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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Rain
  2. Nope - sorry but you're wrong this time. Red? (maybe he'll be back soon)
  3. Add a couple of non working cars and you have yourself a redneck paradise. Do you think that everyone who lives in a trailer is trash?
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am also a huge fan of Solarcaine as I burn like a lobster if it's cloudy outside. I am also stating that Solarcaine saved my sanity last time I had stitches as it numbed the pain and kept it moisturized so it didn't scab over.
  5. Song of Life - Leftfield
  6. ^ Has good taste when it comes to chili < Loved the chili and had it for lunch today as well. V Can't envision eating something that slivered along the ground on it's belly
  7. I haven't either - because I haven't played regulation golf I have never liked cooking in a dirty kitchen
  8. Billy Baldwin (I'm sure he doesn't - but he is a monster so...)
  9. Wow - Daz is really popular. Trae?
  10. Haste
  11. I'm thinking it's because they were color blind and VERY lazy - not to mention mentally unhinged. Is cheap ply wood paneling a sign of serious mental illness or just a cheap way to cover up someone's inability to put up sheet rock?
  12. I haven't either because I have never played regulation golf. (I have played miniature golf but that doesn't count according to one of my best male friends)
  13. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am sorry to hear that Big Sam's toilet isn't speaking to him. I am thinking such a situation would cause a riot in my house as it's one of the most used appliances in the household. I am off to work with a half-assed grin on my face due to nothing in particular. I am hoping everyone has a wonderful day.
  14. I haven't either - I was a good Mommy and played along until I was informed that said mythical creature wasn't real. I have never driven a tractor
  15. I Was Made For Loving You - Kiss
  16. ^ Should have a "Get to meet everyone"/ house warming party. < Met her closest neighbor when he stopped by to give us the low down on the rattler population. < Will be having Rattlesnake chili in about 45 minutes (yeah - I walk around the property with a shovel and a hand gun just in case I miss with the shovel) V thinks < can have all the Rattlesnake round-ups < wants - V will pass
  17. I thought it would more likely be hiding in the CPU. Why would someone paint a hard wood floor pea green?
  18. Because that's the way their chemical makeup effects the body. Why?
  19. I am no longer allowed to miss someone so badly that I throw myself into manual labor hard enough to make every muscle in my body ache.
  20. Elmo Monster (is that his last name? I haven't watched Sesame Street in a while)
  21. Dweller
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