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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Sorry, but no. Daz?
  2. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am back from the Booby Hatch and pleasantly tired. I am not promoting the use of a Weed Whacker to cut about an acre worth of grass. I am thinking that a riding lawn mower will be used for the other 5.5 acres. I am also wishing Big Sam luck with the aftereffects of Popeye's - and wishing the porceline luck in surviving said aftereffects I am also welcoming back our esteemed Trae and Nan - y'all were missed.
  3. Larry The Cable Guy
  4. On my way out the door. Trae?
  5. Puss
  6. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am sore, tired, and not wanted to move. I am having to go rip up carpet to uncover the hard wood floors out at the new house. I am thinking the only good thing about that is the fact every one will leave me alone because they're afraid I'll put them to work.
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am understanding Daz's situation. I am wishing there was something I could suggest that could take the place of the caffeine. I am thinking a good night's sleep would probably do the trick though.
  8. Piss
  9. Because there's more room to bounce around in. Why?
  10. ^ Doesn't get out and about much < Has a neighbor across the street at the house in town that's a child molester. V Thinks that this neighbor should be rode out on a rail.
  11. Sexual-desire
  12. It says that you're very attached to your soul and won't give it up for frivolity. Is there such a thing as a soul?
  13. You caught me. But I'm about off to bed. Daz?
  14. Harry Potter
  15. Guilty - I lived in Alaska where polar bears are pretty common place - at least down at the dump. And my Dad lives in Montana where we see them every so often. G/NG Knows what a Huckleberry smells and tastes like (yum - Huckleberry Ice Cream...drool)
  16. "Could it be Any Harder" - The Calling
  17. I have - I talked my mother out of a rat infested death trap that she "just had to have" and we kept looking - now we have The Booby Hatch Ranchette and I'm oh so happy (and so is she). I have never believed in mythical creatures (not even Santa Claus - I always knew it was my Dad).
  18. I have never really had a problem with people believing what I have to say. Most of it is from what I've read, been taught or absorbed somewhere along the way, but I did inherit my Father's ability to confuse those people who are really gullible with some good ol' BS-ology if I don't know shit about the subject at hand. However... I have never tried to bamboozle someone into believing some bullshit was the absolute truth - I usually come clean about my ignorance in short order.
  19. Dentro un Altro Si - Il Divo (I love this song for some reason - probably because it's good to fall asleep to and gives wonderful dreams)
  20. Guilty - though I don't know the conversion but I live about 48 miles from my job. G/NG - Has seen a rattlesnake up close and personal.
  21. Yup - I'm here Quamp?
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