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InBrightestDay last won the day on October 30 2023

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  1. I took a challenge story back on March 24, and since then I’ve

    1. Calculated a Hohmann transfer orbit from LEO to the Earth-Moon L4 point.
    2. Calculated another such transfer orbit (from Jupiter to Earth) to represent the planet-killing asteroid’s fall toward the Sun and thus the Earth.
    3. Looked up several minor moons of Jupiter.
    4. Done research into how dark matter can hypothetically collapse into small objects like planets or asteroids.
    5. Looked into the differences between baryonic and non-baryonic dark matter, to explain why nobody sees the object coming but it can still cause a mass extinction upon impact, and…
    6. Done research into a proposed space colony (the Stanford Torus) to have dimensions and structural plans for the station upon which our characters escape the devastation being inflicted on Earth.

    All of this for a mostly-incest PWP where a young man, his mother, his female best friend and his elder sister must repopulate the human race.

    I may have gone overboard.

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    2. InBrightestDay



      I accidentally looked at Lovecraft rather than his fictional universe and created the world’s most racist angel, Klandalphon

      Strangely for a Judeo-Christian angel, he’s rather averse to Jewish people.


      responsible for all of the Aryan Jesus imagary

      I may regret asking this question, but is Aryan Jesus actually a thing, or are we just talking about paintings depicting Jesus as white rather than Middle Eastern, like The Last Supper?




      It’s always good to know that Kevin’s ME-teor joke is very much in the JayDee spirit. :P

    3. InvidiaRed


      My favorite thing about angels.

      Is that typically the first thing they say to mortals is do not be afraid.


    4. JayDee



      I may regret asking this question, but is Aryan Jesus actually a thing, or are we just talking about paintings depicting Jesus as white rather than Middle Eastern, like The Last Supper?

      Yup – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity being one such example with a, uh, Nordic Jesus. I’m sure some of the modern white supremacists pull the same shit.

      Aryan Jesus was also a character in Ghastly's Ghastly Comic back in the day, alongside Drunk and Bitter Jesus. That was a quality webcomic…


      My favorite thing about angels.

      Is that typically the first thing they say to mortals is do not be afraid.

      “Oh, wait, you the first born? Yeah, you be afraid. If it’s any consolation I don’t like this any more than you do, kid. Pharoh being stubborn.”

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