I am agreeing with Sin on that one 100%.
I am looking forward to only having to work 4.5 hours tomorrow.
I am hoping I will find that my bf will have the time to spare for some fun tomorrow.
I am telling Red that sometimes ice cream and non-snoring nights can be a good thing.
I am hoping; however, that Red doesn't have to have one and that the antibiotics work.
^ Is right about many things.
< Had the long form because < feels that being prepared is a needed thing in today's world
V Thinks that is a good way of dealing with government offices
I haven't even saved my little world from certain destruction - the whole world is just too much to think about.
I have never liked driving in the rain
^ Has a wait and see attitude.
< Has applied for <'s passport and doesn't like the picture they'll use.
V Knows that they want you looking your worst for the pic so they can laugh at you.