I have - and I draw it quite often as well - you should see my office wall... being on hold does wonders for my pencil and paper addiction.
I have never posted any art work on the web
I am trying to find a way to take my kids to see it this weekend.
I am not seeing a way though.
I am stating I'll be out at the ranchette all weekend as it is.
I am saying I never missed it.
I am also reporting that I was bouncing up and down in my chair when Apollo won and shouting at my mom to hand over the moolah.
^ Is wondering the same thing as <
< Doesn't believe resisting is an option
V Thinks this whole tall, dark and handsome Canadian thing is bordering on an obsession.
I am hungry as well but having to wait until later on to make something.
I am very happy with the outcome of Dancing With the Stars myself as I won $50.00 on a bet I had with my mother.
^ is a connoisseur
< Has played the field in the past but is very happy with a tall, dark and handsome Canadian that < can't resist
V Has been able to resist in the past