Billy only weighed 1 pound - how much would their kids weigh?
  2. Guilty as Sin G/NG Watched the Wiggles and laughed out loud?
  3. I have - at least in passing. Something to do with old men and young towel boys. I have never had sex on a plane.
  4. Guilty G/NG Ever wish you were the one to come up with that neat new plot twist.
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am dreading the company Christmas Party tomorrow. I am also packing my last air sick bag for the drunken sot that is sure to sit next to me.
  6. Your next door neighbors and Pee Wee Herman How many thistles did thophials thistle stick in the thick of his thumb?
  7. Fight - you never know - if you die you might meet your soul mate. Which is better? A bird in the hand or two in the bush?
  8. I am so sorry! I meant to give credit to Iggy
  9. I can't tell you why you should write or how to do it because everyone's different, but I can tell you why I write. It's more along the lines of having too not wanting too. Don't get me wrong I want to write, but the more I do it the more I have to. You need a desire to do it, if you don't have it it'll show in every thing you do and people will pick up on it in a very short time. Horrorgal has it right, you also have to know your characters and your world, especially if you are building on someone else's brain child. I can't tell you how dog eared my walk throughs are and I've actually had to buy a new copy of Final Fantasy VIII because I've played it so much. The most important thing though is that you love what you do.
  10. I had Popcorn and a Diet Dr Pepper. Not too terribly good for me but satisfying none the less.
  11. This has to be the best place to meet and greet new people and I have to say I haven't had so much fun in years! I hope it continues for a long, long time.
  12. I was talking with one of my friends about this topic and I asked him point blank why men had to come up with (and use) words like Pussy and Cunt - know what he said? "Most of the time we never paid enough attention in health class to know that Vagina isn't a state." LOL
  13. Sometimes dick is the only word that will do. Besides, I get tiered of saying the "C" word every sentence and forget about using penis - I feel like I should be wearing a nurse's uniform complete with little white hat and holding some tubing *yech* Oh wait - that could be fun
  14. Oh yeah! Murphy has to be my favorite - which is why I let him out to play all the time. As far as clichés go, well I guess it would have to be the Virginal Sacrifice - you know someone sweet and innocent giving it up to someone she would have anyway but had to have "the right" reason to do it - usually to save a whole village from the bad guy...
  15. Or better yet - write it yourself. That's how I started writing - I wanted to read a certain thing, couldn't find it so I wrote it myself.
  16. LOL! You know the first time I heard that term (cock) the only thing I could think of was a rooster and now the red comb is no where in sight! I have to blame my writting though - do you know how long it took me to actually type cock, dick and prick when I first started writing fan fiction?
  17. You know - my ex-husband wouldn't have had a problem with two guys together, hell he did it with quite a few while we were married (as well as every titty dancer in town). I personally think that it's sexy as hell when two guys get together - just not my husband when he was supposed to be loyal to me. If I ever get involved with someone again they would just have to make room in our bed for my muses and share me with all of y'all. If you know someone like that - please send him my way ...
  18. I don't drink if I have even an inkling of doing the mattress mambo, I like to enjoy it not hold back the gorge that I know too much physical activity will bring on. The one and only time I had a contact high from pot just made me laugh my ass off until the headache hit and then it was the whole chunks thing all over again - but the sight of my boyfriend at the time running back to the tent with his long johns around his ankles and screaming about a snake (it was his BTW) was well worth it. As far as the older guys go - well let's just say that when I was 19 I dated a 40 year old for about a month and I couldn't walk straight for at least a week after our last time. Don't count anyone out due to age - men are just as horny the older they get. From what I remember of the young ones - well, can we say "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" about 4 times in one night? *ouch*
  19. Oh boy! *claps hands in glee* I just love this topic! As a matter of fact I wrote almost an entire chapter on it in Like Father Like Son - let's see here - how about Peace maker, Sword of Love, Penile Pike, Holy Poker, Kingpin, Tallywhacker, Cock-sickle, short arm, trouser snake, Lance of Life, pants rabbit, Merrymaker, bunless dawg, skin raker, poon raker and my all time favorite - "I distinctly remember someone saying something about my revolver being a bit shorter in the barrel than theirs." (Thank you Squall) I answered to soft core (I think) but the truth of the matter is I'm all over the place. It depends on my mood and just who is doing the "dirty" deed. As far as girl's body parts, well I have a problem with slang words like poontang *shudder* pussy *gag* and my all time favorite cunt *blows chunks*... I think womanhood and folds are more along my speed.
  20. Hi everyone! Leonhart29 here and I have to say I haven't found a place that's made me feel more welcome. You can find me and my babies on AFF.net under the Final Fantasy section, although I'm thinking seriously about dabbling in the Harry Potter universe. Let's see - what do I have to say for myself? Well, I'm a mother of two and yup, I'm divorced. I don't think my ex-husband would be all that cool with me being on the computer all the time. I'm a Final Fantasy Freak and will do almost anything for my muses. I'm a complete and total whore for reviews and I'm totally into notoriety - at least anonymously. If you couldn't tell, I'm also too honest for my own good. I have a novel in the works that my family has deemed "right and proper" for the masses; I just don't know where to go to publish it. I guess I’ll figure it out in my own time. I look forward to meeting all of you as soon as you introduce yourselves – the more the merrier is my main motto.
  21. I too have had my share of people who can't read the "The End" or Complete. I guess there's always room for hope in people's lives. That's the only reason I can come up with for those kinds of reviews. It's like they think if they post something like that enough you'll break the lock on the perfectly good fic and spoil it with a new chapter that's just not as good as the rest of it.
  22. Leonhart29

    Sex Moves

    I'm not saying it isn't fun to have my guys go through their paces through my head, as a matter of fact it's damn fun most of the time. If only I could "try" some of my imaginings out in real life I would be one happy camper.
  23. I value Brad's input more than he will ever know - and I'll probably keep it that way (just because I'm not that great at saying thank you over and over again). I also find that going back to the beginning is sometimes the only thing that helps. Before I start a new chapie I always go back at least 2 chapters to make sure I'm not back tracking or worse yet completely flipping the situation needlessly.
  24. I had such a block not too long ago and the only thing that got me through it was a wonderful little pen pall I have. If it weren't for Brad I would probably still be staring at the keyboard and wondering "why me"? Sometimes talking it over with someone is the only way to get those juices flowing. Not much, but it helps.
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