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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Faith - George Michael
  2. Goad
  3. games
  4. Jackson Rippner
  5. Nope - and you don't have mine - someone else has that. SJ?
  6. You got it right! Trae?
  7. Nope - the other Texan. Red?
  8. Rug-burn Giver (hey - I've used it)
  9. I'm proud of you. Good job Quamp.
  10. Something tells me that a lawyer took it upon him/herself to speak for Ms. Rowling. It happens a lot - or some parent caught someone underage reading it - or they read it and had a fit.
  11. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am looking forward to a night of having my SO back without having to deal with interruptions and traffic. I am smiling from ear to ear for the first time since last Wednesday. I am so happy I know I'll make someone sick with it.
  12. ^ Will be testing those boundaries shortly
  13. I am no longer allowed to kill a rattlesnake and then bring the decapitated body into the house with the thought of scaring my mother.
  14. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    True - Spanau Ballet
  15. Guilty G/NG - would rather have a salad than a cookie
  16. positively medieval. But leeches are good for blood letting and ___________
  17. ^ Is an adventurous eater < Will try anything once just to say I've had it. V Still won't try something that is out of the norm
  18. We Move On - Catherine Zeta-Jones
  19. No I wasn't - because I've never seen it. What exactly is Bubbles, Ricky and Julian?
  20. Welcome Back - It's about time. Red?
  21. I have (and I've inserted quite a few in my careerer) I have never taken a bet that I didn't feel like I could win.
  22. Tina Turner
  23. Souls
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